SQL Server :: Count How Many Rows Are In Data Table

Mar 5, 2011

I have a data table called Songs It has SongId as Primary Key of type INT SongName of Type VarChar UserId of Type Int. I simply want to check how many entries are in the Table already by The UserId before they insert more. So If there are already 3 songs by that User, I want to stop the insert process and warn them they have the maxium already. I think i am halfway there already using code below but problem is that UserId is of Type GUID, and not Int so I am missing something. On my Aspx, Page, I have a DetailsView for the Database Insert. I also have the following code using BusLogic Layer and DAL

public int ScalarQuery(Guid ArtistId)
int returnValue = ScalarQuery(ArtistId);
return returnValue;
Code Behind ASPX page
This in in DetailsView_ Item Inserting Event
SongsBLL number = new SongsBLL();
currentCount = Convert.ToInt32(number.ScalarQuery(currentCount).ToString());..........

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Code Behind:

using System;

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Y N 1 -- Data

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col2 N
col3 1

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C# - Filter Sql Server Table Rows Using Many Filters

Mar 23, 2011

I have a table called Student with a lot foreign keys that will be used after to filter students(table rows).The structure of this table is like:

StudentId GenderId DegreeId NatioanlityId
1 2 2 3

As a student can speak one or more language,the Sudent Table is linked to language table like this

StudentId LangaugeId
1 1
1 2
1 3

And a student can chose one or many subjects for exam:

StudentId ExamId
1 1
1 2

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if(EXISTS(SELECT GenderId FROM @GenderTable))
if(EXISTS(SELECT DegreeId FROM @DegreeTable))

How can I avoid all the IF statements? I have more than 5 filters.It's boring.

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