SQL Server :: How To Create Temp Table Stored Procedure
Mar 23, 2011
i would like to retrieve data from two table, how can i create a temp table and then insert data from two different table.and then use the temp table to join other table in stored procedure.if i want to select same data from two table, how can i select all distinct data from two table into temp table
i m using ##Temp Table in stored procedure..it gives this error There is already an object named '##people' in the database.in two codition1.in case of multisession2. if transaction drop in between even i drop Table in Last in stored procedure..what can i use in place of temp table to hold data for a time being
I am trying to populate a datagridview control using a stored procedure in SQL Server database. The stored procedure accepts a parameter value.The output is a select * from #temptableoutput . Since the columns of the #temptable can not be seen by VS since they do not exist yet how do I configure the datagridview control to use the yet to be "initialized" columns?I have not found any tutorials on using stored procedures to fill datagridview controls
how can I create stored procedure and write my select statement in it, I know how to create dataset then put type stored procedure and assign it to the sp ... what I want is writing my sp... how can I make it ?
check the following code, this is what I want to write put I don't know where or how !
I have created stored procedure and student database and also asp.net application for asp.net page but it could not found stored procedure what is the mistake actually I don't no
I am trying to create the following stored procedure in sql server Lat and Lng are the parameters being passed from c# code behind .But I am not able to create this stored procedureit indicates with error saying undefined column name Lat,Lng
CREATE FUNCTION spherical_distance(@a float, @b float, @c float) RETURNS float AS BEGIN RETURN ( 6371 * ACOS( COS( (@a/@b) ) * COS( (Lat/@b) ) * COS( ( Lng/@b ) - (@c/@b) ) + SIN( @a/@b ) * SIN( Lat/@b ) ) ) END sqlda.SelectCommand.CommandText = "select *, spherical_distance( Lat, 57.2958, Lng) as distance from business [code]...
More specifically, i'm trying to create a stored procedure that displays data from a table if the date column in the table matches a specific day of the week. (IE. Monday, Tuesday, ect...)
I'm trying to create a stored procedure that get a Key and Name (both varchar), the procedure will check if a the key allready exists in the table, if it exists it will update the name, if its not exists it will add it to the table..
A procedure which can be called with or without parameters passing (something like optional parameter. but don't know how to use optional parameters. plz tell me how to create a stored procedure with optional parameters, and also if it is the only way to create the dynamic stored procedures.)
I want create a stored procedure for insert values for Name,Company_Name,Designation,Eamil_Id,Remark then Ref_Id should automically get the value if insert in remain feilds like Name,Company_Name,Designation,Eamil_Id,Remark with out changing table structure
my stored procedure is always extract some data into temp table such as"select name,address,content into #TEMP1 from table1,table2,table3" finally, select another table together with #TEMP1 to extract all desire data from one queryselect T.name,T.address,T.content,C.other from #TEMP1 T, otherTable C where T.ID=C.IDI would like to ask if i want to join one more table T2 into final query with "otherTable left C outer join on C.ID=T2.ID"
I am a rookie developer here and I have tried looking around for an answer but I am little confused. I have a stored procedure that calls multiple stored procedures when I go to create a new contact.[Code]....
I though I could use the OUTPUT Command to copy out the NewContactID but I am getting all kinds of syntax errors. I am confused as to what I am missing here.
trying to create a stored procedure to authenticate users, if users are authenticated their data like userid, first name, etc are returned in a cursor. However, if users are not authenticated an error is returned or something that indicates users were not authenticated.
But I don't know how to do this in a stored procedure.
If I have the inventory class and want to make it to be xml and passed to web services and then web services will call stored procedure with xml as input parameters.
I am creating a nightly process using a stored procedure to check for expiring records and emailing myself and the folks that need to see the information. The trouble I am having is trying to send the data in table "like" view in the message body.Here is the Proc you can see the point at which i try to use a table vairble then use it as a parameter for calling the email proc but it doesn't seem to work.
I tried nested ListViews but can get the display wanted.In my database I have a Category Table and a Product table.They share the CG_ID value.I want to make a stored procedure that will use two select statements to produce a single table.that can be used as a ListView DataSource.
Hope this makes sense: I need to create a stored procedure that I am going to use as a datasource for a crystal report in vs.net.
The issue is that the data is stored in 2 different kinds of databases, one is sql server and the other is plb files.
I have an odbc connections created for each separately however I need to make one query that joins data fields from both the sql server db tables and the plb db, how do I do this in one query that I will use in a stored procedure?
moving some tables & stored procedures from SQL Server 2000, to SQL Server 2005.So far so good, but I've come across a problem with this stored procedure: