The site is written in, and accessed via https.User randomly meets the warining dialog"This page contains both secure and non-secure items.Do you want to display the non-secure items?", after clicking 'Yes', 404 not found error page will be displayed, but by refreshing, the warning dialog and 404 page
all gone. Also by viewing source code from IE, I found '<meta content="Http://" name="vs_targetSchema">' where only uses http protocol, Does this have any thing with the error user meets?
We just moved an application to a new server and are now getting this error when we try to return to a page: Http/1.1 Service Unavailable
In testing, I find that the address of the page does not include the SSL designator. It is trying to use http:// instead of https://. This value is coming from the Context.Request.Url property of the page.
why Context.Request.Url would not return the "https" for a page under SSL?
I have a button in a repeater control. It saves the data on the screen, so ideally I'd like to do this and not have the screen refresh, as there is no new data to be shown. When I am debugging using localhost, the page just sits there, the data gets saved all is well.However, when I upload the very same page and code to my host, clicking the button causes a full refresh, which as there is a lot of data, means a long wait each time.
This is my third site that I use role management, but the first time this happens. I have two roles: Member and Admin. If Admin user login, Admin node on sitemap shows. It works very well on my local machine in Visual Studio Express 2008 and in Visual Studio Team 2008. But once I deploy files to live site, even admin login, the Admin node doesn't show. I have a Member management page from which I may see member's role, and I can see that user name is in the role Admin. What could be wrong?
I used ASP.Net Configuration manager to create roles, users, and access roles. Here is the code:
I'm working on a CMS that can run either with or without https enabled on the webserver. I'd like to be able to detect whether https is enabled or not, so that I can act accordingly (for example, display some https-related options to the administrator, and redirect to https for administrator logins).
I'm not looking for Request.IsSecureConnection because that only tells me if the current request is via https. I want something that will tell me whether the current bindings for the site in IIS include a binding for https at the same domain as the current request is on. So, for example, even if the current request is for [URL] and thus not secure, I want to know whether [URL] would work so I can (for example) redirect the user to it if they log in as administrator.
I've had no luck looking for anything in System.Web.Configuration that will tell me about the bindings of the current site, though.
I have very much experience of developement. But i have never dealt with https. In my one project i require 2/3 page with https. So please any one can explain me how i can start with https. Please explain me in detail about about developement cycle, and any other if there is any settings.
What I want to do is like the web browser. When you visit a https web site, the browser will download and install the X.509 Certification automatically.
I have a application which will be installed in PC, and the application will post to a https website. So if the certification is expired, the App should download a new one.
So, how can I get the certification? A stream is always good, I can make it to certification.
I have a web site that is running under HTTPS on my web server, On my master page I have an image and no one can see the image accept for me if I access the web app from one of my two pc's.
What would cause the users not to be able to see the image on my default page? I have the site running under https and using the membership controls.
In my page I have the image like this <img src="../App_Themes/Images/CompLogo.gif"/> and no one can see it but me.
I have setup an ASP web application that uses SSL to secure the login pages, but when I try to access the site using HTTPS on both local test sever and deployment server I get an error stating the connection was interupted
first i want to know most of the e-mail like gmail,yahoo,hotmail etc.. they are all uing https when we comes to login area.. why there are using on that time only https...i also need to implement same in my web application...
I have a part of my website that uses SSL, and a part that does not. I began having issues recently where the link that takes you to the https part of the site would keep getting rerouted to http. In IIS I have SSL on and required for the members directory, and the certs are all fine. My site is I first started by routing the pages directly to the secure part using the <meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0;url=urlgoeshere" /> on a redirect page in the /members directory and this was working perfectly. When my issues started, changed it and made the link just go directly to the members part of the site with the https included in the URL (this is how it is now). Now when you click the link it takes you to the member page without using https, thus throwing an error because I have SSL required on that part of the site. When you look at the code in IE, it just shows the direct link using plain HTTP. When I open the code directly on the server, I see the URL beginning with HTTPS. I've been having a lot of issues lately with updated content not refreshing itself, and rebooting the server does nothing. At this point I'm stumped. I think it might be something in IIS, although I haven't touched it in a long time, unless a recent security update messed it up, which is the only explanation I can think of that would screw it up all of a sudden. The site works perfectly when you manually type https. I thought it might have also been my cache, but I just tried it on a computer that I haven't ever gone to the site on before and I got the same issue.
I have a browser compatibilty problem with https? I have SSL installed and is in usage. Until today morning, my https part is working well. From then, Https is shown as https(with slashed in red color) saying the page has some insecure content. I have not changed any code and suddenly i see this problem in chrome. In IE 8, i see the same problem but on every page, it shows me a popup if i should allow to opne secure and non secure or just secure. Firefox has no issues . It shows correct https without any problem. I am fed up with it searching all over. Why is this happenening for me in Chrome and IE 8.
I am new to .net and i'm stuck with the following issue.
I have a windows GUI application and i need to communicate with a firewall using HTTPS protocol. I did some search on google and the results retrieved showed to use HTTPWebRequest and HTTPWebResponse objects.
But does this objects us HTTP protocal or does it work for HTTPS also. also is SSL required for HTTPS protocol. For SSL we need some security certificate. How to retrieve that certificate. Will a certificate need to available in each client machine
I'm not sure how much of a novice-level question this is. But it seems a fairly basic and common task. So here goes...
I am building a web application that will require some pages, but not all, to use a SSL (https:). How do I designate a particular page to be one or the other? Or do I need to create two separate projects and just have them pass the user back and forth as needed?
I am using Visual Studio 2008, with the Web Site Administration Tool handling users and roles. However I will also be handling very secure data such as social security numbers and the like.
Okay, so I have a site which I'd like to use my SSL certificate for always. So I want all users to be forced to the https version of any url they are directed to.I used this code in my global.asax file:
I've also tried it in the 'Application_BeginRequest' function also. Basically, I have two directories that are secured via Windows Authentication against my domain. if you browsed to the directory (ex. it tries first to authenticate then redirect to In this case it will ask for credentials twice one right after the other. Is their a way I can have the user redirected before Windows Authentication kicks in?
I want to open B site as new window from A site, so its ask for windows credential. I have credential in A site. I am opening B site using
Why IsNothing() is behave differently between RDL and RDLC? I was trying to create a report (RDLC) in VS 2008 and using the IsNothing() function to check to NULL value, however, it keeps return #ERROR when I tried to execute this expression:IIF(IsNothing(Fields!dbField.Value),"emtpy",Fields!dbField.Value)However, I tried the same expression with Reporting Services report (RDL), it works and return "empty" string.
This works fine. If there is no ssl connection, the login form doesn't continue. But I would like to check if ssl is active (in codebehind) and, if it's possible, to automatically the user to the https page if he's currently on http. (I could do this job by manually redirect with page.response("https://url... login.aspx"); but this is not really generic. For example if the webapp is moved to another domain it doesn't work anymore... I'm looking for something like: FormsAuthentication.RedirectWithSSL();