SQL Server :: Solve Divide By Zero Exception In SQL Stored Procedure?
Jan 30, 2011
When I am executing my stored procedure it is throwing Divide By zero Exception. Because In my database there is no data for some months. How can I solve this?
I have created stored procedure and student database and also asp.net application for asp.net page but it could not found stored procedure what is the mistake actually I don't no
how can I create stored procedure and write my select statement in it, I know how to create dataset then put type stored procedure and assign it to the sp ... what I want is writing my sp... how can I make it ?
check the following code, this is what I want to write put I don't know where or how !
I am trying to create the following stored procedure in sql server Lat and Lng are the parameters being passed from c# code behind .But I am not able to create this stored procedureit indicates with error saying undefined column name Lat,Lng
CREATE FUNCTION spherical_distance(@a float, @b float, @c float) RETURNS float AS BEGIN RETURN ( 6371 * ACOS( COS( (@a/@b) ) * COS( (Lat/@b) ) * COS( ( Lng/@b ) - (@c/@b) ) + SIN( @a/@b ) * SIN( Lat/@b ) ) ) END sqlda.SelectCommand.CommandText = "select *, spherical_distance( Lat, 57.2958, Lng) as distance from business [code]...
After many years reading this forum... I didn't found the solution to my actual problem... When I tought... this could be a big problem... I have a web app wich doesn't have try catch blocks in every method... so I need to implement a generic solution to handle exceptions and the most important... show some BO exceptions to user inside a MessageUserControl (ASCX) wich uses AJAX. this is the big problem, I tried many solutions, application_error, a specific log module, page_error... and with all I got to the same problem...
The UpdatePanel, when it got an unhandled exception, it fires the events (application_error, page_error) or even the httpmodule, but I think it call an Response.End, wich stops any action in the page... and this is just I don't want to do... I need to display the message to the client. this is the call to show the message...
My page wich gots an unhandled exception are inside an UpdatePanel, if I remove it, the message shows UP! I'm working on this for 5 long days.
Initially, I have tried to use stored procedure. But I changed my mind and preferred to call sql query in codebase with command text. However, it stills tries to find initially-called stored procedure (which is neither called or exists).I think that it is related caching. But I tried it with different browsers it did not work.What might be the reason?
Server Error in '/staff' Application. Could not find stored procedure 'dbo.aspnet_CheckSchemaVersion'. Description: An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request. Please review the stack trace for more information about the error and where it originated in the code.
Exception Details: System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: Could not find stored procedure 'dbo.aspnet_CheckSchemaVersion'. Source Error:
Stack Trace:
Version Information: Microsoft .NET Framework Version:4.0.30319; ASP.NET Version:4.0.30319.1
The following stored procedure updates the value in LeaveTransaction table.
My Question here:
I have written the above trigger,which would update the value for the corresponding records in another table ie) LeaveCumulative table. The trigger is not updating the value in the designated rows in the leavecumulative table. Whereas when I excute the same update command separately in the Query Editor window the trigger is working fine.
set ANSI_NULLS ON set QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON go Create PROCEDURE [dbo].[sp_GetNextSeq] ( @p_NextSeqNo int = NULL OUTPUT ) AS BEGIN SET NOCOUNT ON; BEGIN TRY BEGIN TRANSACTION Generate Next Sequence Number [code]...
I not getting the return value from stored procedure that I have written so how to get that plzz its urgent I have return the procedure as ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[sp_AddPaySlip]
I have upto 16 calculators(I mean 16 stored procedures) in one database.How do I log all inputs for each calculater(each stored proc)?.Most of the variables are not populated in the output table so it became hard to reproduce.The variables are not consistant across all the 16 procs . Do I need to set up new table for these inputs?
I have a stored procedure being executed from an ASP.NET application. Is it possible to attach to the procedure and step through it using SQL Server 2005?
Note, in this instance, I am not using a DataAdapter. I'm going in blind. The connection string is being created on the fly, so I don't have access to the schema from the Visual Studio 2005 designer.
I was hoping for a solution similar, for example, to how you attach to a process on a remote server and when a break point is hit, the debugger fires.