SQL Server :: How To Execute Stored Procedure From Front End Without Passing Values To Optional Parameters

Jan 29, 2011

In my stored procedure I have declared some parameters as NULL values(Optional Parameters).

In my C#.NET code I didn't use the parameters to pass values to Stored Procedure's NULL

Parameters. So I am getting Exception.

I don't want to pass parameters from my code.Because I have declared 30 parameters in my

Stored Procedure as NULL values.

Is there any other way to execute Stored Procedure from Front End without passing values to

Optional Parameters in SQL stored procedure?

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Web Forms :: Passing Stored Procedure Parameters Dynamically Through ArrayList Values

Mar 8, 2012

I want to passed stored procedure parameters from crystal report to pass those parameter dynamically by arraylist because user will pass parameters by using data driven web pages (can be different reports with different parameter). how can i pass through parameter array lists to crystal report setreportparameters fields.

My code;

public void ConfigureReports(ArrayList valuesLists,ArrayList parameterLists)  {  
DataBaseHelper.myReportConnectionInfo = new ConnectionInfo();
DataBaseHelper.defineConnection = null; 

[Code] ...

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SQL Server :: Have A Stored Procedure Execute Another Stored Procedure During Time Period?

Jan 28, 2011

I could probably figure this out if I tried to, but I have been working so long on code, I'm a little fried

I have a stored procedure, and I want to execute another stored procedure during a time period of lets say 1/1/2011 to 12/31/2011

How Would I accomplish this?

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ADO.NET :: Passing Parameters To A Stored Procedure Using A SqlDataAdapter?

Dec 10, 2010

I am trying to create a method which will access the database via a SqlDataAdapter. I have passed two parameters month and year. When I run it, I get the error "Object reference not set to an instance of an object". I have posted the complete code below. Please take a look..


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SQL Server :: Stored Procedure - EXECUTE And EXECUTE Sp_executesql

Mar 10, 2011

I am looking through a sql stored procedure which I might need to update in the near future. Basically the stored procedure is about 20 lines long. The stored procedure first builds a query

and stores it in a variable named "@Sql". And then for the last two lines of the stored procedure it appears that the big sql statement stored in "@Sql" is executed by using the "EXEC" command. See below. What is confusing though is that the query appears to be exectuted twice? Why was the query written in this way. Don't both lines do the same thing? Why is it being done twice? Could this possibly be a mistake on the
part of the person who wrote the query. Below are the two lines I am talking about?

EXEC sp_executesql @sql
EXEC (@sql)

View 4 Replies

Forms Data Controls :: Passing Parameters To Stored Procedure When Edit Button Is Clicked In GridView

Oct 27, 2010

I have a grid view that populates and displays data at btn click event from the following sql statement in one of the SP:


reg_code, pc_serial, act_code
FROM user_reg
WHERE reg_code=@reg_code

I want to pass parameters to the other Stored procedure when the edit button is clicked in order to update the 2 columns in the specific row at the time. I now how to pass parameters in a regular btn click event or function, but in the case of edit btn in grid view I don't know how to capture data from specific row and then pass it to the SP. Here is Stored Procedure to update the columns (every user always has the same reg code, but may have more than one serial number and activation code, I want to let the user update serial number and then based on the serial number generate new activation code in the SP.):


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DataSource Controls :: How To Pass Multiple Values And Execute Query In Stored Procedure

Jun 2, 2010

basically i have two dropdown boxes to filter data and textbox with stored procedure bound to gridview.i want to be able to query data depending on the selected value passed,either using one or more parameter values.

i would like seperate sqlcommands to chose from depending on which controls i select to pass parameters.

i have included a parameter Select(control id) as this is declared by the wizard for stored procedure.

but i am not sure how it is defined on the page and passed to procedure.


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SQL Server :: How To Open And Execute Stored Procedure

Aug 10, 2010

how to lock a stored procedure..

if its lock how to open and execute that stored procedure..

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DataSource Controls :: Pass The ID And SelectedDate Values In To The Stored Procedure As Parameters?

Jun 14, 2010

How do I pass the ID and SelectedDate values in to the stored procedure as parameters??


View 2 Replies

SQL Server :: Can Execute Different Queries In A Stored Procedure Same Time

Jan 11, 2011

In my stored procedure there are 8 queries for 8 tables.Each query has joins and sub queries. I am passing parameters & stored procedure name from front end(designed in asp.net 3.5) can we execute that 8 queries at the same time i.e. parallel execution so that I can minimize stored procedure execution time?

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SQL Server :: Cannot Find Execute Any Query, Stored Procedure Not Found Even If It Is There?

Nov 3, 2010

I am getting frustrated with this problem, I dont know what i did, but now I cannot execute any stored procedured when I could last time.When I use my asp.net application to run the query, it finds the stored procedure but when I execute it is sql management studio it says it cannot find the stored procedure even though it is there.I tried to execute other procedures and the samething happens. Even when I try a simple query it says it cannot find the tableI could execute the query if i placed Use [databasename] in front, but even with this, I cannot execute stored procedures.

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SQL Server :: How To Write Stored Procedure For Insert Data & Execute It In MS SQL

Oct 13, 2010

How to write Stored Procedure for Insert Data & Execute it in MS SQL?

Some websites:


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SQL Server :: Script To Execute Stored Procedure And Send Email?

Nov 12, 2010

Has anyone ever wroye a script that will execute a stored procedure and a function with the .Net Framework that sends email?

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DataSource Controls :: Execute Stored Procedure On Linked Server?

Apr 22, 2010

i need to execute stored procedure on linked server (create procedure on linked server). i had try with this:


SQL code is looking like this


UDBV68 is linked server... Now, when i execute procedure from asp.net i got error 'Incorrect syntax near 'GO'.', but sql server doesn't report error...

Dbcall has value = "EXECUTE ('Create Procedure SelectOne as Select * From FixitOnline.Os_node ',952) AT UDBV54; GO"

View 5 Replies

Passing Parameters Using Stored Procedure With "where" Clause?

Apr 6, 2010

i have created this function with a parameter offset and i want to access the database using stored procedure but the code and stored procedure i have written below is not working...what is the right way to do it??

public bool isoffsetexist(int offset)
SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand();
cmd.Connection = conn;
cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
cmd.CommandText = "sp_offset1";
SqlDataReader dr = cmd.ExecuteReader();
int i = 0;
while (dr.Read())
if (i == 1)
return true;
return false;

my stored procedure "sp_offset1" is

CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[sp_offset1]
@offset numeric,
@appname varchar(20),
@os varchar(20)
select * from tb_offset
where @offset=" + offset + "

View 2 Replies

SQL Server :: Adding Parameters To A Stored Procedure

Dec 23, 2010

I have a stored procedure which handles a SELECT query on an SQL 2005 table. Works fine. Now I need to add a bunch of parameters to the query--these are all boolean, with checkbox web controls on the .aspx page to set the parameters true or false, and bit columns in the SQL table. These parameters need to be optional, so that parameter doesn't filter out any records unless it's checked. Here's the original sproc:


Can I just add on all those boolean parameters like so?


View 10 Replies

SQL Server :: Stored Procedure With Multiple Parameters?

Nov 28, 2010

I have a table with 4 columns.The first column is a list of teams.The other three columns specify whether the team member with the particular id is present on any particular day .Say for example in the third row the running Team has 2 and 3 which means team member with the id 2 and 3 are present.Multiple values are seperated by the pipe symbol '|'.I have a Query like this

Select Teamname from tblTeam where Running not like '%|2|%' and Running not like '%|3|%' and Running not like '%|7|%' and Biking not like '%|1|%' and Biking not like '%|4|%' and Biking not like '%|7|%' and shooting not like '%|3|%' and shooting not like '%|4|%' and shooting not like '%|7|%' Basically i am searching the columns with like clause.The search criteria for each column may vary.In the above query i am searching for Teams where Running column does not contain 2,3 and 7,Biking column does not contain 1,4 and 7 and the shooting column does not contain 3,4 and 7. I would like to set a stored procedure where i would be able to pass 3 set of parameters from the code behind(I am using VB.net) for Running column search,Biking column search and the shooting column search.

Can someone tell me writing a simple stored procedure.I have a table with 4 columns.The first column is list of teams.The other three columns specify whether the team member with the particular id is present or not on any particular day .Say for example in the third row the running column has 2 and 3 which means team member with the id 2 and 3 are present.Multiple values are seperated by the pipe symbol '|'.

View 13 Replies

SQL Server :: Pass Stored Procedure Parameters Sometimes

Jan 28, 2011

Instead of dynamically building an sql to update data based on certain fields that are filled in, I would like to try and do it via a stored procedure I have three fields passing potentially passing to a stored procedure




Stored Procedure accepts 3 parameters

@field1 nvarchar(20), @field2 nvarchar(20), @field3 nvarchar(20)

I want to be able to pass parameters in a variety of ways

field1, field2, field3
field1, field3
field2, field3

When I attempt thsi, it provides an error of a missing parameter when I do not supply all three. Is there any way to pass exclude parameters at times. The most important thing is that I do not want to update the field to a null when a parameter is not passed, I want it to exclude updating that field altogether

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DataSource Controls :: Execute A Stored Procedure Within A Stored Procedure?

Jan 18, 2010

Does anybody if it is possible that a stored procedure returns rows which is the result of the execution of another sp? Something like..


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SQL Server :: Turn Into Stored Procedure Query Parameters

Mar 7, 2011

How do you turn this, into a stored procedure:

<asp:SqlDataSource ID="SqlDataSource1" runat="server" ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:ConnectionStringNEW %>"
SelectCommand="SELECT * FROM [Insert] WHERE ([Sellername] = @Dogname)">
<asp:QueryStringParameter Name="Dogame" QueryStringField="ID" />

I'm having difficulty with the querystringparameters.

View 2 Replies

DataSource Controls :: EXECUTE Permission Error On SQL Server 2005 Stored Procedure When Running From The IIS?

Apr 10, 2010

sing VS 2008 at a workstation, I have successfully developed a local, file-system ASP.NET 3.5 website. The wbesite included a membership page with Windows authentication and a web parts page. The SQL Server 2005 ASPNETDB database has been created at an IIS web servr. Using the ASP.Net development server of the workstation, both the membership Membership/WebParts pages at the local website worked very well.

Then, I copied the website to a virtual directory at the IIS web server and creates a remote website for the workstation. Under theASP.NET development server of the workstation, both membership and webparts pages of the remote website at the IIS web server also worked fine.

However, when running these web pages from the IIS web server machine, something wrong happened with the web parts page. (The membership page still worked very well.) For the ASPNETDB database at the IIS web server machine, there is an EXECUTE permission error on an ASPNET stored procedure.

What are the differences between the ASP.NET development server and IIS web sever, which caused the EXECUTE permission error on the ASP.NET S.P.? How to find and fix the errors?

View 2 Replies

SQL Server :: Passing Multivalue Parameter To Stored Procedure

Jul 28, 2010

I want to know, how do i send a multivalue parameter from C# to Stored Procedure which is used in WHERE CLAUSE in IN statement?

for eg:

CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[sp_GetPolicyDivOff1]
@Insid varchar(5000)=null

SELECT MST_GroupCompany.GC_Name,MST_DivisionalOffice.DIV_Name FROM MST_DivisionalOffice INNER JOIN MST_GroupCompany ON

MST_DivisionalOffice.DIV_FK_GC_ID=MST_GroupCompany.GC_ID where GC_Name IN(@Insid)

View 10 Replies

SQL Server :: Passing An Array From C# Code-behind To Stored Procedure?

Nov 2, 2010

Via the button1_ click event I retrieve all files in a directory (Example Follows)


I now need to check whether this filename exists as a field in a SQL Server table. For example, if the directory retrieves a file named ExampleFile.txt which does not exist in the (Table = TableFileStore;s Field = FileRetrievals) then I want to insert the filename.

How do I construct a stored procedure to pass the filename(s) into a stored procedure as a parameter? Do I need to also create an array of filenames and pass the array into my stored procedure? Does the stored procedure belong within the foreach loop?

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SQL Server :: Passing A Variable To A Remote Stored Procedure?

Feb 27, 2011

I have a SQL stored procedure on a SQL server that uses a variable to create a new database. This works in SQL I have a connection string that works I have added a sqldatasource to a webform, and configured the datasource to connect to the remote SQL database and am able to select my stored procedure. I am able to bind the variable to a control in the sqldatasource wizard (often two of the same control appear- if that is significant)

When I test the sqldatasource in the configuration wizard and put in a manual entry, the procedure runs and works

It is on the web page I am having troubles. I want the user to enter a name in a text box, click a button/link, and run the procedure. Ive used buttons and links...but not in the right way I think, becuase when I click them the stored procedure doesnt run.

As mentioned above, I have selected the right control in the sqldatasource wizard. So what do I need to do now?

Is it button click event? If so whats the syntax?

Should I be embedding my textbox in a dataview?

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SQL Server :: Passing Array Paramaters To Stored Procedure?

Nov 1, 2010

I need to send an array of strings to a stored procedure and then use that array of strings to create a filter of the data returned.for example I need need to send the following array to the strored procedure:


and use that array to run the fillowing sql command:


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