SQL Server :: Set 0 If Value Is Null Doesn't Work?

Mar 29, 2011

I have the below stored procedure witch has an error I cann't figure out.

What I want: Gets rankOrder. If rankOrder doesn't have a value (= null) the @num should be insertet as 1 as value. If there is a row and a rankOrder is should set the @num to insert the value + 1. The last one works perfect. But when the row I select is emty = null value the value is set to null in the insert command.

Stored procecure:


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Configuration :: Doesn't Work When Published To Virtual Server Running Windows Server 2008 R2?

Feb 26, 2011

Does anyone know of any requirements to get the Ajax Control Toolkit (Calendar Extension in particular) working in this OS? I have it working on my local macjine (VS 2010 Development Server) but it doesn't work when published to my Virtual Server running Windows Server 2008 R2. No errors are reported, just nothing happens when I give focus to the Calendar textbox (no Calendar appears).Anyone know of any configutrations that need to be made in Windows Server 2008 R2?Is there a 32-bit/64-bit issue with the Toolkit?

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Sql Server - Textbox Control Doesn't Return NULL When It Is Empty

Mar 16, 2010

In reference to this question that I just asked, [URL] it appears that for some reason, an empty text box's value is not being fed to SQL Server as NULL, as it ought to be.

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SQL Server :: SqlCacheDependency Doesn't Work

Feb 8, 2011

I have a big problem in using SqlCacheDependency and Sqlserver notification service.I just want to add a dataset to cache with a SqlCacheDependency and get expire notification from sql server , Here is the simple code that doesn't work

(.net 4 , sqlserver 2008)

private DataSet GetData()


I have enabled my database service broker with : [alter database dbName set ENABLE_BROKER] I have created a master key for my databese with : [CREATE MASTER KEY ENCRYPTION BY PASSWORD = '1']

There is no error in sql server log file but when I change my skin table data , my cached dataset still remains in cache , it seems that there is no notification from sql server about changing the result of my Sqlcmd (that the SqlCacheDependency is created on it)

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Web Forms :: Executing Exe From Server Doesn't Work

Dec 31, 2010

Why this doesn't work?


Error: The HTTP verb POST used to access path '/WEB_Salaries/Programs/CALC.EXE' is not allowed.

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AJAX :: Doesn't Work On Shared Server

Jun 17, 2010

I created a web application which uses AJAX. When I debug the application on my local C drive it works fine. When I move it over to my shared server F drive and debug it, I get permission errors for every time I used AJAX in the web application. The errors look like this:

Request for the permission of type 'System.Web.AspNetHostingPermission, System, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089' failed. F:JoshAJAXCCRSchedulingTESTShiftScheduleVsWorked.aspx

I have done almost everything including set my security level to full trust (which is what most people say is all i have to do). I do not know what else to try. Any other ideas? Could it be because I am on the .net framework 1.1 configuration? Do I need to add something to it?

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AJAX :: AsyncPostBackTrigger Doesn't Work On Server?

Aug 25, 2010

AsyncPostBackTrigger doesn't work on server?

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SQL Server :: Default Value NEWSEQUENTIALID() Doesn't Work In VS?

Sep 6, 2010

I have a column in my .mdf file with the 'uniqueidentifier' datatype. I would like to have it set by SQL Server Express automatically. There are articles on the web that recommend using one of the following commands as the default value:NEWID()NEWSEQUENTIALID()I put this in VS 2010 column properties of my table, in Default Value or Binding. The first command works fine but the second turns out showing an error message 'error validating the default for column xxxx'Any advice on this? I'm I missing much using the first command?

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Security :: FromsAuthentication Doesn't Work On Server

Mar 21, 2010

Here's my web.config code:


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Ajax UpdatePanel Doesn't Work On Server

Jan 7, 2012

I booked new server and transfer old website to there I using in this site the ajax just updatepanel it's was works on old server without need to copy ajax dll to Bin folder after I transferred the site it's doesn't work and no any page error i tried copy ajax dll to bin folder but same problem.

Note:I installed on server .Net 4.0 and the site works on 3.5 also ajax was v3.5 i think the .Net 4 enough to run all.

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AJAX :: Control Doesn't Work On Apache Server?

Oct 11, 2010

i am using mod_aspdotnet.so module to hosting my ASP.NET application. all was ok until i use ajax control tool kit in my aplication. I am using ajaxToolkit:CascadingDropDown to conect 2 dropdownlist in cascade. In IIS every thing works fine, but in apache there are some problems. When load the page, i got the next javascript error: 'Sys' undefined. the object signed are :

Sys.WebForms.PageRequestManager._initialize('ScriptManager1', document.getElementById('MAIN_FORM'));

How can i solve this problem?

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JQuery .Show() Doesn't Work With Server Control?

Nov 1, 2010

I have 2 html TR that i make them runat="server" & visible="false" and I have a dropdownlist called citiesDropDownList

$(document).ready(function() {
$('#<%=citiesDropDownList.ClientID %>').change(function() { ValidateCity(); });

and on change of this dropdownlist i check if the its text equal to a string i show the 2 tr as below

function ValidateCity() {
if ($('#<%= citiesDropDownList.ClientID %> :selected').text() == identity_CityOther) {
$('#<%= otherCityTR.ClientID %>').show();
$('#<%= areasTR.ClientID %>').show();
var city = $('#<%= citiesDropDownList.ClientID %>').val();
return IsValid((city.length != 0), '#<%= cityDiv.ClientID %>', identity_CityRequired);

.show() isn't work at all and i don't the reason .. can any lead me to get the problem?

FYI : I tried $('#<%= otherCityTR.ClientID %>').show('slow'); and also $('#<%= otherCityTR.ClientID %>').css('visibility', 'visible'); but it doesn't work also.

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JavaScript - An Application Is Working On One Server But Doesn't Work On Another

Oct 11, 2010

I have a new web application. I've setup the application and it's working on one server(xxx) but it's not working on another(yyy). I changed the web.config file(checked throughly and I've changed the connection string and appsettings).

What could be the error?

The login page is working but when I proceed a Javascript error occurs...

(Line: 48 Error: Object doesn't support this property or method)

Here's the code


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AJAX :: Simple Web Service Doesn't Work On Server?

Mar 6, 2010

The following 'hello world' webservice works fine on my computer (VS2008) but I can't get it to work on the server--either from an aspx page (below) or when invoked directly. I get '404 page not found' on the direct invocation.


I added the HttpGet and HttpPost to test the web service directly on the server. I can open the page and invoke it, but then get the 404 page not found response.

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Custom Server Controls :: Why The ExpandableObjectConverter Doesn't Work

Dec 22, 2010

I'm coding a custom control. And I have designed a CompositeControl . There is an property whose type is a complex class(which I designed) in this CompositeControl! And the complex class was added the Attribute [TypeConverter(typeof(ExpandableObjectConverter))] However everytime I try to modify the member of the property in the property panel, it doesn't work !

Although the member is changed in the property panel , there is still no change in the code view !


I'm coding in the vs2010 !

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Server Side Caching Doesn't Work With HttpHandler?

Mar 15, 2010

If we use an aspx page with a Caching Profile, the server caches images that are loaded with the aspx page. So if ten clients load the same image through the aspx page (same url), for one client the image is gotten out of the db, for the nine others it is cached.When we use a HttpHandler, this doesn't happen. The image is always fetched from the database. We have tried all different settings without any success. (we have checked this link and have not been able to cache on server side).

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Configuration :: Report Viewer Doesn't Work On '08 64 Bit Server?

Mar 28, 2010

I have a website that is using the ASP.Net report viewer web control which links to our Reporting Server.

We've also built a new WebServer using Server 2008 64bit. I've had some trouble getting this to work in general, but have figured it all out except for this last problem.

When I publish this website to our old WebServer that uses Server 2003 32bit, I have zero problems, the reports pull up as expected. But when I publish to the new webserver, the site works perfectly up until I try to load the Report Viewer page. I don't get any runtime errors, the only thing I get is the picture below. When I open up the IE errors, it basically says that it can't find any of the pictures, and everything is set to a null instance of the object.

I've installed BIDS 2008, the report viewer control and sp1 for it, and have asp.net 3.5, and all of the asp.net development features enabled.


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Web Forms :: Global.asax Application_BeginRequest Doesn't Work On Server?

Jun 11, 2010

I want to protect one file in a subdirectory with Global.asax. (I know that this isn't the conventional way of going about this) but it works on my computer and not on the server.I have a global.asax file in my root dir and Application_BeginRequest checks if the user is requesting a particular file. If they are logged in, it allows access. If they are not logged in they are redirected to the default page.My problem is this: My code works on my personal computer but does not work on the server. Do I have to configure a setting in the web.config or adjust something on the server? Code:

Sub Application_BeginRequest(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)
Dim fullOrigionalpath As String = Request.Url.ToString.ToLower
If fullOrigionalpath.Contains("/uploads/groups.xls") Then
If HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.IsAuthenticated = False Then Response.Redirect("~/login.aspx")
End If
End Sub

View 9 Replies

Configuration :: Active Directory Security Doesn't Work On Server

Aug 19, 2010

The Security is working fine when testing on a local machine, but when it gets published to the server, it seems that It can't get any active directory information at all.

For example, on the local computer <asp:LoginName ID="LoginName1" FormatString="(Welcome {0})" CssClass="loginname" runat="server" /> returns "Welcome DOMAINusername" but when it's published, it doesn't return anything at all.

Using code i've added users to the correct roles and checked they are really in the roles, but security when published won't recognise the current user's name, so it all fails.

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HttpHandlers / Modules :: ASHX Doesn't Work When Uploaded To Server?

Nov 28, 2010

I have a 3.5 app with a subfolder containing numerous documents. I want to control access to all files in this subfolder via an ASHX handler. My file system looks like this:


The content of the web.config in the files folder is simple:


This works fine on my WinXP / IIS6 developement box, but doesn't work at all when I upload it to my IIS7 / shared hosting account (GoDaddy). I know it doesn't work because I can access every file in the subfolder - the restrictions I wrote in my ASHX code-behind aren't taking affect at all.

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Web Forms :: Image Copy Doesn't Work On Windows Server 2008 With IIS 7.0

Mar 15, 2010

I have a small function that is in a STA thread. It's purpose is to copy the selected image in word document to clipboard and then save it to a location on the hard drive. Here is the code that works fine on XP and Windows server 2003.

protected static void CopyInlineShapeFromClipbord()
string imageFileName = string.Empty;
Computer computer = new Computer();
if (computer.Clipboard.GetDataObject() != null)
System.Windows.Forms.IDataObject data = computer.Clipboard.GetDataObject();
if (data.GetDataPresent(DataFormats.Bitmap))
Image image = (System.Drawing.Image)data.GetData(
DataFormats.Bitmap, true);
imageFileName = _imageUrl + ".gif";
image.Save(imageFileName, ImageFormat.Gif);
_imageUrl = imageFileName;

It does not work on Windows server 2008 on IIS 7.0 Is there some known WP Identity issues or any other kind of security issues in cross process memory sharing?

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Activate COM Object Using Website Doesn't Work In Windows 2003 Server

Apr 12, 2010

I have been trying really hard to activate and launch a COM object using an ASP.NET web application. The aspx website has a code-behind file that has a reference to this COM object (which is an actual application -a CAD software). When required, the VB code creates (or launches) the application.

The complete set-up works in a Win-XP (32-bit) environment both under debugging using visual studio and when the website is accessed by an outside user (through IIS server in XP). But the same application doesn't get activated when it is hosted onto the Win-2003 (32-bit) IIS server. I get "Object reference not set to an instance of an object" error.

The way I have setup in Win-XP was to grant ASP user and Internet guest user permissions to the COM object in the DCOM Config and since the windows firewall is enabled, I add the exe file (associated with the COM object) to the exception list. For the case of Win-2003 server, I add the Network Service permission to the COM object. But the setup doesn't seem to work at all. I am not sure what I am missing and how to get the application to launch.

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Configuration :: Java Applet - IIS Web Server Public Folder Doesn't Work Anymore

May 26, 2010

I am trying to write an asp.net webpage which contains an applet. Everything works fine when I run this in a development folder, but when I move it to the IIS web server public folder it doesn't work anymore. I don't get any error message. The browser doesn't repaint the applet area Here is the source code:

//web page
<script src="http://www.java.com/js/deployJava.js"></script>
var attributes = { code:'ImageApplet.class', archive:'ImageApplet.jar', width:864, height:1000} ;
var parameters = {jnlp_href: 'image-applet.jnlp'} ;
deployJava.runApplet(attributes, parameters, '1.4');
public void init() {
public void buildUI() {
JButton jumbleButton = new JButton("Jumble");
jumbleButton.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
add("South", jumbleButton); }

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Javascript - Server Side Show JS Alert Box, Doesn't Work When Using Partial Post Back?

Mar 24, 2010

I have put the following method in my master page. It works when I call it on a full post back, but when I call it from a updatePanel's asyncPostBack no alert is shown.

public void ShowAlertMessage(String message)
string alertScript =
String.Format("alert('{0}');", message);
Page.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), "Key", alertScript, true);

What do I need to do so it works on partial post backs?

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AJAX :: Make This Work For Several Days But It Just Doesn't Work?

Oct 7, 2010

i'm trying to make this work for several days but it just doesn't work.

this is my code:

aspx page:




this was downloaded from this website.

the problem is that the page loads fine but no autocomplete occurs.

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