SQL Server :: Send Automatic Email To Customers?

Sep 7, 2010

I need to write a stored procedure to schedule a job that will send automatic email to customers based on some condition as follows:

1. I have two tables. One table is table1 like the following:

Name Date1 Date2 Date3 Rahim, Khan 29'10 30'11 25'08 Karim,Abedin 12'10 28'11 26'09 Fahad, Alam 26'10 12'11 25'10 Another Table is table 2 like the following:

Name Email Rahim,Khan rahim@yahoo.com Karim,Abedin karim@yahoo.com Fahad, Alam falam@yahoo.com In table 1 the date format is in format where 30'11 mean work week is 30 and 11 means last two digits of the year.

2. Now , I need to write a stored procedure that will check :

a) What is current work week and current year?

b) It will then determine the difference between the current work week (now 37) and work week mentioned in date (Date1, Date2 and Date3) columns from table1 and if for current year(it's 2010) at least one difference in each row is>=8 then it should send an automatic email to the corresponding email address of Name column using the relation between Table1 and table2. For example: For first record in Table1 the three difference is: 37-29=8, 37-30=7 and 37-25=12. There are two differences >=8, but only first difference is for year 2010 and third one is not for current year. But, since at least one difference in this row satisfies condition (That means >=8 for year 2010)hence email message should be sent to the address rahim@yahoo.com using relation of table1 and table2.

I know how to set a schedule job in SQL mail but I need this stored procedure to run this job on daily basis.

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1. EXEC SP_Email @Body = 'Hello this is testing'. I recieve the email saying: Hello this is testing

2. EXEC @Results = SP_General

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EXEC SP_Email @Body = @Results. I recieve the email saying: 0

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