SQL Server :: Varchar Or Nvarchar For Portuguese Content ?

Nov 21, 2010

I have a doubt in regards to use varchar or nvarchar for portuguese content, so the question is:varchar support all portuguese chars? or must I use nvarchar (unicode)

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DataSource Controls :: Replace All Varchar To Nvarchar?

Apr 1, 2010

i want to convert all my database columns whose data type is char,varchar, nchar to nvarchar datatype. But the main problem is that some of my primary key, foreign key columns are also of varchar datatype. So when i try to change their datatypes to nvarchar then i receive the errors related to constraints of Primary Key, Unique Key and indexes. how to change the datatypes to nvarchar after droping the constraints and after changing all constraints will apply again. I also want that no data loss will occur.

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SqlParameter packIdPara = new SqlParameter("@packIds", null);
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How will I specify that the parameter '@packIds' is of max size? I cannot find any code for this.


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Jan 18, 2011

I have two database.one is "TEMS1" and another one is "TEMSLIVE"

"TEMS1" is my local database.
"TEMSLIVE" is client database.

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SQL Server :: SqlDbType.NVarChar?

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In the following code, should we change the parameters from SqlDbType = SqlDbType.Int to SqlDbType.NVarChar?


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Dec 1, 2010

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SQL Server :: Convert NVARCHAR Column To DateTime

Oct 19, 2010

note MONTH AND DATES stored in single or double digits as they occur. Unfortunately DATE TIME is stored in NVARCHAR Data type column as 2/9/2010, 22/10/2010 etc. Following UK Date here. It is required to pull the data to COUNT No. of Expired. Obviously below one fails.


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SQL Server :: Adding A Relationship - Nvarchar(256) Doesn’t Match

Jan 22, 2011

The following datatype or size property of <Tablename>.<Columnname> doesn't match <Tablename>.<Columnname>. When creating a foreign key relationship, the data types and other properties of selected columns must match. Select a column with the same data types and other properties as the related column. The properties that must match are Data type, Length, Precision, Scale, and Collation.

I am trying to add a constraint to my database and I keep get the above error. I can find Data type, length, and Collation in the properties. What are precision and scale in this context. I don't see such settings. Specifically I am trying to add a relationship from the aspnet_Membership table to a table that I added. I have put a relationship on aspnet_Users.UserName to another table, so I am baffeled.

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SQL Server :: Set Length Of Varchar More Then 8000?

Dec 28, 2010

how can set length of varchar more then 8000?

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SQL Server :: Decide Size Of Varchar(n)?

Mar 15, 2011

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SQL Server :: Comparing String To Varchar?

Nov 12, 2010

I'm trying to compare a string from a label to a varchar(50) in my database. String Occasion = '1 2010-07-07 10:00' compared to varchar(50) OccasionID = '1 2010-07-07 10:00'



I've checked that the values really are identical in the debug. I was under the impression that no conversion is neccessary between string and varchar, but maybe I'm wrong.

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SQL Server :: Operand Type Clash: Nvarchar Is Incompatible With Image?

Mar 6, 2011

My table contains a column named visitorimage with image as the datatype. I have a stored procedure to insert an image but whenever I try to create the sp an error occurs saying"Operand type clash: nvarchar is incompatible with image". What's the problem and how to fix this?

ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[usp_addvisitor] @lastname nvarchar(50), @firstname nvarchar(50), @visitorimage image, @gender char(6), @personalid nvarchar(50), @vehicleno nvarchar(20), @company nvarchar(50), @represent nvarchar(100), @phonenumber bigint, @mobilenumber
bigint, @address nvarchar(100), @remarks nvarchar(200) AS INSERT INTO tblVisitor VALUES (@lastname, @firstname, @visitorimage, @gender, @personalid, @vehicleno, @company, @represent, @phonenumber, @mobilenumber, @address, @remarks)

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SQL Server :: Convert Smallmoney To Four Decimal Varchar?

Dec 21, 2010

In SQL ......

"reading_i" is smallmoney
"reading_f" is smallmoney
CAST(ABS((reading_i - reading_f)) AS VARCHAR)

I want four decimal places alwaysfor example

reading_i = 3.123
reading_f = 1.23

I want 1.8930 (always four decimal places)

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Dec 4, 2010

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i want to sort in my sql querry like this


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Dec 4, 2010

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instead of


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