Security :: How To Delete The Forms Users Of The Membership Service From Database

Apr 21, 2010

I had created a Membership ASP.NET 3.5 website and selected the Forms authentication. Therefore, I created several users with related information into the ASPNETDB database. Yesterday, I changed the website security to Windows authentication.

This morning, when reviewing the ASPNETDB data for another website, I still can see those Membership Forms users and their ApplicationIDs in the aspnet_Users and aspnet_membership tables. How can I delete those Forms users?

Another question: In aspnet_Applications table, I can see the ApplicationName (e.g. /WebPartsDemo) for the Web Parts websites. I have 2 ApplicationIDs in the aspnet_Membership table. I can not see only one ApplicationID in the aspnet_Applications table, but with an empty ApplicationName, i.e. / only.

Do I miss something when creating the Membership website? What is the ApplicationName for the Membership website?

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Similar Messages:

Security :: How To Delete Users When Using The Membership Class

Jan 19, 2010

I currently built a custom form using VS 2005 to accommodate administrators when deleting users from the membership "aspnetdb" database.

I set the method for the objectDataSource to use "DeleteUser(String username, Boolean delete All Related Data), returns Boolean".

When I run the application and click the delete link from my gridview I receive the following error message:

"Value cannot be null. Parameter name: username"

How do I get the value for username?

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Security :: How To Delete Users From The Membership Store

Jun 29, 2010

I have been diligently learning all about the membership framework and have a test site running it all. However, during my testing, it became apparent that deleting users would be useful. I can delete users from the "aspnet_users" & "aspnet_Membership" tables simply by right-clicking on the table in server explorer, selecting "show table data", highlight the rows and press delete!!

However, this is a pain and I would much rather do this properly from code behind.

I have found out that the membership schema supplies a large number of "stored procedures" including "Delete_Users" however, when I execute this one manually, I have no idea what the last two parameters are (number of tables and something else from memory - the first two "application name" and "username" are easy to copy in to the dialog.

show me a sample set of VB code that I can use behind a "Delete User" button on my webform including how I supply the parameters. I have set up a drop down list box from teh "aspnet_users" table which displays the "UserName" and has as the SelectedValue "UserId".

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Security :: Get All The Users In A Certain Role From The Membership Database

Jun 7, 2010

I would like to collect all the emails from all users in a certain role. How would I do this ?

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Security :: Login Contols And A Web Service - Web Service To Do The Membership Authentication And Authorization?

Jan 23, 2010

I am writing two ASP.NET apps. One is a web service that provides xml data and the other is a web client that will use the service to display and manipulate data. I would like for the web service to do the membership authentication and authorization. Is there any way to simply point the login controls in my client application to the web service instead of to a database. I assume I would have to provide the necesarry methods in my web service interface, which would then use the membership provider database I created and pass the results back through to the client.

Is this possible? I have seen many articles on security provisioin from a web service but none has really been what I am looking for. I was hoping that, since my service and my client are both written in ASP.NET, there might be some built functionality that would benefit me.

View 8 Replies

Security :: Membership Upload Users?

Jan 24, 2010

I have a database of users that we used to have on a different system. The users already have their username and passwords associated with.

Now we are switching the entire system to .Net , and we will be using the membership to authenticate the users and start creating the new users with the wizard.

My question is : how could we import the users from a different database (mysql) , to the membership database on MS SQL ?

And also the passwords on the mysql database are in clear text , when we import them to the membership database on ms sql , is it going to apply the hash on them ?

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Security :: Listing Logged In Users - VB.NET Membership?

Jul 2, 2010

I used [URL] as a guide and have something configured to show me the users which are logged into the system. This uses the aspnet_Users.LastActivityDate column to see when someone last did something on the system. It also uses the userIsOnlineTimeWindow within the web.config to determine whether a user is online or not.

But because of this userIsOnlineTimeWindow limitation of .NET, even when someone logs out of the system or closes their browser window, the system still sees them as being online. Also, if they are on a page and don't do anything for 10 minutes, the system will show them offline until they refresh their page or go to another page. know of a better, more real-time way to tracking users which are logged in, logged out, etc?

I don't want to wait 10 minutes for the system to show that a user is offline and also if there's 10 minutes of inactivity, it shows them being offline.

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Security :: How To Show Membership Users That Are Not In Any Role?

Apr 15, 2010

I am using the membership provider tables in sql server. I'm trying to figure out how to query a list of users that are NOT in any role.

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Security :: Membership Users Different Page Direction?

Feb 25, 2010

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Security :: Login Form Rejecting Valid Login With Forms Based Security And Membership Service

Jan 21, 2010

I've set up a system with forms based authentication and using the asp:Login control. When I put in an invalid password I get the approriate invalid password message. However when I put in a valid password, it does nothing...just returns to the login page again. I'm triple checked the login info. There is no error message, and the invalid attempts counter doesn't increment. When I put a break point in the Login_LoggedIn event of the Login form, it hits it, but User.Identity.IsAuthenticated is false. I'm not 100% sure it should be true at this point, as I'm pretty new to .NET but it seems kind of odd.

My user database is stored in a sqlserver 2005 db that already existed. I've added a new connection for it.In the authorization I have


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Security :: Insert Previous Users Into Membership Tables

Mar 10, 2011

I'm trying to do a bulk insert of data into the aspnet_Membership table. I have existing records from a previous version of the system I am re-building in I've been researching and asking questions, but I am still missing something. What is the best way to do this? I believe I need to grab my previous table and iterate over each record and insert into the new membership table via the Membership.CreateUser method. So far I have been unable to make it work. My code so far in the on click event of a button is below.

using System.Web.Security;
using System.Data;
using System.Data.SqlClient; [code]....

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Security :: Add Foreign Key Field To Membership Users Table

Apr 8, 2010

I have set up Membership and Roles and can create users and login using the ASp Login control. However I need to associate users with customers (in a Customers table in the database) and display content according to the customer that the user belongs to. Is the best way of doing this to create a foreign key field in the aspnet_Users table relating back to Customers table which would have to be updated manually after creating the user or is there a better way?

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Security :: Using Custom Membershipuser To Create Users In The AD With Membership?

Jul 28, 2010

I'm have a doubt using membershipuser to create users in the AD with Membership.CreateUser Method, does any one knows how can i send other attibutes to the AD, such as First Name and Last Name?, besides those ones: username

As String, _

password As String, _

email As String, _

passwordQuestion As String, _

passwordAnswer As String,

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Security :: Authenticate Users Based On Three Parameters Using Membership?

Jan 13, 2011

I need to authenticate users based on three parameters such as username, password and officename instead of just username and password. User name is unique only across the single office and not across the application.

Can I achieve this using Membership class and if yes do I need to write any custom code for that?

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Security :: Cannot Delete Users From Aspnet_membership Table

Jun 23, 2010

I am trying to delete users using code:


But it only deletes the users in the aspnet_users table and not in the membership table.

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Security :: Export List Of Users From Site Membership To Xls File

Jan 8, 2011

I have the requirement to export all my users and custom profile properties to an excell spreadsheet but i can find a way to do it. I have found several exampls of how to export the Profile information eg(


but i can't see a way to export the following info for example;

<profile enabled="true" defaultProvider="AccessProfileProvider">
<add name="AccessProfileProvider" type="AccessProviders.AccessProfileProvider" connectionStringName="ProfileAccessProvider" applicationName="MandS_2010" description="Stores and retrieves profile data from an personal Access database."/>
<group name="SupplierProfile">
<add name="CompanyName" type="String"/>
<add name="HoldingCompany" type="String"/>
<add name="Address" type="String"/>
<add name="Telephone" type="String"/>
<add name="Fax" type="String"/>
<add name="TypeOfSupplier" type="String"/>
<add name="DirectSupplierCode" type="String"/>
<add name="Alist" type="String"/>
<add name="otherCode" type="String"/>

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Security :: Multiple Role Membership / How To Populate A Dropdown List With Users

Oct 13, 2010

I need to populate a dropdown list with users who match certain role criteria. For example, if I have the following roles: Manager, Employee, Supervisor I would like to populate the list with only the Manager and Employee roles. Some individuals have multiple roles and they should be excluded if they also have the Supervisor role as illustrated below:

Name: A , Role(s): Manager, Employee, Supervisor

Name: B, Role(s): Employee

Name: C, Role(s): Manager, Employee

The final list should only contain names B & C.

I can use Roles.GetUsersInRole("Employee") but I am not sure if this is efficient or not.

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Security :: .NET Membership Within A Windows Service App?

Jan 5, 2011

I have a web application that uses a SQL database which contains all the standard asp membership tables.Within my Web application I use the standard membersip logic for adding new users, roles, etc...The point here is I dont use any custom providers for anything.Now on that same machine that is hosting my web application I am writing a Windows service in c# .net.As part of one of the method calls to the windows service application I was curious if I would be able to use any type of membership classes that would connect to my existing database and perform the same functionality as does the ASP.NET membership classes.

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Security :: Using Membership Services Through Web Service?

Sep 13, 2010

Is there any way to use's membership services through a web service? My boss, for some reason, wants this...

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Security :: Can Use The Membership Provider Api On A Hosted Service

Oct 16, 2010

Can I use the membership provider api on a hosted service? I can create mssql databases but have no control over iis. Will I be able to use the membership admin webpage on the hosted service?

Am I correct in stating that the api uses ASPNETDB.MDF in the app_data folder as it's database?

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Security :: Delete The Member From The Aspnet_membership Table And Roles Related Tables Using Membership.DeleteUser

Mar 21, 2010

I've created a membership system based on 2. There are other tables that store user information, such as emails sent etc. I've created a users table based on the TableProfileProvider. My question is concerning deleting the member

Is it OK to delete the member from the aspnet_membership table and roles related tables using Membership.DeleteUser, though keep all the custom tables and the information including the information in the Users table created by the TableProfileProvider? or can you foresee problems?

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How To Set WCF Security When Calling WCF From A Web Applicaion That Shares Same Membership With WCF Service

Dec 12, 2010

I have an ASP.NET web application and a WCF Application that share the same ASP.NET membership database.

They are both sharing the same ASP.NET membership database.

It is basically like:

WCF: is [URL]

(both are two virtual folders in the same web application and both are using the same ASP.NET membership database).

The user logs on to the ASP.NET application and can then decide to call the WCF service.

What are my options for setting the security for the call between the ASP.NET and the WCF service that make the call using the credentials supplied by the user when logging to the ASP.NET application?

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Security :: Get The Website To Authorization Via The WCF Service And Membership - Roles And Profile

Jan 16, 2010

I have a client website that uses ASP.Net Membership, Roles and Profile providers and Login controls. I need to expand the application so was going to use WCF Workflows, the ASP.Net website will be hosted on a different server than the WCF Services so what I want to do is get the ASP.Net Website to auth via the WCF Service. So process will go:

ASP.Net Website ------------------> WCF Service ------------------> SQL Database (Membership, Roles, Profile, Workflow Persistence Data and Business Data)

I tried creating a custom Membership and Role providers but I have had problems managing the users (Membershipuser class) saying null when a vaild user has been return by the WCF Service as can access the properies but not the methods.

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Security :: Access Membership And Profile Objects From Windows Service?

Feb 19, 2010

I want to access membership and profile objects and wants to access profile properties that I have defined in my web app web.config file, from a windows service. Anyone have any idea on how to do this?

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Security :: Membership Provider (Authentication Service): From A *.htm File Calling The AuthenticationService?

May 4, 2010

I'm developing a web application using EF4, POCO's, WCF Data Services and the presentation tier (HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Ajax - NO WebForms). For security I would like using ASP.NET Membership Provider (Authentication Service): from a *.htm file calling the AuthenticationService. I executed aspnet_regsql.exe (to create the necessary database tables) and modified my web.config file:

<roleManager enabled="true" />


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