Search Functionality Of Web Application Developed In C#

May 27, 2010

How to impliment search functionality in static web application developed in c#,

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Search Functionality - Search The Whole Website And Returns The Results

Jan 26, 2010

I created a website. I would like to include a search box that searches the whole website and returns the results.

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Application Developed In 3.5 Run In 4.0?

Mar 28, 2011

This is just to know that, if i developed any application in .net framework 3.5, will it run in machine which has only 4.0? If not then why not.

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Developed A 3.5 X64 Web Application That Includes A Custom HttpHandler?

Mar 22, 2011

I developed a .Net 3.5 x64 web application that includes a custom HttpHandler in the config:

<add path="*.class1" verb="GET" type="ClassLibrary1.Class1Handler"/>

This works when the platform target for ClassLibrary1 is set at x86.
However, when I set this to x64 I get the following error when I run web application starts (it compiles just fine): Configuration Error Description: An error occurred during the processing of a configuration file required to service this request. Please review the specific error details below and modify your configuration file appropriately. Parser Error Message: Could not load file or assembly 'ClassLibrary1, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null' or one of its dependencies. An attempt was made to load a program with an incorrect format.

Does this mean that a HttpHandler can be compiled at x86 only?That doesn't make much sense to me.Does anyone have an idea of what could be going on?Edit 1:The ClassLibrary1 project is just an empty class library project with a single HttpHandler added (which is also empty).Edit 2:I am also getting these warning messages when compiling, I am pretty sure they have something to do with this problem: Assembly generation -- Referenced assembly 'mscorlib.dll' targets a different processor HttpTestEdit 3:I manually edited the project file to force references to the x64 assemblies, like this:

<Reference Include="$(Windir)Microsoft.NETFramework64v2.0.50727System.dll"/>

This does supress the above warning message, but the problem isn't resolved.

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Configuration :: Application Developed In 2.0 To Be Hosted On Server With 3.5?

May 8, 2010

I have an ASP.Net Ajax application that has been built on .net 2.0. My company recently installed a brand new server which has .net 3.5 installed. Is it possible for me to host my application on this server without the .net 2.0 ?

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Mobiles :: Developed A Data Querying Application For The Web

May 3, 2010

I have developed a data querying application for the Web, this is in a host. What steps should I take if I want this application can also be used with mobile devices.

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Developed .NET MVC Web Application To Execute PowerShell Scripts?

Apr 16, 2010

I have developed an ASP.NET MVC Web Application to execute PowerShell scripts.I am using the VS web server and can execute scripts fine. However, a requirement is that users are able to execute scripts against AD to perform actions that their own user accounts are not allowed to do.Therefore I am using impersonation to switch the identity before creating the PowerShell runspace:

Runspace runspace = RunspaceFactory.CreateRunspace(config);
var currentuser = WindowsIdentity.GetCurrent().Name;
if (runspace.RunspaceStateInfo.State == RunspaceState.BeforeOpen) {

I have tested using a domain admin account and I get the following exception when calling runspace.Open():

Security Exception
Description: The application attempted to perform an operation not allowed by the security policy. To grant this application the required permission please contact your system administrator or change the application's trust level in the configuration file.
Exception Details: System.Security.SecurityException: Requested registry access is not allowed.

The web application is running in full trust and I have explicitly added the account I am using for impersonation to the local administrators group of the machine (even though the domain admins group was already there).I'm using advapi32.dll LogonUser call to perform the impersonation in a similar way to this post (

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Configuration :: Desktop /Web Application Developed In C# - Directly Run On Linux?

Feb 16, 2011

I have a window/web application developed in .Net( say using any .Net supported language VB,C#,VC++) on WINDOWS platform. And I want to run those application on Linux platform. 1) Will it directly run on Linux? Yes/No 2) If No, What all things I need to take care to make it run on Linux platform? (Like install required .Net Framework)

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Application Developed In VS 2008 Compatible With Unix And Linux?

Dec 8, 2010

I would like to know whether application developed in Microsoft Visual Studio .Net 2008 has the compatible to run in Linux and Unix environment.

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How To Add Search Functionality To A Txtbox

Oct 6, 2010

i want that while writing some text in an textbox, a listview page should open which will show the related topics containing that text just below that txtbox .

i want to implement something as in stackoverflow title txtbox how it it showing related topics

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AJAX :: Running Enabled Web Application Developed Using Vs2008 - Getting Error

Jan 5, 2010

I have developed the 3.5 ajax enabled web application and it is working well for me. i have included ajaxtoolkit dll and used the ajax tool kit controls in my application. And i copied the application source to another computer and open in visual studio 2008. i have installed the 3.5 in this computer. now the problem is, when i run the application getting error in web.config file. the error is in script. i guess the issue is because of ajax. what i need to do. should i install the ajax latest version in this machine. if so, where can i download the ajax latest version.

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Deploying ASP Application Developed Using VS2008express Edition On MServer 2008

Nov 10, 2010

I want to deploy a Website which i have created using Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 Express Edition onto a server having Microsoft Windows Server 2008. I dont know anything about deployment. I want to know what are the things required on the Server in order to make the application work. i had used ajax toolkit VS2008 Express Edition and mysql on my developer machine.

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Web Forms :: Developed An Error In A Web Application That Uses The Progstudios.webcontrols.combobox?

Mar 23, 2010

I have developed an error in a web application that uses the progstudios.webcontrols.combobox ( 1.1) The strange thin is that I have at least 20 back up copies of the same application taken over the years and they all now give the same error, so I can rule out an accidental code change.The error is -

Overload resolution failed because no accessible 'LoadListControl' can be called with these arguments:
'Public Shared Overloads Sub LoadListControl(ddl As ProgStudios.WebControls.ComboBox, ddlSource As Object)': Value of type 'ProgStudios.WebControls.ComboBox' cannot be converted to 'ProgStudios.WebControls.ComboBox'.
'Public Shared Overloads Sub LoadListControl(ddl As System.Web.UI.WebControls.ListControl, ddlSource As Object)': Value of type 'ProgStudios.WebControls.ComboBox' cannot be converted to 'System.Web.UI.WebControls.ListControl'.


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Converted Web Application Developed  Using Visual Studio 2003 To 2008?

Jun 3, 2010

I have converted my web application developed using visual studio 2003 to 2008. Now my problem is that when I add a new control lets text box or dropdown list on the page or form that was developed in visual studio 2003, the control is not being recognised. How can I ensure that new controls are beiing recognised.

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Why Is Search Functionality Not Working On Webpage

May 31, 2010

we deliver micro-site content for our client. Our content is injected into a wrapper that is supplied by another developer.

To deliver our content we host the wrapper as well as the content. The user can access this at


For the other content that is not ours, the other developer hosts a similar (though slightly different) wrapper and delivers the content. the user accesses this here:


The wrapper contains a search box, which does not work for us but it works for the other developer. I took a look at the network traffic with FireBug but it appears that when I do the search from the wrapper that we're hosting, I'm getting a "407 Proxy Access Denied" error. My guess is their proxy has a problem with the fact that the search is being conducted from a page hosted outside the scope of their proxy.

It was also suggested that there were javascript errors on the page that were preventing the search from executing but I can't see any. Also, I don't think I'd get as far as the proxy error if that was the case.

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Web Forms :: TreeView With Search Functionality

Aug 10, 2013

how to search the node from tree view . if search is succesful it should display as default selected node in windows application using C#

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Web Forms :: Implement Search Functionality In Website

Nov 26, 2012

I want to create a seach box as used in this website for searching topics and other information for my website.

How may I implement this.

I do not want to use google custom search.

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MVC :: Include Functionality Of Downloading Images From Google Search

Feb 17, 2011

how could I include the functionlaity in my ASP.NET MVC site to allow users to search and download image from Google. Basically, I am planning to build the search interface where user can type image name and click search. It should then return the image set and user should be able to select any of them.

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Forms Data Controls :: Working With Datacontrols For Search Functionality?

Mar 21, 2011

am newbie to 3.0 ,req: is like ...whn user enters id in the textbox,the query has to run against the sql server DB and has to generate the result inside a gridview with a chkbox field by default chked,now in the DAL layer ,is it better option to use datareader(think not,since it has to always maintain connection)..or webservice or WCF or are there any other simple optios available??

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Forms Data Controls :: Gridview Search Functionality Error

Oct 13, 2010

I want to give search functionality in grid view. To implement this i am following the below link [URL] but I am getting following error
The name 'MSCD' does not exist in the current context Iam using the following code

if (MSCD.Utilities.Validation.IsDateTime(_newValue) == true)
DateTime dtValue = DateTime.Parse(_newValue);
_newValue = sfield + " " + _operator + " #" + dtValue.ToShortDateString() + "#";

Can anyone tell me why iam getting this error and what is the use of this MSCD.Utilities.Validation sysntax

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Crystal Reports :: Default Search Functionality Not Working In The First Level?

Sep 27, 2010

I am using crystal report with ASP.NET 3 web application.

I am facing an issue with the default search functionality of the crystal reports.

When typing a word and hit enter, it searches only in the column headers, title, footer, summary columns, . Not searching in the data field in the details section.

But in the sub reports, everything is fine, searching in all the fileds.

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Data Controls :: Search Record In GridView With Edit Update Functionality

May 2, 2014

I'm struck at editing the row which is displayed after search operation being performed. I've a table that has User_ID, Name, Status. I would like to bind data and display in gridview. I've implemented a search box to search fr the name and edit the status of the person. But if I'm trying to implement edit option on the searched entry it is not working as how I needed .

<asp:Content ID="Content2" ContentPlaceHolderID="Dresses" Runat="Server">
<asp:TextBox ID="TextBox1" runat="server"></asp:TextBox>

[Code] ....

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Search Functionality In Site To Search Within Own Site?

Feb 20, 2010

I would like to have a search functionality in my site to search within my site. is it possible to have our own search engine.

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DataSource Controls :: Implementing "Google - Esque" Search Functionality In App

May 31, 2010

I've started some preliminary work on getting a Google-like search functionality into my app - ive never done anything like this before so i thought id be a good idea to run by what im thinking of doing at a high level

1) Using MS SQL 2008 w/ Full Text Search Enabled

2) ASP.NET MVC 2 app is using the Repository pattern, with Linq to SQL for data access I'd like for the user to put in one giant text search value, and the full text to do a search over multiple tables and return a mixed result (Employees, Organizations, Offices, etc)

3) I have a simple stored proc that does a Full Text Search on *one* table that looks like this:


4) My Linq to SQL datacontext calls this SP and which works well enough, i have no inflection or ranking going on but ill add that in later...

Q: How do i handle searching over *multiple* tables, doing some digging around it looks like Full-Text doesnt really allow for searches to span over more than one table - which kinda sucks..although ive seen some workarounds

Q: Is it ok to do a Full Text Search for every table i plan on searching through, and combining the results at the business layer (maybe using rank as sort)? I've heard of things like LUCENE but id really not like to do that at this time.

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Data Controls :: Display Large Amount Of Data In GridView With Search Functionality?

Mar 7, 2014

how to display large amount of data in griedview with serach funcationality.(the data should be 20 L)with example in

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