I want to send email without declare username and password in smtp server. I am using asp.net c#, this is possible in asp below is the code , anybody tell me how can i use this code in asp.net.
<% Dim ObjSendMail Dim iConf Dim Flds Set ObjSendMail = Server.CreateObject("CDO.Message") Set iConf = CreateObject("CDO.Configuration")....
module thats available for asp.net that uses a queue to send email to an smtp server? the queue being the operative word here.. we need a proper fallback mechanism for storing any messages that can't be sent so that the send can be re-attempted later
I want to send email thought asp.net page for that I need to find SMTP Host and port number below is my code
Dim EMail As New MailMessage EMail.From = New MailAddress(Emailtaxebox.Text) EMail.[To].Add(New MailAddress("sa@gmail.com")) EMail.Subject = Firstnametextbox.Text + lastnametextbox.Text + "Registerd" EMail.Body = " This is content " EMail.IsBodyHtml = True
how to find SMTP port and host name ? I used default one its gives me error.No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it.
I have configured gmail's free smtp server for my web app and previously I was using smtp server configured at the server.
So I have changed my smtp settings accordingly but my app isn't sending any email and giving me error connection time out, third party tool isn't responding after many retrials.
Here are my settings-
SmtpClient smtpClient = new SmtpClient("mail.MyWebsiteDomainName.com", 25); smtpClient.Credentials = new System.Net.NetworkCredential("info@MyWebsiteDomainName.com", "myIDPassword"); smtpClient.UseDefaultCredentials = true;....
SMTP is a whole new ballgame for me, but I am reading up on it.
I am attempting to send email from my EC2 instance using GoDaddy's SMTP server. My domain name is registered through GoDaddy and I have 2 email accounts with them.
I can successfully send the email from my dev box no problem.
my web.config
I have a feeling I'm just missing something fundamental. I also have a feeling someone is going to recommend I use AuthSmtp or something similar, I'll agree, and have had wasted the past 6 hours
once user answers security question and clicks submit that you can then re direct them to a new page and display their password on screen? rather than send an email?
The SMTP server requires a secure connection or the client was not authenticated. The server response was: 5.5.1 Authentication Required. Learn more at
my website sends email just fine on another host. I should not really have to change anything to make it work on this webhost. However, I have followed the instructions for this host and it is not working. Here is my current web.config.
I am getting my mail message printed at the top of my browser with the correct information. Why isn't this going through the mail server?
Protected Sub Submitbutton_Click(sender As Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles Submitbutton.Click Dim EMail1 As New MailMessage EMail1.From = New MailAddress("Receiver") EMail1.[To].Add(New MailAddress("Sender")) EMail1.Subject = Firstnametextbox.Text + lastnametextbox.Text + "Register " EMail1.Body = " This is content "
I am trying to send an email using an exchange smtp authentication. I have set the username, password, and domain and converted them to base 64 but I get an error message:-
Mailbox unavailable. The server response was: 5.7.1 Unable to relay
I have been trying to get this to work for months now and just can't seem to find the answer.
i have made application...that can have numbers of Event on Specified Date, So i want to code tat when time for event is arrived so tat automatically the participant get information about the event..so i want to send email to all participant before a day.
I have a web application which will send email when user changes his/her passwords and also some invitation emails from the webpage.I have used VS2008 to develop this application. On my development machine the emails are send using the provided credentials as follows:
a couple weeks ago, my ASP.NET website stopped sending user comments which I implemented by emailing those comments to my email account through Gmail SMTP server [URL]. I opened the project on my development machine and again it fails to send the email after a couple minutes with the following exception message:
Failure sending mail
Unable to read data from the transport connection: net_io_connectionclosed.
I'm using Gmail's SMTP with port 465, and MailClient.EnableSSL = True.
The weird thing is my Office Outlook 2007 is using the same settings and it doesn't have any problems sending mail using the same Gmail account.
i use 'create user wizard' for send confirmation code to an email id..but before sending a 'confirm code' on given emailid.. i want check that setting of smtp server in system.net in webconfig are ok and able to send mail..otherwise alert a message "smtp setting is enable to sending mail"
But, when my SMTP server is down I want to put all the emails in a queue and when it recovers I want to send them one a time. Is there any way how to do this programatically in C#?
I want some tips regarding sending mail ,I want to send bulk mail from my web application in c#. so ,what should be the best code for this and also what should be the best configuration used in the smtp server. because my current system fails to send 100 mails out of 400 mails in smtp server. I aslo used theading for sending this mail in batch of 30 mails in every 20 minute but it is not working . I want solution of both in my c# code and smtp and also is there any new solution in new technology like web services or any other option .
I want to send a email without using gmail domain but its giving error given below...
The SMTP server requires a secure connection or the client was not authenticated. The server response was: Relaying not allowed - sender domain not local
I have a section of code that sends email from SMTP server.
The code is carried out webservice & smtp server value is picked up from web.config, while the code hosted on server1 works (send/receive emails), whereas the same code hosted in server2 doesn't send/receive email.