SQL Server :: How To Query Previous And Next Record

Sep 25, 2010

i would like to query out the next record and previous record guid from the current record guid.But i don't want to use the ID + 1 or ID - 1 because the ID is not secure for query like this. I am using MS SQL.

May i know how can i write the sql query?

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SQL Server :: Select Records Based On Previous Record?

Mar 23, 2011

If I have records in a table in this order:

Id - Date - Type
1 - 2011-03-01 - 1
2 - 2011-03-02 - 0
3 - 2011-03-03 - 0
4 - 2011-03-04 - (-1)
5 - 2011-03-04 - 0

Can I somehow select the records between a record having type 1 and type -1 without using a cursor,for example the records with ids 1-4 in this example?

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Forms Data Controls :: Getting First Record In Nextpage And Last Record Of Previous Page Of Gridview?

Nov 16, 2010

I am using paging to my gridview (pagesize=4) . now i am in (X) page and i want to get (X+1) page top record or (X-1)page bottom record , how i can get .

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SQL Server :: Query - Select 3 Record Order By Date?

Dec 2, 2010

i want to select three records order by Date .This is my News table.

NewID NewTitle NewContent NewDate
1 Example ExampleContent 01.12.2010
2 Example2 ExampleContent2 02.12.2010
3 Example3 ExampleContent3 03.12.2010
4 Example4 ExampleContent4 04.12.2010

So,query selects example4,example3 and example2.

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Crystal Reports :: How To Get Previous Record Value

Mar 1, 2011

Im new to Crystal reports. I need to make a statement in which three columns are displayed.Debit, Credit and Balance.

something like:

Debit Credit Balance
51613 3656854
7599 3664453
3398 3661055

I just have top Balance amout in DB which is 3605241. now I have to display the updated balance After debit or credit. I want to get the Previous Balance amount for addition/subtraction.How can I do it using Formula field?

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How To Set Previous / Next Record By Clicking Button

Feb 22, 2011

I have a Listview binded with a ObjectDataScource and a div to display a record's details on a page. Outside the Listview and div I have Previous/Next buttons on the same page. I want to click the button to display Previous/Next buttons in the Div. How can this be done? I use onItemcommand to trigge each record to be deplayed in Div.

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JQuery :: Listview Have To Automatically Append The Previous Added Record?

Mar 24, 2011

I am using Jquery and Ajax to add new record into the database. After successfully insert the record, I want the listview I have to automatically append the previous added record.

The record can be added successfuly into the database and the only problem is I want them to be display in my listview after I click submit button. So is there any solution for this?

Below is my code:





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Forms Data Controls :: Repeater Control Previous Next Record After Searching?

Jan 27, 2010

I have a search page. If a user enter something into title textbox and search let say it display 15 records.

If click the title of each records, it goes to DetailsPage.aspx.

What I want here is: If user click the title details of a record and leave that search page, I want to put there(On Details.aspx) Previous/Next button arrow so that the user does not need to browse back and see the search results and go to next details.

Note: I am passing ID into querystring when go search page to details page.

How to keep remembering IDs on details page of searched records on search.aspx ?? Use session or something different ? How can I do this ?

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Forms Data Controls :: How To Navigate To Next And Previous Record In Formview Using FormviewPagerTemplate

Mar 9, 2011

I have FormviewPagerTemplate that is working fine but the problem is coming when I'm in the first or last record only.

if I'm in the first record and want to navigate to the second record I have to hit next linkbutton twice

if I'm in the Last record and want to navigate to the previios record I have to hit previuos linkbutton twice

See my code below:


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Update Particular Record Using Update Query In SQL Server With Vb.net?

Dec 2, 2010

I have the query to retrieve selected record in textbox. How to use this query to update record: I want when I enter sumit in textbox1 and click submit button then the record with ID 1 will be updated to name sumit

Dim SQLData As New System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection("Data Source=.SQLEXPRESS;AttachDbFilename=|DataDirectory|Database.mdf;Integrated Security=True;User Instance=True")
Dim cmdSelect As New System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand("SELECT TOP 1 Name FROM Table1 Order by Id DESC", SQLData)
Dim dtrReader As System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataReader = cmdSelect.ExecuteReader()
If dtrReader.HasRows Then
While dtrReader.Read()
TextBox1.Text = dtrReader("Name")
End While
Response.Write("No customer found for the supplied ID.")
End If

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Web Forms :: Exit Sub If Not From Previous Page Or Query String Is Empty

Feb 12, 2010

I'm trying to Exit the Page_Load event if the user did not come from a specific page. If it did I want it to populate the fields based on what i passed from the other page. Here's my code:

Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender
ByVal e
As System.EventArgs)
If Request.QueryString
ElseIf Page.IsPostBack
NCMRNumber.SelectedValue = Request.QueryString("NCMRNumber")
NCMRLabel.Text = NCMRNumber.SelectedValue
Dim SQLDataview
As DataView =
DirectCast(SortInstructionsSQL.Select(DataSourceSelectArguments.Empty), DataView)
Each DataRow
As DataRowView
In SQLDataview
SupplierNameLabel.Text = DataRow("Supplier").ToString
SupplierContactLabel.Text = DataRow("SupplierContact").ToString
SupplierPhoneLabel.Text = DataRow("SupplierPhone").ToString
PartNumberLabel.Text = DataRow("PartNumber").ToString
DefectDescriptionLabel.Text = DataRow("DescriptionofDefect").ToString

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Forms Data Controls :: Prevent Previous Parents Data Is Loading To One Of Child Record

Mar 21, 2010

I have datagrid. i loading data to grid from user control like below


when i click the button Show child item. all the child item are displaying except one. for first child item not displaying, but one of parent items is displaying inside child grid.

it seems like previous parents data is loading to one of child record. How can i prevent that?

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Getting All The Record Of Particular Month - Building SQL Query?

Jan 13, 2010

I have table having data like:

ID Date Name
1 1/1/2009 a
2 1/2/2009 b
3 1/3/2009 c

I need to get result something like...

1 1/1/2009 a
2 1/2/2009 b
3 1/3/2009 c
4 1/4/2009 Null
5 1/5/2009 Null
6 1/6/2009 Null
7 1/7/2009 Null
8 1/8/2009 Null
30 1/30/2009 Null
31 1/31/2009 Null

I want query something like..

Select * from tbl **where month(Date)=1 AND year(Date)=2010**

Above is not completed query.

I need to get all the record of particular month, even if some date missing..

I guess there must be equi Join in the query, I am trying to build this query using Equi join

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Forms Data Controls :: Create Query In New Page Using Previous Page Control Value?

Nov 26, 2010

How can I build a query in a new page using the value from a prevous pages control's value. I can transfer the value to the new page, I just don't know how to use the passed value to build a query. I want to populate a data grid filtering with values obtained from the proveous page.

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Insert An Empty Record Using LINQ Query?

Apr 10, 2010

I have a LINQ query like this:

var query1 = from x in db.FaqCategories select new { x.CategoryId, x.Category };

What I would like to get is a query with an empty record

var empty = new {CategoryId="", Category=""};

on the very top of query1. I think this can be accomplished by using the union operator, just don't know how.

View 1 Replies

Parent Child Table Record - Building SQL Query?

Jan 15, 2010

Here is my table and data of these tables

Table name: Code

CID Code
1 abc
2 def
3 xyz

Table Name : Details

1 a 1
2 b 2

Resultant Table:

ID Code Name
1 abc a
2 abc Null
3 def b
4 def Null
5 xyz Null
6 xyz Null

I nned to get all record from the code table and against each code I have to get all the rows from the details table, if some code have value their need value and if not then Null

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When User Back Any Previous Tab(page) The Will Be Show The Previous Data Without Loading 2nd Time?

Jul 26, 2010

I am developing a web application in ASP.NET3.5 with C#. I also using Telerik RadAjax Control. When user click the menu then open the page with a new tab(Like web Browser).I want to create, when user back any previous tab(page) the will be show the previous data without loading 2nd time( like browser tab). Is it Possible ?

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Access :: Could Not Able To Insert Record Into The Table - Operation Must Use An Updateable Query?

Mar 23, 2010

This is the first time i am using ms access database for the c# asp.net .

I am getting the following error when i try to insert the record.

Operation must use an updateable query.


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Forms Data Controls :: Select Query For Each Record Of Dataset Then Bind In Gridview?

Jun 10, 2010

i wants to display the related informations of each record of dataset. That mean, dataset having rows for A,B,C and etc..

Then i wants to display the information in same Gridview of each record(A,B,C). i wrote the below my coding, it dispaly info of the last row of dataset only. pls correct the coding.


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DataSource Controls :: Can't Find Query's / By Right Clicking On Database Created A Query In Server Explorer?

May 17, 2010

By right clicking on my database i created a query in server explorer. But where are this query stored can't find them back. I should aspect that their is a folder query's like there is a folder tables but this isn't the case.

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SQL Server :: Save Previous Row Value To Next Row?

Mar 24, 2011

[Code].... Save previous row value to next row?

View 8 Replies

SQL Server :: Sub Query In Cross Table Query To Create Statistics

Mar 2, 2011

I am trying to create statitics for game downloads and am having dificulty with a sub part of my query. the goup by command is not having the disired result and i think i have been looking at it too long to see what i am doing wrong. [Code]....

At the moment it is producing each result in many rows when only 4 rows should appear. its the download column that is doing it. needs to be sub queried or something to display total in relation to month,gameid,userid.


1 1
1 1

1 1
1 1

View 2 Replies

SQL Server :: Query Slow In Loading / Trying To Display Query Result?

Feb 1, 2011

I am trying to display this query result in an aspx page.

It is very slow in loading. Here is the query. The inner query inside the outer quesry is the problem.(Please see the underlined part in the query) - (If I remove that part it is very fast.)


top 500

--This column is the issue
,Governing_Class=( case when exists (select top 1 tqc.class_code from
t_quote_class tqc
inner join t_quote_class_premium tqcm on tqc.class_code =tqcm.
where tqc.appid=pi.appid and tqc.class_code not in('8742' ,'8810','7380')
order by tqcm.premium_amt desc
then ( select top 1 tqc.class_code from
t_quote_class tqc
inner join t_quote_class_premium tqcm on tqc.class_code =tqcm.
where tqc.appid=pi.
order by tqcm.premium_amt desc
......... From tables

View 7 Replies

Insert Record Into MSAccess Table - Syntax Error (missing Operator) In Query Expression

Mar 19, 2016

As I am learning asp.net . when i try to insert record into msaccess table why it says -

Syntax error (missing operator) in query expression 'user1','cx0437@gmail.com' ,'12312456')'.

As i found the same code at the following link [URL] ....

protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) {
OleDbConnection con;
using (con = new OleDbConnection(@"Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;" + @"DATA SOURCE=C:Database iershop.mdb")) {

[Code] ....

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SQL Server :: Sum Value Of Previous Rows + Exisitng Row?

Mar 11, 2011

I had a sql statement to prepare dataset for generate staff overtime work and time-off balance.

SELECT Table1.staff_key,Table1.from_date,Table1.to_date,Table1.total_min ...... FROM Table1
SELECT Table2.staff_key,Table2.from_date,Table2.to_date,Table2.total_min ...... FROM Table2

the output of the sql statement should like this:

From To No. of hours
total_min Balance
01/01/2011 12:00 01/01/2011 17:00 7 hr 0 min 420

07/03/2011 12:00 09/03/2011 14:00 ( 2 hr 0 min ) -120

07/03/2011 19:00 09/03/2011 20:30 1 hr 30 min 90

10/03/2011 17:00 10/03/2011 17:30 ( 0 hr 30 min ) -30

But I have no idea how to calculate the Balance in the sql statement that it will sum up the total_min of previous rows + existing row.

View 6 Replies

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