SQL Server :: Find Username And Password For A Database In Order To Access Via C#
Jul 24, 2010
In C# I need to connect to a database. How do I find out the username and password to use for that database? I know that sometimes the "sa" username can be used. I don't know how to find the password though. I am working on a contract and no DBA, and the developer left for a different job.
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My second question is regarding how I can set up a service that requires a username and password to be accessed. The service that I have in place I dont want methods within it to be accessed unless the calling application has the rights to do so?
Here is an example of the relevant area of my web.config file.
<!-- standard AJAX binding that supports SSL -->
<binding name="TransportSecurity">
<security mode="Transport" />
In this config, the service is set up for http only and not username/password applied to it.
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So now I wish to know how to authenticate user using the username and password data enter by the user and match with the database data to verify user is a member and login?
For what i know, the code should be something like this
SELECT UserName, Password FROM dbo.User WHERE UserName - @UserName
@UserName = ?
How do i assign the value from my username text field to @UserName?
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Feb 16, 2010
so I will admit this is a pretty stupid question. To my defense, I have never done it before. So take pity. I followed Joe Stagner's video on using the built-in authentication. Now, I would like to query a database using VB.net codebehind to verify if the user exists. I am clueless. Yes, I have a connection string already.
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Jul 10, 2013
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SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(@"Data Source=TEGADEV1SQL2K5EXPR;Initial Catalog=mydatabase;Integrated Security=True;Pooling=False"); SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("select password from reg where username='" + username + "'", con);
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@username", username); SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter(cmd); DataTable dt = new DataTable(); da.Fill(dt);
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i am trying to upload file to a server (,
my code is in below,
my web application works succeffully when i run it from my code, ofcourse i log on to that server ( with username and password, before running the web application.
but when i pulish my program an error is occured and that is because of user name and password, ofcourse it is right , because i did not set username and password in my code.
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So, given I display the Identity field (CID), and need that for the update, I cannot get the update to work without including it in the UpdateCommand. Of course, since it is an autonumber field in Access, I cannot actually set it. So, I had to add another field to the db (lngUpdateCID) that I could set. That can't be how it has to be done, but I could not figure out another way to do this.
The relevant code is below:
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Nov 12, 2010
guess it's straightforward. On page load, i wanna check the group of which a particular belong to. Say, someADNameeckham belongs to Account. In that case, I only wanna get "Account". But I have no idea how to get the group name of a particular user belong to. It's for LAN web portal so I guess security is not a very big concern here.
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