SQL Server :: How To Code To Populate Gridview With Multiple Random List Box Selections
Oct 11, 2010
I have a list box that allows for multiple selections (holding down the control key) the selection quantity is basically unlimited, but realistically should never be more than 50 to 100 items from the listing of about 3000 items.
I need to collect the list of selected items from the drop down list and retrieve each of their full records from the item master and populate a gridview.
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Similar Messages:
Oct 29, 2010
I have a list box that allows for multiple selections (holding down the control key) the selection quantity is basically unlimited, but realistically should never be more than 50 to 100 items from the listing of about 3000 items.
I could really use some building the SQL statement to select the choosen record data. I think I have the selection list worked out by populating an array but I am not clear on how to build the SQL query.
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Jan 20, 2010
I am trying to populate the value(s) of a listbox that has multiple selections:
Assignment Preference:<br />
<asp:ListBox ID="assignmentPreferenceList" SelectionMode="Multiple" runat="server">
<asp:ListItem Value="">None</asp:ListItem>
<asp:ListItem Value="CONTRACTING">CONTRACTING</asp:ListItem>
<asp:ListItem Value="DIRECT HIRE">DIRECT HIRE</asp:ListItem>
I am using a datareader in code behind to "loop" through the values:
string sql4 = "Select * from assignmentPref where tID=" + (dr["id"].ToString());
SqlCommand comm4 = new SqlCommand(sql4, con3);
SqlDataReader dr4 = comm4.ExecuteReader();
while (dr4.Read())
assignmentPreferenceList.SelectedValue = (dr["assignmentPref"].ToString());
Works great with 1 assignment preference but with 2 or 3 it craps out.
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Apr 6, 2010
I have a web form that when completed sends an e-mail with the data from the form. I have a list box that permits muptiple selections and it post to the email with the following code.
sb.Append("<br />Products of Interest:....");
for(int i = 0; i < ListBox2.Items.Count;i++)
It works fine except that when multiple tiems are selected, they run together on the form. Instead of "Beds Dressers Tables", I get "BedsDressersTables".
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Feb 3, 2011
I'm trying to dynamically populate a drop down box with fields from a SQL Server Database, but I'm having some issues. I am able to get it to work well with only one field, but I need to get display two fields in the ddl. I've seen that you can do it in the command statement, but I have two different data types and I think that causes it to throw an error: Conversion failed when converting the varchar value 'This is a Title' to data type int.
here is my code:
View 3 Replies
Feb 19, 2010
I currently have a gridview that has 1 column with radiobuttons. I then have a update button to update all the selected records. But what i want to do is add a step before the update. I want to add a multi-line textbox for each radiobutton selected to allow them to add notes/comments for each record before the update occurs.
Because the textbox will be large to allow them to enter the comments, i wanted to list them out seperately per record selected. Maybe a gridview is not what i need for the 2nd part, but thats the scenario and looking for suggestions on what / how to do it.
ID column1 column2 column3 radiocolumn
1 1111 2222 3333 Yes / No (selected Yes)
2 2222 3333 4444 Yes / No
ID NotesColumn
1 Texbox displays here
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Jul 31, 2010
string lvStatus =
if (ClbLeaveStatus.SelectedIndex == 0) [code]..
how to change this code to multiple selections
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Nov 11, 2010
New at SQL and ASP.NET C#, bear with me. I have a form to insert into mulitple tables of a sql db. The form includes two listbox's, categoryIDlistbox and subcategoryIDlistbox, both with the ability to select multiple choices. Idea is that there is one record for the user created (Table1) and then that user can have multiple categories and subcategories assign to him/her in Table2
If I understand correctly I need to use an array to take the multiple listbox items and save them to the tables. Not sure where the array goes in my code behind page to process the listbox and loop for muliplte selections. Here's my current code behind, where do I place the listbox array?
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Oct 25, 2010
i have a select statement which returns a column value.
id like to display the lowest column value there is, but if there are multiple rows with the same (and lowest) value id like it to be random which one of the rows is selected.. how would i do this? my select statement is currently:
SELECT TOP (1) url, ABS(r1 - @r1) + ABS(r2 - @r2) AS difference
FROM type
ORDER BY difference
this picks the one lowest result for me, but if there are multiple duplicate lowest results id like to select them, and show one at random..?
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Dec 29, 2010
I am working on a project for a market research company that needs to select and have it displayed to my gridview. I need a select statement that will randomly put on my gridview the following:
Recruitment Goal 21 people and out of those people 10 people have to be male, 11 people female, 9 of them white, 9 of them black, 2 of them hispanic. Is there a way I could do that? I was thinking of doing a stored procedure and doing something like
Select TOP 10 * from Canidates where sex = 'Male' order by newid() Into #tmp
Select TOP 11 * from Canidates where sex = 'Female' order by newid() Into #tmp
Etc... and then just selecting from the Temp Table.
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Oct 13, 2010
I need to populate a dropdown list with users who match certain role criteria. For example, if I have the following roles: Manager, Employee, Supervisor I would like to populate the list with only the Manager and Employee roles. Some individuals have multiple roles and they should be excluded if they also have the Supervisor role as illustrated below:
Name: A , Role(s): Manager, Employee, Supervisor
Name: B, Role(s): Employee
Name: C, Role(s): Manager, Employee
The final list should only contain names B & C.
I can use Roles.GetUsersInRole("Employee") but I am not sure if this is efficient or not.
View 2 Replies
Feb 1, 2011
This seems like it should be prettty easy - but I just can't get it to work!I have an enum in my model, which I want to display as a list of checkboxes. The user can select multiple checkboxes, and I want to save this in the database.
So the enum is like so (approx 20 elements unabridged):
public enum ReferrerType
[Description("No Data")]
NoData = 9999,[code]....
And it doesn't work! I guess I'm missing something obvious, but I can't work out what. There are no errors - just an empty database table where referrers should be.
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Jan 12, 2011
I have customer data in MSSQL database. More than 1million records i have. I want to select a random 2000 records
from the one million record and do some manipulation. After manipulating the data i want to store that data to some other database.
How to achive it in c# and MSSQL2008?
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Mar 18, 2010
Is there an easy way to clear all the selected items of a checkbox list control? When a user has selected multiple items?
View 2 Replies
Jul 27, 2010
How do I handle selection of multiple items with autocomplete? The objects I return from my JSON web service contain an ID and a Label - the ID is the ID of the entity in the database, and the Label is some text to display for the user.
At the moment, when I select an item in the autocomplete dropdown, the value of the item's ID is stored in a hidden field, and the label is displayed. When I remove the label, I clear the ID of the hidden field - this is done by adding an anchor element to the DOM that handles this.
Now, I want to have multiple selections. I want to be able to enter some text, get an autocomplete dropdown, select an item and some other options, then be able to click an 'Add New' button or the likes to be able to select another instance.
For example, I'd type in a person's name and get an autocomplete selection. I'd select a person, and then enter their age, and click 'Add'. The person's id, name, and age will be stored somewhere so that I can retrieve it on the server side when I post back.
I'm not quite sure how to do it? I'm thinking of a hidden field - I assume that many hidden fields of the same name/id turn up on the server side as an array, which I can then use. But I haven't tried this yet in ASP.NET.
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Jan 23, 2013
how to do multiple selection in dropdownlist in asp.net
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Jul 23, 2010
I have a requirement to allow users select multiple "Agencies" and populate the "Types" based on that selection. Cascading Drop down would have been a great fit if there is no mutliple selection involved. I am wondering if I could use a popup dropdown with chekcboxes. However, these checkboxes need to be populated dynamically by a web service. I am not very familiar with AJAX toolkit and what control would work best in this case.
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May 14, 2010
Does anyone know if it is possible to have Cascading DropDown Lists which are based on the selected value of more than a single list. Example - I have four tables in a database as follows:
The items in Product are made up by one record from each of the other three tables (PartA + PartB + PartC = Product). What I wish to do is have 3 Cascading DropDown lists which refer to the three individual parts which can be used to select items fromt he Product table.
The first two work no problem but when it comes to the third the list is condition on only items which have the selects of both the first two lists.
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Mar 11, 2011
I have the followingh scenario where I have a radgrid and inside it, I have a template column containing a check box:
However, I only really want the user to be able to select one checkbox at a time.
Therefore, how to I go about ensuring that the any previous 'checks' are removed or stopping multiple checking altogether?
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Jun 20, 2013
How to display checkboxes in dropdownlist ?
Actually I want to select any checkbox(For selecting months) which is listed in dropdownlist?
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Apr 15, 2014
I am displaying data with in textboxes in gridview here user will change the values my problam is how to get the gridview data and assign it to List?
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Mar 28, 2011
I am trying to populate the values of multiple rows in single row in gridview using c sharp in rowdatabound section of code behind page like:
Col1 Col6
a 1
a 2
a 3
a 4
I have changed this to
Col1 Col6
a 1
Now I want to achieve this?
Col1 Col6
a 1 2 3 4
What wrong with the code below?
if (e.Row.Cells[0].Text == "" && e.Row.Cells[5].Text != "")
for (int a = 0; a<GridView1.Rows.Count; a++)
string s = GridView1.Rows[a].Cells[5].Text;
GridView1.Rows[e.Row.RowIndex - 1].Cells[5].Text += s;
What mistake I am making?
Cell[0] is Col1
Cell[5] is Col6
View 1 Replies
Feb 3, 2010
Using SQL Server 2008, C#, .Net 3.5
I have two tables - Reports, Usage
Report table:
Usage table:
What I want to do is make a page that will list all the reports in the Reports table and have a checkbox next to each name. A user can check each report they use and when they click "submit" it will insert each ReportID into the Usage table.I'm guessing that I should use a GridView to display all the Reports?How would I make it so that the "submit" button would insert each "checked" record into the Usage table?
View 8 Replies
Feb 20, 2011
I'm storing details about clothing in a database, and I need to save multiple entries for colour. For example, a user selects a top, and then needs to select the colours red, black, white and blue from say a group of tick boxes. How should I store this infomation, and what web controls would I use to help the user make there selection?
View 10 Replies
May 7, 2015
As per ListBox Items a data should show in GridView by using UP and Down arrow keys. I tried by using Oonselectedindexchanged but when a page loads from listbox the cursor become active to inactive.
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