SQL Server :: How To Save Pdf Files In Database And Create A Search Engine To Search For Pdf Files

Sep 28, 2010

in my project i would like to save pdf files in database, how to save pdf files in database ? along with that i would like to create create a search page to search for pdf files with PDF file names , how to accoplish these things

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Jan 19, 2011

I have a database filled with information about a bunch of different articles. I'm trying to add a search mechanisim to the site where you would type in what you are looking for, and it would search through the articles finding the most appropriate article. In my database I have a bunch of different fields that will help find the best article. For example, for each article, there is a title, description, category, a bunch of tags, Number of page views, number of votes, and the sum of all the vote scores. All this informaiton i believe can be used to gather the most relevent article based on the persons search terms. The problem is I don't know what to do with this information. What I would like to do is have a scoring system where the highest score is the first result and the lowest score is the last result. Where the first result is the most relevent.

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Dec 23, 2015

I have a directory folder with PDF images files: 1234567.pd, 7654321.pdf, 3212345.pdf, 9876321.pdf. Now, see my code below (everything in the code is working  good), except that I am trying to search for the image file number doesn’t exist in that directory.

runat="server">Entry Number:</asp:Label>
<td >


For example If the image file pdf number: 4455668.pdf doesn’t exist in that folder it will redirect or display error.I am getting an error that says: AspPDF. NET has generated error #110: [ Could not find a part of the path 'C:XXXX-Image4455668.pdf', which means the image file number doesn’t exist in the path directory. Yes, the error is correct, there is not image file number I type.

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It seems simple to me. I need it to search each of my tabels. aka(Customers, Loan Information, Real Estate, Vehicles) I want a repeater or datalist of sometype that hyperlinks to a details view page for each of the tables(easy to do).

I don't know the best way to tackle this. It is a local intranet application so I was thinking about possibly just passing the words or numbers in the textbox to a query string then running a sql command for each of the tables and returning data in a datalist for each table?

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I want perticular file from sub directory i only know name of parent directory then how to get file 

But it gives me string array 

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So I can get all info with extension..

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Jul 22, 2010

Basic Concept :

1. User will upload files into system. {say into Database or storing in some location (C:/temp/.....).}

2. Suppose user wants to search file/s which contains particular keywords - suppose user wants to retrieve files which contains word :

Finance Management. System should return all the files which contains that word.

I know how to upload file and retrieve file of particular name.

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protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (!IsPostBack)
Session["AllEmpsLoadPath"] = "\\intranet.org\Photo Album\Employees";


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