Security :: Control Button Display On The Page By Unknown Role Which Is Created By Customer?

Apr 9, 2010

I would like to use the membership and role management. However, all I found is fixed role control on the page level. Is there a way to let customer (administrator) to create their own roles, and assign the permission (edit, add, or view) to them, and then, use the permission to control te display (for example: edit button visible or not)?

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Security :: Display An Customer 404 Error Page?

Jun 11, 2010

In our vb net 2003 page , I want if the calling page is not available show 404 error page.

in my Web.config page

I have


what can I dod , let the 404 get auto called.

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State Management :: Expire The Session After Certain Period Of Time Which Has Been Created Once The Customer Logged In To The Page?

Feb 2, 2011

i want to know how expire the session after certain period of time which has been created once the customer logged in to the page

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Web Forms :: Specific Customer Info Be Showing On His Page For Each Customer?

Jan 13, 2010

Now i have a database table holds all info of my (customers) such as first last names and address phone number etc ... and i able to edit delete update their info from my side using the admin page that contians gridview i created. If several customers logged into their account pages, and each one wants to update his information,

How can i let the specific customer info be showin on his page for each customer? (I have one databse table and it contains a primery key column called "MemberID") how can i make the new subscribed user get his info that he did input or i would like to add to it, showin on his account page?

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Security :: Custom Access Denied Page For Role Based Security?

Oct 27, 2010

I have implemented role based security in my 2.0 application using windows authentication and the windowstokenroleprovider and limiting access to certain pages using the location tag to specific active directory groups.

The issue is that when a user tries to access a page they are not authorized to view it brings up a login prompt and when it does not pass it takes them to the default page that tells them they are not authorized to view the page. I am wondering if there is a way to throw up a custom page that tells them they are not athorized to view the page that I can incorporate into the site itself with the header and so forth? if this page could come up in lieu of the sign in box popping up as well.

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Security :: Login Control And .Net Membership & Role?

Oct 28, 2010

I am currently working in an ASP.Net application where i need to implement ASP.Net Membership and Roles. I have used Login controls in my pages. Also I am using a menu in the master page, which is getting data bindings from database. For data bindings I am using XMLDatasource and a transform file (.xslt file). I need to bind the data to the Menu based on the user roles.

My issue is that the generated Menu is not behaving consistently. Sometimes it will show the correct menu for a particular role and some times it will show previously loaded data.Providing my code here:

private void LoadMenuItems() {
System.Security.Principal.IPrincipal User;
User = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.User;[code]....

View 7 Replies

Security :: How To Create Custom Role Information Instead Of Using Built-in Role Database

Nov 13, 2010

Usually in sub-folder we will limit the access right to some roles and this feature requires pre-defined database schema.

However, if i still want to use this role feature of, but I do not like the pre-define database schema, I want to extract role information from my own database table and bind it to the role.

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AJAX :: Unknown Error When Open Page In Iframe + (AjaxToolKit) - Can't Move Focus To The Control

Jan 4, 2010

In my application i use iframe (to be more specific; Greybox tool). Sometimes i had an unkown error when i open page in iframe. Then i applied this fix : [URL] and that unknown error disseppeared. But i have another problem now:( I am using following script to focus to the first textbox whenever my input pages are opened in iframe.

aField = document.getElementById('txt_PID');setTimeout("aField.focus()", 50);
After i applied previous fix, i get this error when i load page in iframe for the first time :

Can't move focus to the control because it is invisible, not enabled, or of type that does not accept focus.
Here, txt_PID doesnt contain any ajaxtoolkit things. (also Enabled= true and Visible=true etc.) . Last thing, my current test page contains just 3 controls: txt_PID just plain Asp.TextBox ajaxHTMLEditor another textboxt with MaskedEditExtender. If i remove HTMLEditor from page; i dont get that error( Can't move focus...) and also i dont get first error which i applied that fix in toolkit.

View 2 Replies

Security :: How To Load A Page If User Is In Certain Role

Jan 8, 2010

how i would go about loading a page if a user is a memeber of the site, but if they are not redirect to the login page.I have created a site with multiple pages, but only a select few of these pages need to be viewed by memebers only. Could someone help or guide me in the right direction to read up on how to do it

View 5 Replies

C# - SQL Role Security + Custom .Net Base Page?

Feb 8, 2010

I'm workng on a new, green-field ASP.Net application. We're implementing a base page which all pages will be, er, based on. The application will be running under Integrate Windows Auth, so I'll have the user's account details. With these, I'll be going to several databases (in which the user will exist) to find out what roles they are assigned to in each db. I'll be holding the role yay/nay in a bool array, and key into it via an enum.

There will be a session object that will hold a few things, and the roles assigned for that user. I'm thinking of making the session object available as a property of the base page, as the code would be something like this:

public SessionObject MasterSessionObject

But, I'm sure you'll agree, it looks sucky...If there was a CheckSecurity method on the base page, it would have to take a concrete DatabaseRoles object, but also an enum of which role to check, which would also look sucky. And finally, there would be a requirement at a later date to add more databases and their security settings...

I'll add code tomorrow if required... :-s

I dunno, I'm not that thick, but I do have a hard time sometimes binding all this together...

View 1 Replies

Security :: Role Base Access Page?

Dec 25, 2010

I have a Table In DataBase Role.

Which Contain the Role

1. SuberAdmin

2. Admin

3. Coordinator

4. Agency

5. Agent

Which have the different- different Access of pages so now how i give the seetings in Web to access the page according to role.

View 8 Replies

Security :: Single Login Control With Different Destination Pages By Role

Feb 16, 2011

I am using visual stuido 2010 and vb. I am trying to direct users to one of three different pages upon sign in, depending on their role. Basically I have three roles: administrators, dealers, and customers And three respective destination page urls: admin/default.aspx, dealer/default.aspx, and customers/default.aspx. Everything I can find in the forums is in C. So far I have nothing, so I guess I'm asking someone to write the whole sub for me. I wish I was more proficient, but I'm working on it.

View 4 Replies

Security :: Displaying Role-Specific Markup With The LoginView Control?

Oct 14, 2010

I want to know how can I display role-specific markup using loginview?

I have these three roles, Admin, Editor, Moderator

Each and every user will belog to only one of the following role groups

1. Admin, Editor, Moderator (Some user/s will have all these three roles)
2. Admin, Editor (Some user/s will have all these two roles)
3. Admin, Moderator (Some user/s will have all these two roles)
4. Editor, Moderator (Some user/s will have all these two roles)
5. Admin (Some user/s will have all only this role)
6. Editor (Some user/s will have all only this role)
7. Moderator (Some user/s will have all only this role)

Now I want to display some links that will be specific for each role group to which one or more users will belong. So the links I want to display for these role groups are following

1. Admin, Editor, Moderator => Only Links of all the pages of Admin, Editor and Moderator
2. Admin, Editor => Only Links of all the pages of Admin and Editor
3. Admin, Moderator => Only Links of all the pages of Admin and Moderator
4. Editor, Moderator => Only Links of all the pages of Editor and Moderator
5. Admin => Only Links of all the pages of Admin
6. Editor => Only Links of all the pages of Editor
7. Moderator => Only Links of all the pages of Moderator

I have tried doing this using RoleGroups in Loginview but couldn't succed.

Can anybody let me know the correct way of going this?

View 13 Replies

Control Menu Display And Page Level Security Using Active Directory?

Dec 1, 2010

I would like to control the menu display (show/hide menu items) in my ASP.NET 3.5 website based on the user's AD group and also control the functionality within a page using user's active directory group membership. how to do this? menu is stored in an xml file and bound to a control. all the examples I see on the web are related to forms authentication. this is an intranet website with integrated windows authentication and both authentication and authorization should be controlled using user's active directory groups.

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Security :: Sql Role Provider Does Not Allow To Update The Role Name?

Mar 18, 2011

Why sql role provider does not allow to update the role name , whats its reasons.

View 5 Replies

Security :: Redirect User Based On Role To Specific Web Page?

Apr 22, 2010

I'm not sure if this is possible or not, I'm using Roles to limit what pages a user can access based on there assigned Role. My question, is there anyway to redirect the user to a specific web page based on thier role after they login.

For example:

If Bob logs in with Role="Automotive", I want him to be redirected to Auto.aspx.If sue logs in with Role="Clothing", i want her to be redirected to cloths.aspx.

View 8 Replies

Security :: Direct Access To The Page Using Role & Membership Provider?

Feb 15, 2011

I have a web app developed using role & membership provider...

this is my web.config file

<authentication mode="Forms">
<forms loginUrl="Forms/LogIn.aspx" name=".ASPXFORMSAUTH" defaultUrl="Forms/main.aspx" timeout="30"></forms>

So i would like that the page "pag1.aspx" is reached bypassing the "main.aspx" so If I try to digit directly on the server http://localhost/forms/pag1.aspx?C=159 ......correctly appears the login page....and the URL became..

http://localhost/Forms/LogIn.aspx?ReturnUrl=%2fForms%2fpag1.aspx%3fC%3d151&C=159 and after login I can see correctly the page1.aspx . when I try to reach the page from my browser..I digit

http://myserver/forms/pag1.aspx?C=159 .... the login page appears...but the url became..


and after login I cannot see the page1.aspx....but main.aspx

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C# - Windows Azure - Role Entrypoint Could Not Be Created

Jan 5, 2011

I'm migrating an ASP .NET 2.0 WebSite to WebRole (ASP.NET 4.0 and VS2010). After created new web role, I moved all files and folders from website to WebRole then reference all needed dlls. I build and run web role stand alone and everything ok without problems. But when I build and run WindowsAzureProject, below errors come up

[fabric] Role state Stopping
[fabric] Role state Stopped
[fabric] Role state Aborted
[fabric] Role state Teardown
[fabric] Role state Destroyed
[runtime] Role entrypoint could not be created:
System.Reflection.ReflectionTypeLoadException: Unable to load one or more of the requested types. Retrieve the LoaderExceptions property for more information.
at System.Reflection.RuntimeModule.GetTypes(RuntimeModule module)
at System.Reflection.Assembly.GetTypes()
at Microsoft.WindowsAzure.ServiceRuntime.RoleEnvironment.CreateRoleEntryPoint(RoleType roleTypeEnum)
at Microsoft.WindowsAzure.ServiceRuntime.RoleEnvironment.InitializeRoleInternal(RoleType roleTypeEnum)

and the status "Operation was canceled" It takes me days to resolve but nothing found. I did set "Copy local" to true for all reference dlls but it doesn't effect also. I've just thought spring.core and spring.aop caused the error but I don't know how to debug and catching where it crash

View 1 Replies

Security :: How To Use Login Control In Already Created WebSite Project

Oct 9, 2010

actually i have already created my web site project.Now i want to use login control in my project. how i can use it in my existing project?

View 6 Replies

C# - Receive Error 'Unknown Server Tag' With Page.ParseControl On A Custom Server Control

Aug 4, 2010

I'm building a dynamic form using XML and XSLT. Anyway I'm using a custom control for CKEditor, it's an HTML editor.

When I try to add the controls from the XSLT using Page.ParseControl(<the-string-from-the-xslt-here>), I get a warning saying:

Unknown server tag 'FCKeditor.CKEditor'

And of course, if I remove the control from the XSLT everything is working fine and all the regular controls like TextBox etc get rendered to the string just fine. Does anyone know what I can do about it?

View 2 Replies

Web Forms :: Dynamically Created Button Control Click Event Not Firing First Time?

Sep 16, 2010

im creating a button control in page int and im assing a click event for the button control. here the click event is not firing for the first time. here is my code.


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Security :: LoginView Control: Programmatically Created, Doesn't Switch From Anonymoustemplate To Loggedintem?

Mar 30, 2010

I'm creating a LoginView in a class file rather than at design time.

The equivalent LoginView created in a .aspx page and used the same way works fine, and User.Identity.IsAuthenticated is switching from false to true once I log in as a user so the problem must not be there.

But even once logged in, the programmatic version of this LoginView is not switching from the Anonymous template to the LoggedIn and the output is always "You are not logged in".

Anyone have ideas? thanks.

here is my code to create the loginview

private void BuildAddCommentView(HtmlTextWriter htmlTextWriter)
LoginView commentsLoginView = new LoginView();

commentsLoginView.AnonymousTemplate = new LoginViewTemplate("AnonymousTemplate");
commentsLoginView.LoggedInTemplate = new LoginViewTemplate("LoggedInTemplate");



here's the LoginViewTemplate class

class LoginViewTemplate:ITemplate
string _templateType;

public LoginViewTemplate(String templateType)
_templateType = templateType;

public void InstantiateIn(Control container)

Label label = new Label();

switch (_templateType)
case "AnonymousTemplate":
label.Text = "You are not logged in.";
case "LoggedInTemplate":
label.Text = "YOU ARE LOGGED IN.";



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Web Forms :: Activate ChecKBox Validation When Clicking Button In Created User Wizard Control?

Oct 26, 2010

I have a checkbox on my page that must be ticked and to validate it I am using a custom method as below. The problem is that I now put the checkbox and method within a Create User Wizard custom tempalte and when I submit the form it does not activate the validation check. If I put a normal button on the page outside the tempalte it works. Not sure If I a missing something. Perhaps I can activate it in Created User Event handler in code behind. All Button in my create user Event.

my Profile"

<asp:CheckBox ID="Terms" runat="server" />
<asp:CustomValidator ID="valTandCs" ClientValidationFunction="ValidateTandCs" runat="server" ErrorMessage="Please accept Terms and Conditions before submitting."></asp:CustomValidator>
<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
function ValidateTandCs(source, args)
args.IsValid = document.getElementById('<%= Terms.ClientID %>').checked;

View 7 Replies

Difference In Display For JQuery Created Img Tag And Created Img Tag?

Jun 2, 2010

My web page has two ways of displaying a particular content. 1. When the page is loaded, the items ( images with anchor tag) are generated using ASP Repeater. 2. When user perform some Ajax action, the images are returned as JSON and I use jQuery for creating the a & img tags.In both these methods, the anchor tags with images are displayed with width 60px. There is no CSS class applied. But strangely the display is not consistent. Here is the both displays:I wonder why this difference occur. I check this with all browsers ( IE,FF& chrome) and all behave the same. Here is my jQuery code:

$('<a>').attr({ href: '/Detail.aspx?id=' +[i].pid, title:[i].nam }) .html("<img src='" +[i].url + "' title='" +[i].nam + "' alt='" +[i].nam + "' width='60px' />").appendTo("#SummaryDiv");

Any idea why this behaviour occurs? I also checked the css applied to these elements in chrome and FF.. they seems to have all the same CSS attributes.

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Security :: LDAP The Authentication Mechanism Is Unknown?

Mar 4, 2010

I am working on Web application which get the authentication details from the Active direcoty using LDAP

when I am using the function DirectorySearcher.FindOne() it gives this error message (The authentication mechanism is unknown), and I relized that I should put this line in the web.config file ( <identity impersonate="false"/> ), then this problem will be solved.

but at the same time I should put true value to the same attribute to get the correct result when I am calling this function


otherwise the returened value will be (NT AUTHORITYNETWORK SERVICE) not the authenticated user name.

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