SQL Server :: Get Return Value From Server In C# Through Data Reader?

Feb 5, 2011

I want to take my return value from sql server to c#.

my code


ALTER procedure [dbo].[userss](@email varchar(100),@password varchar(25),@name varchar(250),@DOB varchar(20),@acc_vari int,@ip_address varchar(50),@vari_code varchar(7) )
declare @uid int
select @uid=uid from users where email='12we'
return 0
insert into users values(@email,@password,@name,@DOB,@acc_vari,@ip_address,@vari_code )

In this i want to take return value "return 0 " from sql server to c#.

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why I am not getting the desired result. I want to retrieve records in DataReader and still I am not getting any result.

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VS 2010 - Return Data Reader Or Dataset / Datatable

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Web Services - Printing PDFs Server-side Using Acrobat Reader?

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Dim starter As ProcessStartInfo
Dim Prc As Process
' Pass File Path And Arguments
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SQL Server :: Invalid Attempt To Call Read When Reader Is Closed?

Jan 28, 2011

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This is a very effective way for me to do this as it can be used for inserts, updates and selects very easily throughout my code.

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Dim RS As SqlDataReader = SQL.Exec("sp_MyStoredProcedure " & ID)
If RS.Read Then
Return RS("Column_Name")
End If


I now get the error "Invalid attempt to call Read when reader is closed" when calling the function on the line "If RS.Read Then".

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Protected Function sqlparameter_insert_newscat() As SqlParameter()
Dim sqlparam(4) As SqlParameter
Dim ddlstatus As Boolean
If rbActive.Items(0).Selected = True Then

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SQL Server :: Return Joined Data From Two Tables?

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Table 2 has columns:


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Jquery - Return HTML Or Data From The Server - ASP.NET Webforms

Dec 8, 2010

I am working on a page that has multiple sections and each section looks 'almost the same'. Having said that, I want to build the HTML on the server and render it for each section on the initial page load. On subsequent actions, I would do a ajax call and have the server return json data.

The other option is to 'hardcode' the HTML on the aspx page and have the JS do the necessary customizations for each section. The third option is to use an UpdatePanel and do everything server side.

Based on what should I be choosing what approach to use? What approach would you use for a page like this (think of it as a large page having sub sections on it)

Edit: One section has HTML such as user's name, and a table where users can add dependents. Another section is almost the same except its for a 'contractor' so there's additional HTML such as previous work history, but this one has name (readonly) and a table to add dependents just like the first one. Other sections have more or less the same HTML. A user can delete dependents as well, when that happens, I need to update the database and update the section to reflect one less dependent. I was hoping to make any subsequent actions as ajax calls that interact with the server and the database

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Dec 21, 2010

I am using VB.NET & SQL Server. My sproc returns something like this which I need to display on my web page as below:

sproc returns:

ClientNumber ClientName Product
100SON Sony TV
100SON Sony DVD Player
100SON Sony Cell Phone
200KEN Kenmoore Microwave
200KEN Kenmoore Dryer

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100SON - Sony - TV, DVD Player, Cell Phone
200KEN - Kenmoore - Microwave, Dryer

I need you advice on this.What would be the best way to do this?

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(2) I can work further in the sproc itself to directly return the required data

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insert * into [remote server].[northwind].orders
from [local server].[northwind].orders

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SQL Server :: Getting INSERT's Return Value?

Jan 14, 2011

I am new to SQLite hence the question:I am trying to execute these statement to insert a record into the table and get the ID of the newly inserted column. There is blahID column defined as auto-increment, PK.I want to get the value of @ReturnValue below:



It dies in setting parameter direction:newSqlParam.Direction = ParameterDirection.ReturnValue

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Jan 28, 2011

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SQL Server :: Return Two Ids From The Same Table?

Aug 16, 2010

how to return two ids from the same table, i need to create a cursor, it has to use two
EID details of different LID of the same table.


The above query is wrong, it is getting duplicate rows, so i need to optimize it ti return the two values in two different variables in cursor.

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SQL Server :: Return ID Value Into BLL Function?

Mar 12, 2011

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SQL Server :: How To Return A Value From A SELECT Statement In SP

Jan 29, 2011

Here is the deal. I need to create a Stored Procedure that has 2 SELECT statements. Now in ASP.NET, I know that a DataSet can have multiple tables and the DataAdapter can do just that. I am stuck with a scenario where I need to get a value from the first SELECT statement which will later be used in the second SELECT statement. I am creating a SP that passes one parameter (@AnswerID). Which should give me 2 resultsets. See below SELECT statements.


So how do I get the QuestionID from the first SELECT statement?

Basically I am creating a Questionnaire that has Question Dependacies. So from the above SQL statements I would like to display the Question Title with it's relevant answer options but depending on the previous Answer selected hence the @AnswerID parameter.

The reason why I want to use 2 SELECT statements is because I don't want to have 2 roundtrips to th server. So in my code the DataAdapter should return 2 resultsets and fill the DataSet.

If there is any another solution that can prevent 2 roundtrips to the server, I would most definitely like to know how to do it.

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SQL Server :: How To Get The Return Value From Stored Procedure

Sep 14, 2010

I not getting the return value from stored procedure that I have written so how to get that plzz its urgent I have return the procedure as ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[sp_AddPaySlip]

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SQL Server :: Inner Join Return More Records?

Jan 21, 2011

I have faced the peculiar case in Sql server's Inner join. I have 2 tablesFor example:Table Name: A and B I have shown the below code.

* From A
Join B
ON A.JobCode

This select statement return 500000 records but both table did not have that much recordsI have shown the Records in every table:A=19396 and B= 25366 records.How it will return more then 5 lakh records in above select statemenet?. Please let me know if any one faced this issue earlier?

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MVC :: Return Host Server Name In Model?

Jun 25, 2010

I am generating links for emails within a class in the model of my MVC site and need to obtain the URL address of the host server the site is running on.

How would I get this?

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