i have 2 tables company(companyId,companyName,City,state,country) and people(peopleId,peopleName,City,state,country) i want to display the total no of contacts and Total no of companies with respect to countries
i tried with group by: select country,count(*)companyId from company group by country is displaying the total number of companies with respect to country select country,count(*)peopleId from people group by country is displaying the total number of peoplewith respect to country
but i want to combine these two quries i want the output as :
Country Companies Contacts India 10 5 USA 0 10 (usa is having only contacts ,i doesn' have the companies) UK 8 0 (ukis having only companies ,i doesn' have the contacts)
I have a nice ReportViewer control displaying a matrix table with row field.
I have added the Subtotal for this row field. I can style this Row total HEADER cell (ie the cell on most bottom left of the table) but cannot style the cell to the right at the bottom which are the number totals of the data cells.
Where can I set color and font property of these, the following is now the last row:-
TOTAL , 40, 30, 100
Now I can style the cell for TOTAL, but dunno where to style the cells for 40, 30 & 100.
I need to get the total pagecount of the report before rendering it, so that i can show the user the count, based on his input i can call the render method and send the pagenumber in the deviceinfo tag.
I am creating a column and line chart in the same chart using reportviewer 2008.
The chart got two y series 'Number of product order' as column chart and label on left side of chart (unit number count) and total value of orders as line chart with label on right side of chart (unit $ value). Month is on x axis. I am wondering whether it can be done in reportviewer.
I am desinging the report in ssrs 2005.I used table control to display data.I have three columns col1,col2 and col3.Col2 and col3 are grouped on Col1 where as Col1 is monthend_dateMy result should be like this
This all works just fine. However now, I want to take a date that's given, and make a "Past Due" column for anything less than the first of the month of that date.
I am working with SSRS 2005. I was wondering whether there's a way to dynamically fill the data in each Drilldown table group (ie. when its expaned on toggle). So only those records for which a user has expanded will be filled and the collapsed group's data is not retrieved because it does not need to be shown. This way one can restrict large records coming to report thereby improving the execution time and performance of the report.
I am using VS2010 SQL Report. In my report I have "Year" as Parent Group and "month" as child goup for Year Group.
Now I want Parent Group always extended (Initial value show) but Child Group will be shown if I click + expand Near Parent Group Could any one Tell me how could I do it.
I found Some Posts in forums about add parameters but I did not really understand how to do it
I insert a group in a report table in the layout screen then the next row I add above orbelow it, automatically becomes agroup row too. I need to show totals at the bottom and just need a plain row not a group row. Can some one please explain the procedure to do it.
I have a table with a field "item id" that I am joining to two other tables that have multiple records for each item id. In other words, I have 1 item id, 5 records in another table tied to this item and 5 records in another table tied to this item. I am trying to build a report that shows the item and then follow the item with two groupings. Each group would of course have the 5 records per the other two tables. Here is my problem. I can get the report to show an item and one of the detail group of 5 records but for the life of me I cannot get the second group of 5 to group and print. Both groups of 5 get either lumped together or it will print them 1 record at a time switching back and forth. How do you do this? Do I have to do something special in the Sql query or something.
I have been building a report that shows several line graphs where the X axis is TIME.I have put each graph in the group header cell of a table in SSRS.I have tried many things to be able to line up the graphs (get the X axis to line up the same times vertically).I have used the align X-Axis option and it does not seem to work.
In gridview there is a Total of the sum of column. I want to click the total value and it should export to the Excel. GridView shows like this:
Date Dept Section BroughtForward Pending
Mar 08 2010 Engg. Support 20 15
Feb 02 2010 Engg. Mtc 12 0
Jan 01 2010 Engg. Claim 0 1
Total 32 16
I mean to say that if I click 32 or 16 then it should export the data of 20+12+0 or 15+0+1 to Excel.The above data can be changed as per parameters on date basis, on Dept or Section basis.
For many of the pages I build, I don't wish to have the ReportViewer visible until firing an event such as a button click. Using .Net 4.0 and ReportViewer10, however, throws the error "Message: Sys.ArgumentNullException: Value cannot be null. Parameter name: panelsCreated[1]" if you try to keep a panel containing the ReportViewer hidden until after a button click.Since I couldn't find much about this topic online, I'd basically been working around this for some time until I figured out today that if you reset the ReportViewer ReportPath in the code behind in the button click (even if it's the same path as in the aspx page), you can successfully keep the ReportViewer hidden until the button click.
I would like to hide a column in matrix using SSRS 2005 but when i use visibility : hidden then it shows white space and if i reduce a width to 0in; but it accepts by default 0.035in something.
i really would like to hide a complete column without any whitespace and all.