SQL Server :: Error While Executing A SQL Scalar Function?

Nov 1, 2010


FUNCTION dbo.ufnGetProductReport(@Pid




This is the program. When im trying to execute it with Select * from dbo.ufnGetProductReport(1)

im getting an error Invalid object name ufnGetProductReport

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Trying To Create A Scalar Function In SQL Server 2005?

Mar 22, 2010

VWD 2008 Express. Visual Basic. SQL Server 2005. I am trying to create a scalar function in SQL Server 2005 wherein I pass a string that respesents a portion of a WHERE clause in the function's SQL statement. I would be passing things like "GDate>1/1/2010 and GDate,1/1/2011" or "Year(GDate)=2010" When I try to build the function it errors out saying basically that the @WhereClause is not a boolean expression. Does anyyone know how I could accomplish this? The part it does not like is in red.


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The procedure calculates profit of each bill,and using two tables

1 - Estimate Header

2- Estimate details

For each estimate invoice sp will compare items profit by comparing items rate with the rate it is purchased.I use a Scalar sql Function to get the Purchase Cost of each item in an invoice.This fuction cause the slow execution

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select BillNumber,sdate [Date],case when t1.Customer = 0 then 'Account Payable' else t2.AccountName end Customer ,case when t1.CashOrCredit = 0 then 'Cash' else 'Credit' end CashOrCredit,(select Sum(gross) from EstimateDetails where billNumber = t1.BillNumber)Gross,t1.netDisc,(select sum(TaxAmt) from EstimateDetails where billNumber = t1.BillNumber)Tax,t1.Ces, Amount,t1.roundOff,Paid Payment,

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OK, this may be a little difficult to explain, so I will try my best and post the code I currently have.

I have a table with a list of usernames. I have the list of usernames displayed on a page through a GridView. What I am attempting to do is for each username in the column "adminUsernames", I need to insert a set of values in another database table for EACH "adminUsernames" that exists. Example: There are 2 adminUsernames vales in 2 seperate rows. These are "Admin 1" and "Admin 2". For each adminUsername values (Admin 1, Admin 2), I need a row interted in another database table. Maybe the code that I have (that does not work) will help you see what is happening:


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Sql Query:- [Code]....

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SQL Server :: Insert Query - Error Must Declare The Scalar Variable "@FirstName"?

Oct 25, 2010

I am attempting to do an insert query on a webpage for a simple member registration form I have created in vs2010. I have done this type of thing before without problem using an access database, but now I'm using a sqlexpress db created from within vs2010. This is the screenshot of my insert query:

Now, when I execute this query in the form, I get an error that says:

Must declare the scalar variable "@FirstName".Description: An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request. Please review the stack trace for more information about the error and where it originated in the code.

Exception Details: System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: Must declare the scalar variable "@FirstName".

Source Error:


Source File: C:UsersCJ PerryDocumentsMy DropboxWebSitesCJ's Test WebsiteRegister.aspx Line: 51 Stack Trace:


Version Information: Microsoft .NET Framework Version:2.0.50727.4952; ASP.NET Version:2.0.50727.4955

At first I just had my query with all ?'s instead of @FirstName, etc in the insert statement itself, but I got an error on that as well but it was different, it just said syntax error near "?" or something to that effect. If I manually perform this query in the builder, and it pops up a window that asks for values on everything, I put something into each field and the insert works great. It just won't work with these parameters for some reason. Can someone advise what I need to do?

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SQL Server :: Error "Must Declare The Scalar Variable"

Aug 14, 2010


Error "Must declare the scalar variable"

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DataSource Controls :: How To Declare Scalar Variable @UserName In Function

Jan 14, 2010

How do I define @UserName in my function:


I believe "UserName" = Me.User.Identity.Name

but I don't know the proper way to add it to the function.

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SQL Server :: While Executing Select Statement For A Table Then Getting Arithmetic Overflow Error?

Sep 22, 2010

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MVC :: Executing The Command Definition And Error Is Generated Connect With Remote Server?

Oct 21, 2010

In my mvc asp.net application,I am getting error in edit function : in given code


I am getting this exception:

Source : System.Data.Entity

Stack Trace : at System.Data.EntityClient.EntityCommandDefinition.ExecuteStoreCommands(EntityCommand
entityCommand, CommandBehavior behavior) at
context, ObjectParameterCollection
parameterValues) at


1 forMergeOption) at System.Data.Objects.ObjectQuery


1 source) at


1 query, Expression queryRoot) at
System.Data.Objects.ELinq.ObjectQueryProvider.System.Linq.IQueryProvider.Execute[S](Expression expression) at System.Linq.Queryable.First[TSource](IQueryable`1
source) at admin.com.Controllers.DocsGridController.Edit(Int32 id) in

Message : An error occurred while executing the command definition.See the inner exception for details.This error is generated when I connect with remote server.

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Invalid object name 'TEMPP'


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After I click the button "Obriši" (Delete) I receive the following error: "Must declare the scalar variable "@KategorijaID"." I understand that the problem is with parameter, but I don't know how to correct it to use it for both the "command" and "brisanje" SQLCommands.

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Executing Only The Last Function Called?

Feb 22, 2010

This is the setup in short. I have a big table. Everytime a cell get focus an asyncron call to the server is done (with PageMethods) and some data is returned and updates a infobox in the page.I have written code that makes it possible to navigate between cells with the arrow keyes.

The problem occurs when I shift focus fast through several cells in order to get to the cell I want. Every get-focus is executed and since the communication with the server takes about half a second it get quite irritating and not very user friendly.Ideally I would like to execute only the last focus event. But how? I cant know which event is the last one, can I?

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Web Forms :: Error - Must Declare Scalar Variable

Dec 11, 2012

when I am executing an above code and click on button to insert data is shows an error message

as: System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: Must declare the scalar variable "@imagefile"

Protected Sub button1_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles button1.Click
If fileupload1.HasFile Then
'getting length of uploaded file


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C# - Executing A Javascript Function From Codebehind?

Nov 3, 2010

OK, this feels like a question that should be easy to answer, but as with so much mixing of asp.net and jQuery, it's a bit of a nightmare.

What I want to do is be fading a div in and out at various times during the client's viewing of my asp.net page; I fade it out using jQuery's fadeTo() before triggering an UpdatePanel update (to indicate that the data there is not fresh) and I want to fade it in again once the UpdatePanel has been updated. I've gotten as far as updating the UpdatePanel in the codebehind, and this results in the div's content changing... but how do I fade the div back in again?

The way I see it, there are 2 ways; register an event handler on page load to detect when the div's content has been changed and fade it back in, or call a function from the asp.net codebehind when I've updated the div to fade it back in.

In the first case, there doesn't seem to be any event triggered by the div's content changing, so I can't seem to do that. If anyone knows how I could get a client event to trigger when I update the div, that would be a nice solution.

In the second case, I thought that this was what ClientScriptManager was for, but it doesn't quite do what I want. I want to be able to register a particular Javascript function with ClientScriptManager and then tell ClientScriptManager to execute it in the client, from my codebehind. You can't seem to do that. ClientScriptManager.RegisterClientScriptBlock() simply inserts some <script> into the HTML output, rather than calling a function. Presumably this would work if I kept registering things like:


because the Javascript would be immediately evaluated and run, but this feels messy, and that feeling is intensified by the fact that I'd have to keep randomly generating a new unique value for the key argument of ClientScriptManager.RegisterClientScriptBlock(), because it's specifically designed to stop this kind of repeated code. However, I'm struggling to see an alternative.

I'd really like something along the lines of:

ClientScriptManager.RegisterClientScriptFunction("fadeBackIn", "function fadeBackIn(){ ... }");

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.net - Add A New Thread For Executing Particular Function In Website

Feb 2, 2011

In my website, I want to create a seperate thread for a process which needs to constantly run in background. I want to use threading so that my website performance is not degraded.

I want to create thread for following code.

public void iterativeFunction()
int count = 0;
DateTime date1 = new DateTime(2011,5,31);
while (System.DateTime.Compare(System.DateTime.Now,date1)<0)

How should I add a new thread for this function?

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DataSource Controls :: How To Insert A Picture On A Gridview / The Error - Must Declare The Scalar Variable

Feb 28, 2010

i would like to insert a picture on a gridview, but i allways get the error:

Must declare the scalar variable "@IMAGEM"

somme one can on tihs code ? here is my code:


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SQL Server :: How To Declare Scalar Variable

Aug 5, 2010

how to Declare scalar variable


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Web Forms :: Button's PostBackURL Not Work After Executing Javascript Confirm Function

Dec 25, 2010

I added a Button and a LinkButton to same page and set same properties to both of them. LinkButton works fine but Button's PostBackURL not work after executing javascript (Clicked "OK" in message window). it posted back to same page instead of second page. following is the code:

<asp:Button ID="Button1" runat="server" Text="Button"
OnClientClick="return confirm('Switch page?');" />
<asp:LinkButton ID="LinkButton1" runat="server" Text="LinkButton"
onclientclick="return confirm('Switch page?');" />

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Forms Data Controls :: Executing DropDownList SelectedIndexChanged Event From Other Custom Function

Feb 5, 2011

I want to execute code written in a dropdown selectedindexchanged event from some another user defined function.

For this i m writing:

ddlMyDropDown1_SelectedIndexChanged(sender, e);

It works when use it in page_load (means the code in ddlMyDropDown1_SelectedIndexChanged is executed) but when i write the same line in another function it gives error "The name sender doesnot exists in current context".

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