SQL Server :: Use A Column In The Stored Procedure And Pass It To A Parameter?
Jan 31, 2011I have one more question. How can I use a column in the stored prcedure and pass it to a parameter in the code above?
Can we access a column like that?
I have one more question. How can I use a column in the stored prcedure and pass it to a parameter in the code above?
Can we access a column like that?
how can i pass a session variable in a C# web form to a stored procedure..?
View 1 RepliesI am using a gridview where i am calling a stored procedure which has 4 input parameters. Out of these 4 parameters, values are to be given such that DomainId = This has to be the row which is to be deleted. This is a primary key Domain = This field has to be passed to SP as NULL. Description= This field has to be passed as NULL. OperationType= This field has to be passed by programmer as some static value say 4 How to i need to specify these here... More details of the Question are here.
<asp:ControlParameter ControlID="GridView1" Name="DomainId"
PropertyName="SelectedValue" Size="4" Type="Int32" />
<asp:Parameter DefaultValue="" Name="Domain" Size="16" Type="String" />
<asp:Parameter DefaultValue="" Name="Description" Type="String" />
<asp:Parameter DefaultValue="4" Name="OperationType" Type="Byte" />
On running my code using this. I gets an error
Procedure or Function 'spOnlineTest_Domain' expects parameter '@Domain', which was not supplied
ALTER procedure [dbo].[Sample2]
@Col as nvarchar(1000),
@Value as nvarchar(1000)
how do I add an output parameter to a Stored Procedure that returns a code or string to the calling app
View 1 RepliesI have an application with 40 or so separate databases that share a number of identical table schemas. Each is for a separate agency that performs functions identical (nearly) to the others. I have a number of reports that involve complex queries that each agency is required to produce. There is a "top-level" agency that would like to run the same reports but have the data consolidated for ALL agencies. I have tried having the query generated simply re-produced for each sub-agency by using a "UNION" ..
SELECT .... FROM [Agency].[dbo].[Table] ... UNION SELECT ... FROM [Next Agency].[dbo].[Table]....
This works for a few agencies selected/included but when they try to select all agencies or more than a few, it fails because the query is too large. I have tested a stored procedure:
SELECT ... FROM [@DB].[dbo].[Table]...
Thinking I can build a smaller query by having up to 40 items of "EXEC Test (db) UNION EXEC Test (next db)" That also fails.... won't permit the database specifier as a parameter (plus, I don't know if I can do a UNION on the EXEC results).
i made stored procedure like that
select AssetCode ,Description
,EquipmentID from [FATMS].[fnMaintenanceHeaderRead](@ContextUser,@ContextClient,@ContextLang,@ContextApp,@ContextOrg,'1',@fnXmlParamMaintenanceHeader)
where MH.Status
( @Status)
when i put three values for parameter (@status) not work but one value work
how to put three values please to parameter @status when excecute that stored procedure
EXEC @return_value = [FATMS].[spMaintenanceReport]
@ContextUser = N'4806',
@ContextClient = 1,
@ContextLang = N'en-US',
@ContextApp = N'FATMS',
@ContextOrg = 23,
@ActionCode = N'1',
@Status=N' '
SELECT 'Return Value' = @return_value
I want to know, how do i send a multivalue parameter from C# to Stored Procedure which is used in WHERE CLAUSE in IN statement?
for eg:
CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[sp_GetPolicyDivOff1]
@Insid varchar(5000)=null
SELECT MST_GroupCompany.GC_Name,MST_DivisionalOffice.DIV_Name FROM MST_DivisionalOffice INNER JOIN MST_GroupCompany ON
MST_DivisionalOffice.DIV_FK_GC_ID=MST_GroupCompany.GC_ID where GC_Name IN(@Insid)
I need to send a table with value as a parameter in a stored procedure. It is possible any how?
View 3 RepliesMy stored procedure expects a uniqueidentifier as a parameter. However, this unique identifier is stored in a table variable, which looks like this:
DECLARE @GiftGuid uniqueidentifie
Instead of dynamically building an sql to update data based on certain fields that are filled in, I would like to try and do it via a stored procedure I have three fields passing potentially passing to a stored procedure
Stored Procedure accepts 3 parameters
@field1 nvarchar(20), @field2 nvarchar(20), @field3 nvarchar(20)
I want to be able to pass parameters in a variety of ways
field1, field2, field3
field1, field3
field2, field3
When I attempt thsi, it provides an error of a missing parameter when I do not supply all three. Is there any way to pass exclude parameters at times. The most important thing is that I do not want to update the field to a null when a parameter is not passed, I want it to exclude updating that field altogether
I'm looking to pass a list into a stored procedure, stored as List<myClass>. I've passed a table in before but I'm not sure how to pass a list.
View 1 RepliesHere is my stored proc
Create PROCEDURE [dbo].[sp_GetNextSeq] (
@p_NextSeqNo int = NULL OUTPUT
Generate Next Sequence Number
I have a gridview that calls data via a stored procedure. I am unable to enable the gridview columns to be sortable. I need to set the parameter in the Stored Procedure.
Here is my gridview:
And here is my Stored Procedure, I want to pass the sortExpression to the gridview:
I have "HUGE" stored Procedure... so I just decided to separate this big SP to some small sp ( for easy to maintain)I meet a problem is in SP A
create table #tmp
select .
// then call sp B
exec B -- would it possible to pass my temp table to SP B? so I can do next operate in SP B
If I have the inventory class and want to make it to be xml and passed to web services and then web services will call stored procedure with xml as input parameters.
how to do in coding?
I would like to take your help for a small task of mine. I have dataset whose contents have been converted as xml, the contents of which needs to be sent to a stored procedure. How do i go about creating methods in the data layer and the stored procedure.What should be parameter type in the data layer's method and what should be the parameter type in the stored proc. I dont want to use a varchar at the stored proc level because it is limited to a length of only 8000 characters.
View 3 RepliesStored procedure ALTER proc [dbo].[spSearchCombo](@searchBy nvarchar(50),@searchKey nvarchar(50)) as select * from CD_DETAILS where @searchBy like '%' +@searchKey+ '%' I'm using ASP.net2.0 with c# to extract rows basedon search key from a text box and searchBy for the column to be searched. When i use column name instead of @searchBy which comes from value selected from a ddropdownlist i get the desired result . There seems to be a problem with format of @searchBy and i get a blank page.
protected void btnSearch_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
string constring = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings.Get("con").ToString();
SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(constring);
SqlCommand cmdSP = new SqlCommand("spSearchCombo", conn);
cmdSP.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@searchBy",SqlDbType.NVarChar,50));
cmdSP.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@searchKey", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 50));
SqlDataAdapter da=new SqlDataAdapter(cmdSP);
DataSet ds=new DataSet();
I would like to create a common stored procedure for all insert operations performed in my Database. So i created a stored procedure as below.
But now my problem is how to pass parameters for this stored procedure. I have got the column names of the table passed. But i would like to pass the parameters for each insert operation of each table to identify which value is passed for which parameter.
how to pass parameters for this stored procedure.
(Parameter can be Column name prefixed @ i.e. @Column name)
It is possible to get the column names in another Stored Procedure . But how to prefix @ for each column and pass this as parameter to the Common Insert Stored Procedure?
i want to return two output parameter n temp table from sql server stored procedure
View 6 RepliesI am unable to date as dynamic parameter to stored procdure with pivot.i am getting
Msg 8114, Level 16, State 1, Procedure Sample, Line 3 Error converting data type nvarchar to datetime. Msg 473, Level 16, State 1, Procedure Sample, Line 3 The incorrect value "@date1" is supplied in the PIVOT operator.
below is my stored procedure
Actually i'm doing a project on quiz..i created a questions table with fields qno,qdesc,a,b,c,d,answer....then i wrote a store proc to retrieve qno,qdesc,a,b,c,d randomly.SELECT top 5 Q_No,Q_Desc,A_Opt,B_Opt,C_Opt,D_Opt,answers from [dbo].Questions randomrows ORDER BY NEWID() and another store proc to retrieve answers randomly. SELECT top 5 answerst from [dbo].[Questions] randomrows
but finally i'm getting 1st store proc n 2nd store proc randomly...But the answers related to that particular qstn r not matching. how can we retrieve a column present in one stored procedure into another stored procedure
I recently moved a .net site from one machine to another, now for some reason one of the stored procedures is throwing an exception when attempting to insert!
Exception Details: System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: An explicit value for the identity column in table 'dbo.tbl_Events' can only be specified when a column list is used and IDENTITY_INSERT is ON
BTW, the column in question does have the identity set to Yes in management studio
I was using originally SQL 2005, now its on SQLexpress 2008
stored procedure:
In my application I have 7 listboxes.Each list box has morethan 100 listitems.
the best way to pass the selected listitem values(including text values also) to stored procedure in sql server 2005.
salary salperyr hike20 hike20yr
10000.0000 NULL 12000.00 144000.00
12000.0000 NULL 14400.00 172800.00
14000.0000 NULL 16800.00 201600.00
15000.0000 NULL 18000.00 216000.00
18000.0000 NULL 21600.00 259200.00
20000.0000 NULL 24000.00 288000.00
22000.0000 NULL 26400.00 316800.00
in above table salaryper yr (salperyr) has to be modified after caliculation my null values has to be removed and place(salary*12)in one shot.