Security :: Can't Get Text From Custom Wizard Step

Aug 11, 2010

I'm trying to get the text values from each textbox in a custom created createuserwizard step however i keep returning null for each textbox however the default step & text boxes (ie. UserName, Password, Email, etc, etc) i can get the text value with no problem


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Similar Messages:

Security :: Create User Wizard Custom Step / How To Get The Value Of CheckBox

Apr 24, 2010

I use default membership provider. in my register.aspx page i use a CreateUserWizard to create new user. in this wizard i want to create a custom step in first step to show the user some roles with a checkBox if user check it mean he agree with the roles and can create account.

i create the step and i put the some text and a checkBox in it. the problem is i don't know how to get the value of checkBox and how active the next button in first Step of my wizard.

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Security :: Step By Step Process To Create Custom Login?

Apr 25, 2010

I have created a User Control with 2 Textboxes and a Button. Then I have built that control into my Master Page. I have also created the code easily enough for the login - see below;


However, I have a problem. I want to do the following;

1. Let them Login

2. Let them Logout

3. And I want to try and use this code into a Global Variable

What is the easiest way possible to do this, as I do NOT want to use the Asp.Net Login facilities already provided.

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Security :: Redirect Upon Complete Wizard Step?

Feb 24, 2010


The above code is my register wizard code, user can register just fine.When the user finish registration, there is a "Continue" button on the complete step.Clicking it will do nothing, how do I redirect the user to specific URL when the user click it?

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Security :: Wizard Not Going To The Next Step After Handling An Exception?

Sep 27, 2010

I am using the standard createuser wizard (but got same issue with other wizard) and in the CreatedUser event an exception is raised causing the wizard not to reach the next step. If no exception are raised the wizard behave as expected. I have tried to force the wizard to move to the next step using CreateNewMember.MoveTo(this.CompleteWizardStep1); as an exemple but still the web page is in waiting stage for about 5 to 10 mins before it finally reach the final step. I have tried to deal with the exception in the routine it occured or throw it back to the CreatedUser event and deal with it there but nothing changes as of to the move to the next step in the wizard.

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Security :: How To Add Payment Step To Create User Wizard

Jan 11, 2011

I'd like to add a payment step to the create user wizard so that it follows:Sign upPay (via paypal or something similar)omplete (only if payment successful)Has anyone done this before and could they point me in the right direction? I've had a scour of the internet and not had too much luck yet.It's for a charity site I'm working on if that makes a difference

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Automatically Populating Textboxes In Wizard Step 2 Using Values From Step 1?

Jun 14, 2010

I am using a wizard with 2 steps: Step 1: I enter some values in few textboxes, which in turn are stored in some hidden variables Step 2: There are some more textboxes including the texboxes in step 1 Example: in step 1 there are two textboxes Customer Name & Email ID In step 2 there are two more texboxes Customer Name, Email ID, Company Name and Age Now the values in step 1 are stored in 2 hidden variables lblCustomerName and lblEmailId respectively. Now how do I automatically populate these two fields which are already entered in step 1, in the textboxes present in step 2, is my question?

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Custom Server Controls :: Server Controls Inside Asp:wizard, Doesnt Render Html When Step Is Not First?

Sep 30, 2010

I have a server control which consists of a gridview with custom navigation&information capabilities and with javascript functions to highlight the selected grid items or highlight when mouse over event occurs.. (full tested outside asp:wizard)I'm trying to use that server control inside a template wizard step, when I drop such server control in the first step of the wizard everything goes ok.

When I insert even a blank step previous to the step which contains the server control, the javasript code of the server control is not rendered at all, the page doesn't fail during load but until I go with mouse over an item of the grid for instance.When I check the rendered HTML I can see no HTML, nor javascript events of this server control where rendered, neither the implementation nor calls to javascript, but even rarer what is there visible in the grid for ie, even the other components of the server control, are not in the "view source code" content. I seems it was sent to the client, even showed, but truncated in some phase..

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Postbackurl From Wizard Step?

Feb 24, 2010

I'm currently intigrating with the SagePay merchant gateway and I'm come accross a little problem. I have a reg form that gets all the information I need to send to SagePay together. To split the reg form up into manageable chunks I've used an asp:Wizard control. So, In the final step of my wizard control I need to post the values off to sage. It's quite frustrating that I can't just substitute inishDestinationPageUrl="" for something like FinishDestinationPostBackUrl="" because that's what I need to do and would rather expect it to be that easy.

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C# Wizard Control - How To Add A Step Dynamically

Oct 21, 2010



The step show at the left bar with the Title, but the HTML (fieldset and the paragraph) is not displayed in the step. It requires to be a TemplatedWizardStep too because we use Template for the layout. How do I add a Step dynamically?

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Web Forms :: Show / Hide Wizard Step?

Jul 15, 2010

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Web Forms :: Wizard Step Title Not Showing?

Aug 20, 2010

Does the title of an individual step in a Wizard control only show up in sidebar? Can't it be displayed on the top of the step content, beneath the Wizard header text? I've set the title property on individual step but the title text is nowhere to be seen.

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Web Forms :: Skipping First Wizard Step - Error?

Feb 4, 2011

I have a wizard with 3 steps:

1. login
2. user input form
3. summary and finish(submit)

As the user may already be logged in, I used the following code to skip step 1 on page load:


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Wizard Step Buttons Keep Floating Above Test

Mar 6, 2010

This must be something very simple but it is drivning me nuts. I have standard wizard with a couple of wizard steps in it. In some steps there are a gridview and in some there are just some text boxes and labels. All is working fine but the step buttons - they are floating in the middle of the wizard step above my content (gridview etc). How to force them to the bottom of the wizard step? I have tried with creating a template - doesn't work. Tried all possible settings... I guess I could always add buttons manually but then why use the wizard if it doesn't work.

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MVC :: Step Form Wizard Using Anchor Link?

Mar 3, 2010

There is a tutorial by Steve Anderson from his book (PRO MVC ASP.NET) about a step form wizard that uses buttons to navigate from one page view to another (Here is a sample link from that chapter that uses such tutorial [URL]

How to use anchor link instead of the buttons he uses?

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How To Go Back To Previous Step In Wizard Control

Jul 3, 2011

I'm using the Wizard control to collect information about the users:

- Step1: User personal information
- step2: User account information (email. username, password ...)
- step3: User agreement
- step4: display all the inputted information before submitting

On Step2, after the user has inputted username and clicked the Next button (to go to Step3), I verify whether the username is already being used. If so, I want to display an error message and stop to process to go to Step3.

Here is the code that I'm using:

Protected Sub Wizard1_NextButtonClick(sender As Object, e As System.Web.UI.WebControls.WizardNavigationEventArgs) Handles Wizard1.NextButtonClick
Dim WhichStepId As String = Wizard1.ActiveStep.ID 'Just to see the active step
Dim WhatActiveStepIndex As Integer = Wizard1.ActiveStepIndex 'Just to know active step index


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Web Forms :: How To Data Bind A Control Only Once In A Wizard Step

Jan 22, 2010

I am databinding a dropdown list in a wizard step (as long as not the first step). In the Page_Load event, I put the databinding in if (!IsPostBack) block - There is no binding happening, I guess because the system treat the next button click on the previous wizard step triggering a postback.

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Web Forms :: How To Stop Wizard Control Next Step Navigation

Aug 11, 2010

I am using Wizard control for password recovery. at first step I am checking the UserName with chkUserName(UserName.Text) function if UserName presents, the function will return the User Id and will navigate to next step, if UserName is wrong the function will return 0 and should not navigate to next step, but should stop at index 0 i.e. at the same step.

I have tried some solutions but it is navigating to next step in both the conditions.

in aspx the code is like:


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Web Forms :: How To Print The Div Content Of The Last Step Of My .net Wizard Control

Nov 24, 2010

How can I print the div content of the last step of my .net wizard control?I've got a javascript print function that tries to get hold of the div element but because it is not on the first step it won't be available (only the first step controls are accessible through document.getElementById).

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Multi-step Creation Wizard Using AJAX And JQuery?

Apr 6, 2010

I'm in the process of redesigning a creation wizard in our ASP.NET MVC 2 application.Our current method is to have different pages for each step and navigate between them. While this works, it's a bit slow and annoying to navigate.I was looking to use JQuery and AJAX to make this feel a bit more dynamic and to also use client side validation.I have investigated using Ajax.BeginForm() to post back the individual steps of the wizard, and have that post return the partial view containing the new form with the next step of the wizard. That way, I can do client-side validation on each step.With this in mind, is Ajax.BeginForm() a better method than using the JQuery form plugin? Has anyone found any major issues with either approach?

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Web Forms :: OnActivate Not Firing In Wizard Complete Step

Nov 10, 2012

In the final step of the wizard control, I have got a method for the OnActivate event but for some reason everytime I click Submit on the second last step (steptype = Finish), it does all the adding to the database but does not seem to fire the OnActivate event as the Summary page does not load (the same page refreshes). Is there a way to check if the event is firing or better what the problem is. I have posted some part of the code below:

Wizard Step

<asp:WizardStep ID="Summary" runat="server" OnActivate="Summary_Activate" Title="Summary">
'asp controls (mostly labels) to display the summary
<asp:Label ID="lblirstName" runat="server" />
Finish Navigation Template


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Web Forms :: Navigate To Specific Step Of A Wizard Control?

May 7, 2015

I have 2 pages , In which one of them is having wizard control with 3 steps..i want to redirect from other page to this page and automatically open Step No. 2 ..How ?

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Web Forms :: Show Completed Step Indicator Using Wizard Side Bar?

Nov 10, 2010

I want to create a multi step form that allows users to indicate at the end of each step via a checkbox that they have completed all the information in that step. I would like the sidebar to show this information as a visual clue about how far through the wizard they are. NB steps shouldn't get disabled once completed (they could re-edit if they wish) and the users don't have to use linear navigation through the steps.

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AJAX :: Update Progress Inside Wizard Step Control?

Mar 25, 2010

I am using 2.0 (Visual studio 2005)

I have a update panel and Update progress inside an Wizard control's Wizard Step.

But the update progress is not shown when i click on the 'Finish' (in which the ajax controls are placed) button inside the Wizard step

Note : I am using the FinishNavigationTemplate to define the 'Finish button and OnClick Event of the Button, i am setting the Updateprogress control location using DomElement

Sys.UI.DomElement.setLocation(updateProgressDiv, 300, 300);

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Security :: How To Clear Text In The Textbox Control Of Create User Wizard Using C

Oct 29, 2010

I am using CreateUserWizard control on my admin page.After successfully creating a user with the control, it displays "Complete Your account has been successfully created."After clicking on continue button it sets the ActiveStepIndex Correctly.The problem is, while it sets the ActiveStepIndex correctly, it retains the old user account credentials.

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