How To Retrieve Records Based On Date

Nov 8, 2010

I would like to develop an application which retrieves records based on date.(using

if initial date is 07/10/2010 expiry date is 07/08/2011(dd/mm/yyyy) which is stored in database.

between these two ranges on 07th of every month i wanna generate reports .

and if if initial date is 15/10/2010 expiry date is 15/08/2011(dd/mm/yyyy) on every months 15th reports has to be generated.

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Aug 10, 2010

-7vf- I write a program by c# to check and retrieve data from database

The problrm:I have one table(1), I want to make update for that table(1) that is by compare the one column in table(2) with the right side from one column in table(1), so if there is any similarity it will retrieve the data and if there is no match just it will make the record empty(null) "the data type of retrieving columns: number 'double'", but the problems is:

I try to retrieve 11 columns, 7 of them are empty .the program run with out error ,but it will retrieve some records with full data 11 columns, but some of records has only 5 columns have data and 7 columns are empty (these records when I run the program did not retrive any columns, it give me empty records!!)

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while (or.Read())
{ or.GetValues(field); OdbcCommand oc2=null;

I want to retrive all data which are empty or null and all data

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But when i doing search. I cannot bind the gridview to the "column". because string has to be converted manually into dataset to be accepted by gridview.

I just hope to do the coverting in the "Selected" event and databind the gridview with the data converted.

How could I retrieve the current record?


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Aug 4, 2010

Using a ListBox, where multiple items can be selected. Using StringSplit SQL function the string passed from Listbox is separated where the delimeter is comma ( , ).ListBox is in search form where user enters search criteria using other controls and the ListBox. All works good by simply using below SQL statement in Stored procedure that carries search.


Question:- Now one of List Item is None , when None is selected or None is selected with other ListItems from ListBox it is required to retrieve all records where COLUMN IS NULL.Example: When the Male, Female and None is selected from ListBox, SQL statement in Stored procedure will be


Like to know how this can be handled? It is required to retrive NULL values when None is selected in ListBox as well as in combination of other ListItems(Male and Female) i.e., Male, Female, Null when user selects multiple items from ListBox.

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SELECT TOP (1) Property.Name, Property.Price, Department.DepartmentTitle, Images.ImageId, Property.DateAdded
Department ON Property.DepartmentId = Department.DepartmentId LEFT OUTER JOIN
Images ON Property.PropertyId = Images.PropertyId
WHERE Property.dateadded >= NOW -30 days

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My table

Module2Feature Module2Feature2

Basically Please Notice that the child records are based on the parent.

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Jan 31, 2012

I am creating an application with html using vb as the back end. Microsoft Visual Studio is the application I am using.

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Mar 15, 2011

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Select * From Supp_table Where SUPPORT_END_DATE > "Date Of the day I get it from textbox.text=Date.ToDay()"

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