SQL Server :: Save Image As Picture In Sql Databases For Consumer Profile
Oct 28, 2010
i help save image as picture in sql databases for consumer profile now i possess a site that sow consumer profile facts an im this site i possess a picture manage to display consumer avatar with. in code at the rear of with Userprofile.Avatar code i obtained the picture as byte
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How can I dynamically insert images when user uploads an image file to SQL Server 2005 with C# in ASP.NET? This is to let users upload their profile photos in my web app. Is it very different from how it is done for windows app with C#?
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Feb 8, 2011
i'm new to c# and i wanted to know how can i allow user to upload a picture from a text box and a button??
after uploading the picture, how can i save the picture in the database??
**note**the picture i allow user to upload need to be in a fixed size.
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Dec 20, 2010
i am using visula studio 2005 and sql server 2005 i want to display a image in picture box that is store in database how can i achieve this task ?
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Dec 23, 2010
I have this code to insert a picture from database into an ImageControl on my ASP.NET form:
strConnString = "server=" + Server + ";database=" + DataBase + ";UID=" + UID + ";password=" + PASS + ";";SqlConnection MyConnection = new SqlConnection(strConnString);SqlCommand MyCommand = new SqlCommand("SELECT Pic FROM MEN WHERE ID=5", MyConnection);MyConnection.Open();SqlDataReader MyReader = MyCommand.ExecuteReader();if (MyReader.Read()){ byte[] m_MyImage = (byte[])MyReader["Pic"]; Response.BinaryWrite(m_MyImage);}
And I have this ImageControl on the form:
<asp:Image Width="88" Height="100" Runat="server" ID="m_Image" NAME="m_Image" />
but when I run the code, I see the picture big on the screen and not in my ImageControl.
i also put this in the form_load:
m_Image.ImageUrl = "MyPhoneBook.aspx?m_Image";my control is: m_Imagemy control ID is: m_Imagemy namespace is MyPhoneBook
but still dont work
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Dec 5, 2010
database type field BLOB in oracle but if i use MS SQL and field type as image then this below line code work fine.
here trying to save image in oracle database but system giving me below line error
unimplemented or unreasonable conversion requested
here is my code
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Dec 21, 2010
i have sql-server-2008 database that contain image field that hold picture.
i have pictureBox control in my webform.
how to put picture from database to pictureBox control ?
(i work with C# asp.net FW3.5)
can i get any sample code or program ?
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Jan 18, 2013
How to get user details from facebook api found here
How do I get a bigger user picture?
the default image size is 50px X 50px (default from facebook) and i need 350px image
I saw in facebook developer site that there is a height and width property for user_photo parameter, my question is how to use it with the snippet found in article?
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Mar 1, 2011
Classic producer-consumer-problem.I have x app servers which write records in a DB table (same DB).On each server,a service is running which polls the DB table and is supposed to read the oldest entry,process it and delete it.
The issue is now that the services get into a race condition: service on server A starts reading,server B starts reading the same record.I'm a bit stuck on this.I have implemented producer-consumer so often but never across server barriers.
The server cannot talk to each other except over the DB.Environment is SQL Server 2005 and ASP-NET 3.5.
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I understand the producer consumer pattern but I'm finding it difficult to map it to using the Entity Data Model and SQL Server 2008. I want to implement a work queue where multiple threads will pick up the top 5 items (each) to work on and then perform somelong running task on each of those.I've googled for a an example of this but I can't seem to find one that uses the Entity Data model and C#
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I want upload image and show then with click button save
store in db
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for example i am here
and i want to save the file here
i want to do that with mappath in order to work in the server.not only in my pc..
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Using C#
How can i save a Div (tabel) in .aspx page as a Pic (jpeg or anything) ?
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Mar 18, 2013
I am uploading images in c# windows application. I am uploading the images folder wise. In one folder there are 200 to 3000 images. My one images size is about 3.10 MB to 6.2 MB. Its dimensions are 3008 x 1960, 1960 , 4000 x 2600. 6000 x 4000 . while uploading i am reducing the size of image to 400 x 266 or 266 x 400 depending on the height and width of image. but still my image size is about 227 KB. Now i want to reduce the image resolution to decrease the image size.
My code is given below:
private void btnUpload_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
string ik = DestinationPath;
string ik2 = DestinationPath2;
string lastFolderName = Path.GetFileName(ik);
[Code] .....
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Mar 12, 2010
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Jan 24, 2016
How to display default from folder if user did not upload any image, i have imagename in database and image in folder called userimages, then i have a default image folder called missingimages. if user didnt upload profile image the code will then move over to the next code and display default image.
public string getHREF(object sURL)
DataRowView dRView = (DataRowView)sURL;
string Id = dRView["Id"].ToString();
return ResolveUrl("~/Pages/Timeline.aspx?Id=" + Id);
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Aug 24, 2010
So while working on my project on local system, i need to generate a barcode and save it to a folder then retrieve it to attach it in an email to send to user, i got the barcode generator code somewhere on these forums (thanks for sharing) and used it and it worked perfectly, generated the code as image, saved the file to a folder on the local system, retrieved and attached it to email and sent it with no probs.
Next, i uploaded the files to online server to go live, i test, no barcode is getting saved :S, i'm guessing it shouldn't be that easy, guess i have to do some stuff before i can save it to a folder on the server,
Here is the barcode generator code:
At the same time, can you also include how to retrieve it for later use ?
currently i use this to retrieve it from the folder on local system:
<img src='" + this.Context.Server.MapPath("") + @"BarCodes" + getCode() + ".png' />
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Jul 9, 2010
I have one requirement from client where they want to browse and save their choice Logo image in a website which i am developing.
Really i don't know how it happens and Is there any issue like security i need to consider while implementing this logic?
How user (client) will browse image file and where should i store that file in server?
Every indivisual user can browse file of different size and different name; how can i manage at server side so that image appear at right place and in right manner?
Where should i store image corresponding to user id at server; i.e. in database or file?
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