SQL Server :: Retrieve Date - Zero Result

Aug 4, 2010

I am using datetime.now in vb.net to retrieve the current time and date. I passed this parameter into this dim strDate as datetime

strDate = datetime.now

I then saved this strDate into database. However, when I want to retrieve the following date with example, say 2/8/2010 3:58:58 PM

SELECT * FROM CUST WHERE DATE = '2/8/2010 3:58:58 PM'

the result is 0. So i went to SELECT * FROM CUST and realized that the date in the Date column is this:

2010-08-04 15:58:20.000

I have retrieve today's date and saved into database, by right the format should be the same.. May I know what has happened?

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Feb 26, 2011

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Oct 9, 2010

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but if there were no "hits" for a particular date range in the last week i only get the dates returned where there were hits. i need to get all the days returned and where there were no results, i need a zero returned.

hitdate hitsperday

2010-10-07 2
2010-10-06 58
2010-10-04 1645
2010-10-03 1192

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hitdate hitsperday

2010-10-08 0
2010-10-07 2
2010-10-06 58
2010-10-05 0
2010-10-04 1645
2010-10-03 1192

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- Laptop

- Fax


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