SQL Server :: How To Identify Ip Address Uniquely With One Entry At A Time

Mar 26, 2011

As working with ip address in Sql Server needs some Efforts than mysql b'cos it Doesn't has INET_ATON() functionality. even though we create a Function to do that. But as per Requirement if ip address and postid should be Unique with One Post Question. than its some more complex to implement. so i need a solution without compromising my Disk space, 4 Tiny int field for ip address can be used but comparison will be more Hard to achieve. b'cos it is a composite primary key.

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C# - Uniquely Identify Every Page In My App?

Jul 1, 2010

I have an ASP.Net app with a lot of pages in it.My problem is to uniquely identify every page in my app. now the app might have pages with just the page name eg: home.aspx and can have pages with query strings eg:testPage.aspx?q1=1&q2=2.what i have been thinking is since every URL in my app is unique I could use the page name + all query string params concatenated(key and value) to identify the page uniquely.eg:home.asp home testPage.aspx?q1=1&q2=2 -> testpageq11q22.Is this the correct way to go or is there a better way to do it.The reason I want to do this is I need to add at run time some meta data information from a database for each of the pages.The PageID then becomes my unique ID which I can then map all my meta data info in the db to.


would potentially point to the same page (where the optional param gives me some kind of meta information thats is not being used to generate the content on the page)

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How To Uniquely Identify The Client Machine In Application

Jan 5, 2011

I have a server application that runs in a hosted environment but creates print jobs in the client's local network (behind NAT; the mechanics of this is not relevant).

In order to send the print job to the printer that is attached to the workstation, I need to identify the workstation. The users move around between workstations, so I can't permanently associate a user with a workstation/printer. The trivial solution is to require the user to identify the machine he is logging in from, for instance by selecting from a list, but that's an inconvenience and subject to user error.

Options I have eliminated:

Host header variables (nothing identifiable is sent) Cookies, in support of a user selection. This somewhat addresses the potential for user error, but not really. HTML5 DOM Storage - is not supported by the client's browser

Edit: I do have the option of puttnig this particular function (create a print job) into a thick client app. The app can then of course be configured and the problem goes away. But the user experience will suffer from having to switch between the browser and a Windows app.

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C# - Uniquely Identify Two Instances Of One Browser That Share Session State?

Mar 14, 2010

I want to ensure a user isn't editing the same form data in two different browser tabs or windows (of the same web browser instance). The intention is to stop the user from accidentally overwriting their own data as they continue through a very long form process. On the server, ongoing data input through the screens is collected into the Session.

Assume for any browser, all tabs and windows run in the same instance of it (i.e. not each in a separate process). Obviously the browser tabs and windows share the same cookies in this scenario so cookie modification seems out of the question for viable solutions. This is also the reason they are sharing the same session state.

Considering that the form is already created and this is one of the final touches, how can I use ASP.NET, hopefully easily, to oversee this "feature"?

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C# - Identify If An Email Address Is 'public'?

Nov 10, 2010

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Open email service providers, such as gmail, hotmail and yahoo. Anonymization services, such as mailinator or dispostable.

I'm aware that there is no foolproof way to do this, and obviously any list based solution would require constant updates.

Is there a public listing or .NET library that can do this for me?

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Security :: How To Identify Unique Address For PC Around The World

Mar 19, 2010

I want to know how to get the unique address of PC over the internet, LAN,WAN,Without any network connection,Coz For Some Security Reason...

as well as i want to know about the following....

Windows IP Configuration:-

1. Host Name

Ethernet Adapter Local Area Connection:-

1.Physical Address (MAC Address)

2.IP Address

3.Default GateWay

4.DHCP Server

5. DNS Address

I want to know unique Address for PC which should not be the same address for other PC Around The World...

Coz MAC Address also can be change.. so how to know the unique address how is accesing my Website..

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State Management :: Identify First Or Second Time Visit To Website

Sep 30, 2010

I work in a multi server , multi webfarm environment (without sessions). We need to be able to identfy if a customer has arrived here for the first or has been before (even though they have not logged in)Not only will we change the text of our salutations depeding on this state but we will also use it in other busness logic. I can check for the existance of a cookie when they fire the Session_onStart event but I would have to write a cookie out to show they had previously visited for the next time the customer came to call.

If I wrote the cookie out in the Session_onStart then somehow I would have to tell the website that this was a first time visit. Also as this is a stateless webfarm - the next server may be different from the previous one which would fire a new Session_onStart event in its own right - which would see the cookie and assume it was not my first visit, even though it was my first visit on a different web page of the web site.

I dont want to write it out and say if its within X minutes of the cookie creation time you are still in your first visit as that x minutes wouldnt work 100% of the time If I dont write the cookie out on Session_onStart then when could I write it out?

View 6 Replies

Textbox For Time Entry

Mar 23, 2011

1. Need a textbox for time entry

2. This should be previously formated to enter the time like 11:30 this should display like : in the text box and when user enters the hours and minues, it should automatically adjust with the entry.

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Save 3 Entities Entry At A Time?

Nov 2, 2010

I Have a view with 3 entity.When I Click on the submit button, I Would like to save these entities .

In the view

<div class="editor-field ">
<%: Html.TextBoxFor(model => model.ElementAt(0).UserQuestion1)%>
<%: Html.ValidationMessageFor(model => model.ElementAt(0).UserQuestion1)%>


Why when I Click on submit button, my parameter List lst is null.I Would like to perform a save.

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SQL Server :: How To Identify Data From A Query

Mar 22, 2011

I have a stored procedure which is composed of three unions of three different views.

After the views are Unioned together, they are placed into a temporary table.

I need to somehow keep track of the data which comes from the second view, "View2".

Specifically I will later need to compare all Ages of people from the second view.

How can I do this? Here is an example of my unioned views

Select Name,Age,Gender from View1
Select Name,Age,Gender from View2
Select Name,Age,Gender from View3

View 4 Replies

How To Identify Specific Client Over The Network By Server

Aug 4, 2010

how do i implement the following scenario in ASP.Net

I have scenario like the following.

for example:

1) Client 1 -> server (send request) ; Server -> Client 1 (send response).
2) Client 2 -> server (send request) ; Server -> Client 2 (send response).
n) Client n -> server (send request) ; Server -> Client n (send response).

now i want the server to update the client x with out getting the another request from that client x.

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Web Forms :: Validate Email Address In Real Time?

Jul 17, 2010

I found one link or web services [URL] which enable me to search whether email id exist in real world or not...Did some testing and it works. Is it possible to make similar web services and use it in my application? because i am not sure till what date this web services will work.

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DataSource Controls :: SQL SERVER Management Studio Errors In Identify The Table?

Mar 30, 2010

I'm a beginner with ASP.NET. I'm using SQL Server2005 Management Studio. The problem I facing is arises when I tries to run any query,even the simplest, it doesn't identifies the table. as below:

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Security :: Getting The IP Address Of Each Time The User Has Logged In And Save It In Profile?

Oct 27, 2010

I have profile variable called IP Address ,

i need this Profile to add Unique IP address that has been used by the UserName ,,,

meaning :

If i logged in for the first time , it will save my IP address , next time if my IP has changed and i logged in , i need to keep the old IP address and add to it with comma seperated the new IP ..

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Security :: Identifying Users Uniquely Via A Guid Or Other Techniques?

Oct 14, 2010

I am in the process of building a survey using asp.net and store these results into a database. Now this is what I am trying to achieve: - The survey is fairly long but will be split up in sections. - the way I have been told to develop this is to save each section into the database when the user clicks on a next button for example rather than clicking a final submit button and then submitting the results all in one go to the database. The reason being is for example, the user's browser crashes etc or if they accidentally close it down. I need to build it such a way that survey can remember who the person is.

I can't use windows authentication as it will be externally based, is there anyway I can uniquely identify people when they arrive on the web application e.g. by using a guid? Can it be guaranteed that the person who arrives on the application with a guid on that machine be exactly the same when he/she arrives again?

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SQL Server :: One To Many Relationship Entry Using SP?

Mar 17, 2011

i m developing an inventory module in which i have a GRN(Goods Received Note) form, the user opens the form and enter the items which are coming from itemMaster table. I want to add the grn entry in a table named GRN and all its respective item details in other table and also want to update the instock quantity in item Master table. how can i achive this there are multiple items in a grid in grn form which are to be stored in a table and only 1entry of grn in grn table and also update the instock Qty in the itemMaster Table,,...i ned write my logic using Stored procedures and ADO.NET i m totally confused

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DataSource Controls :: Uniquely Extract Tables From Database Schema?

Jun 11, 2010

I am looking for a fast way (either by script or Query statements) that would enable me uniquely extract some tables from my database schema.

The tables I wish to extract have some unique columns like x and y coordinate columns and i want to extract only the tables that have these coulmns in them.

My database schema is very large with 100s of tables that i cant just go through the tables one by one.

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SQL Server :: Setting Last Entry Of A Db To A Textbox?

Jan 25, 2011

When i click a button i want to be able to select the last entry in the db and set it to to a text box

this is my code

cmd = new SqlCommand();
cmd.Connection = con;
cmd.CommandText = "select Top 1 Teacher_ID from Teachers order by Teacher_ID Desc";
SqlDataReader reader = cmd.ExecuteReader();
IDTXT.Text = cmd.CommandText;

As ya can see i can only set the text equal to the statement and not the return value

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SQL Server :: Adding An Image To Database Entry?

Aug 11, 2010

is there a way to add an image in SQL server database entry

say i got an colonm name [carmodel] in Sql Server and in that colomn name i got Toyota Supra can i attach an image to that Dataentry and how to ?

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SQL Server :: Returning A Certain Number Of Characters From A Database Entry

Feb 17, 2011

I have an entry from a database that has 500 characters. But when i display it i only want to return 200 charcters. How do I do that. I use Sql Server.

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SQL Server :: Delete Entry Directly In Any Aspnet_* Table?

Jul 29, 2010

if It is okay to delete entry directly in any aspnet_* table ? because i screwed something.

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SQL Server :: Relationship Which Allows NULL Entry / Error 'FK_Table_Contracts_Table2_PONo' On Table 'Table_Contracts'?

Nov 29, 2010

I have two tables as below.

I tried to establish a relation between two tables in such a way that Table_Contracts will still accept NULL values for [PO_No], but [PO_No] on TableContract will be automatically updated when [PO_No] on Table2_PONo changed. Moreover, if you want to delete a record on Table2_PONo, it needs to be stopped if there is a related data in Table_Contracts.

I set a relation with these parameters:

Check existing data on creation or re-enabling>

Enforce for replication>

Enforce foreign key constraint>

Delete Rule>
No Action

Update Rule>

I got this error

Introducing FOREIGN KEY constraint 'FK_Table_Contracts_Table2_PONo' on table 'Table_Contracts' may cause cycles or multiple cascade paths. Specify ON DELETE NO ACTION or ON UPDATE NO ACTION, or modify other FOREIGN KEY constraints.

(primary key)
(accepts null values)

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MVC :: The Form Is Submitted, The Server Side Validation Trips And I'm Told The Entry Is Invalid?

Jun 27, 2010

I've got my validation wired up through my Service layer, and my Birthdate property looks like this.


The client side validation works properly if I input something like `12/12/1990` but when the form is submitted, the server side validation trips and I'm told the entry is invalid. I'm using the jQuery-UI Datepicker to input the date, however when I disable the datepicker, the problem persists.Am I missing something here? I thought the client side and server side would be the same thing.If I remove


Then the form submits. It's obviously something to do with the Regex.

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VS 2008 - No Error Is Generated And No Entry Is Logged In Windows Event Viewer On Server

Sep 9, 2011

i made an upgrade to an existing application (still developed by me), while testing on my development machine, everything worked fine. After migrating to a Test Server(windows 2003 server), users can not test the application, it periodically crashes their session and redirected them to the login page (Forms Authentication). No error is generated and no entry is logged in the windows event veiwer on the server. I also noticed this also happens when they try to access a particular page in the application.

The page contains 50 instance of a user-control. Each of the user-control contains 8 textboxes, 2 labels,1 hidden field and 12 asp.net validation controls. I tried saving a copy of this page from Internet explorer (IE8) on my development machine,its about 2.2MB in size.What may be wrong and what tracing tools can i use on my development machine (since it generates no errors). How can i also reduce the size of the page (noting that the asp.net validation controls generated alot of HTML codes)

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Security :: Time In LastLoginDate Field Ahead Of Local Server Time 3 Hours?

Mar 25, 2010

In my asp.net application I user Microsoft Membership to manage site access security and find the time saved into LastLoginDate is ahead of local time (Eastern Time Zone) 3 hours. What is wrong with it and how to ajust it to local time by application system only such as changing some properties od application?

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