SQL Reporting :: Show Total In Page Wise For .rdlc?

Jan 11, 2010

I want to show total value in every page .

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SQL Reporting :: Show Parameter Value In RDLC?

Feb 17, 2010

I have a form which sends over a query string to a rdlc report. The data comes up perfectly but what I need is the ability to show that parameter data in a text box on the report. Primarily I am wanting to show the start and end date parameter values on the report.

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SQL Reporting :: Show / Hide Columns In Report.rdlc Localreport

Dec 30, 2010

Is there any way to hide or show the columns in rdlc local report . I have main report with many columns now i have to hide or show some columns for creating the other reports from the main report.

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SQL Reporting :: How To Make The Table In The Report.rdlc All Time Show Minimum 5 Rows

Dec 27, 2010

In my report1.rdlc I have a table which use to fill with the dataset value. Some times the table in the dataset may have only 1 row some times 5,10 etc.How can I make the table in the report.rdlc such that at all times it should show minimum 5 rows ie if the dataset table contains only 1 row the report.rdlc table should contain 1 row with data and rest 4 rows blank

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I want to show my html document like this- [URL] how can i achieve this functionality to show the large document page wise.Which editor i should use.

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SQL Reporting :: .RDLC Report Layout In VS2008 Using SSRS/RDLC Format?

Sep 10, 2010

I'm designing a layout for a report in VS2008 using SSRS/RDLC format. And every time I setup a part of that report i test it on my workstation to see if everything is ok. But, today, i finished the first page of that report and uploaded it to my hosting server (were it's going to be used), and when i press the button to convert the report to .pdf and download it the layout is completely ruined :-/ When i do the same thing in my workstation every thing 'comes out' beautifully, but up on the server it doesn't .

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SQL Reporting :: Rdlc Page Footer?

Sep 20, 2010

i want to show my footer in rdlc report only in last page ?how do i do it?

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SQL Reporting :: Matrix - Add A Total At The Bottom Of The Report To Total Each Column Group?

Feb 25, 2010

I have the matrix in the image below. I need to add a total at the bottom of the report to total each column group (total AR,TAK,EU etc).

If i had a subtotal it totals each row separately. I need the grand total. Is this possible?


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SQL Reporting :: In Report.rdlc Fill The Page With Table?

Nov 9, 2010

Me with C#.Net 2.0 I am generating reports using report.rdlc in my application. In my report.rdlc I have a table to list item details (name,qty,price,amount) in the footer of the report.rdlc amount is sumed to show total amount. How can I show this table in such a way that if only 1 or 2 products are there it should fill the whole page (products at the top and rest blank) and the total amount should be shown at the bottom of the page

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SQL Reporting :: RDLC - Blank Space At The Bottom Of The Page?

Sep 7, 2010

We have designed RDLC having tables and binding dynamic data to the tables, so that we can export it to PDF.

While binding the data to the table, if the cell content which we are binding to the table row is large and doesn't have enough space to fit in the page, then the table row is moved to next page and because of this we are able to see blank space at the bottom of the previous page.

For example, if there is a table in a page with 3 rows, if the 3rd row is huge and cannot fit into the the same page with other rows; the 3rd row is moved to the 2nd page. There is huge space after the first 2 rows in the first page because of this. ive tried resizing the details section but it didn work.

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SQL Reporting :: Unwanted Page Breaks In Rdlc Report

Aug 22, 2010

I hav a report that has a table group =Fields!Location.Value

and in the cells I do this

=Avg(IIF(Fields!Contaminant.Value = "Element1", cDbl(Fields!Value.Value), cDbl(0)))

what I am getting is 1 row for each location then there is a pagebreak! what i want is the next location right below the first I looked through for all the page breaks with no luck.

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SQL Reporting :: Control To Use For Page Breakup Using RDLC With VS 2010?

Nov 5, 2010

I am new to RDLC reporting and want to design a report (Plain) or (Matrix) using VS 2010. I just want to know which control I should use for proper paging? Should I use Table, Repeater or any other control. I want comprehensive page by page reporting like if the data is going on Page 2 the Page 1 should have footer and data should appear on page 2.

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SQL Reporting :: Carry Forward Total Of A Page To Next Page

Apr 26, 2010

i am on a report in which i need to show the Total of Current Page in page footer then i want to carry forward this total to Next page's Page Header. How can i do it?

View 6 Replies

SQL Reporting :: Week Wise Date Should Come Dynamically?

Mar 25, 2010

I need a help in reports, actually i have made a matrix report in whichi need to display column dynamically based upon the selection parameter.I have a selection paramter of date.If i select Date on selection paramater as "03/01/2010" i.e. 1st March 2010then it should display column as week wise up to 2 months
like :-1st March - 7th March 8th March -14th March 15 March - 21 March ....Up to 2 monthThen i have to display sales Amount week wise in that.So based upon the sales date it display amount in respective column.If sales date is 9th april then its should come under 2nd column.f any sales date comes after 2 month then there should a column like May Onward, and we need to display amount in that.Its should be dynamically changed based upon that date parameter selection.

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How To Sum Column And Show The Total In Textbox In Aspx.vb Page

Sep 22, 2010

i have 50 column and i want to sum one by one , the total will show in the textbox that mean total of each column will show in each textbox.

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Crystal Reports :: Show Sum Of One Of The Fields In Page Footer In Report1.rdlc?

Feb 27, 2010

I want to show Sum of one of the fields in page footer in Report1.rdlc.

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Create An RDLC Report When Total Number Of Columns Are Unknown?

Nov 21, 2010

One of the reports I am creating has dynamic number of columns - a datatable gets returned from the stored procedure, the number of columns depend on the number of items defined in the database (one column for each item, other than some fixed columns). Is it possible for me to use RDLC report to generate a report in this case? All the calculations are already done int he report, I am looking at RDLC only for the sake of export to excel/pdf and repeating header/footer.

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SQL Reporting :: If Else In Reporting (rdlc) Items?

Mar 14, 2011

I added a new report template from the Reporting section of the Installed Templates (rdlc extension). I have successfully created a connection and am rtrieving data into textboxes that I have placed on the report. My problem is that I want to do a Test in the Expression template, but I cannot seem to do 'if else' statements.Can anybody give an example of how to perform conditional processing for a textbox on an rdlc page. i.e. The expressino for just populating a textbox might be:


What I want to be able to do is something like


Coding for this control seem to take VB/VBA Style syntax.

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Data Controls :: Display Current Page / Total Pages And Total Records Of GridView In Label

May 7, 2015

Results 1 - 50 of 7036

IN Gridview Need to show how many row are in the gridview and how much are currently show in the GridView Page. 

Just like in this portel With the Pager Style also ........

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SQL Reporting :: How To Convert Rdl To Rdlc In .net

Mar 8, 2011

how to convert rdl to rdlc in asp.net?i create report using report builder i want to set it to report viewer in asp.net and display it the problem is that when i create the datasource in report builder i don't now where the report builder store dataSet that i create while building the reporti read topic about converting rdl to rdlc but my porblem is i can't create dataset in asp.net with parameter and i can't find the path to dataset in report bulider to add it to asp.net as an existing item??

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SQL Reporting :: Rdlc Report In Pop Up?

Jan 7, 2010

I want to know how to open an RDLC Report in a pop up. I have taken an asp.net web application. I have added an rdlc and created a dataset and a report with the data from datasaet. In the web form I have taken a report viewer control and have binded the report. Now i have a view report button. When I click on viewReport button, the report should open as a popup. if there are any parameters like drop downs in the main page these also should be passed to the popup.

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SQL Reporting :: RDLC Value Formatting?

Oct 6, 2010

My rdlc tabular report has Total Variance column . It values can (+) or (-) . So i need to show those values in different colours . Are there any way to do it.

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SQL Reporting :: RDLC Reports

Jul 26, 2010

If I have an XML file, can I use it as a datasource for a RDLC file?

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SQL Reporting :: Navigating From One Report To Another Using Rdlc...

Jan 21, 2010

I am working with rdlc reports. I have an asp.net web form where i'll select a parameter (substance name)from a dropdown. When I click on view reports button, the report should open in a pop up. I am passing the ID(substance ID) from dropdown in query string to the popup page.

When I click on view reports button, the report should open in a pop up. For this I have taken report viewer control in another aspx page. The code in the aspx.cs page which contains the report viewer control is as follows :

I have taken two rdlc reports. The main report has the parameter SubstanceID. The child report has parameter substance name.When I click on one particular textbox in main report it should navigate to another report. So, in textbox properties of main report in Navigation tab,I am giving "jump to report"--child report name and parameters "@SubstanceName" and its Parametervalue as :


When I work out this report in server side reporting(ReportServerProject) it works as expected.But in coding it throws an error :

An error occurred during local report processing.

An attempt was made to set a report parameter '@SubstanceName' that is not defined in this report.

I have taken a report viewer and two ObjectDataSources....one for parent report and other for child report.

The code for the page that contains report viewer is as follows:

In page Load : Binding Parent report


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SQL Reporting :: Multiple Tables In Rdlc

Nov 17, 2010

I am having a strange problem with and RDLC report with two tables in it. The tables are not related, nut I need them both on the same report. In my project, I created a typed dataset with two datatables in it (no tableadapters). IN my rdlc, added two datasets, one for each of the datatables. I then built the two tables in the report to use the appropriate dataset. When the application runs, I manually add data to the typed datasets and then add them as reportdatasources, etc. Now, all of this works fine if I have only one dataset in the rdlc. But, when I have two, I get an exception when I call lc.render(...). Digging through the inner exceptions, I end up with "DataSet1" as the inner most exception message.

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