Security :: IE8 Session, Logging Out From One Tab Causes Both Tabs To Logout, But Can't Log Back In?

Nov 10, 2010

I have a website built in 3.5, using WinForms and AjaxToolKit. I have encountered a lost/corrupt session issue while using Internet Explorer 8.


1 IE8 Browser Open, 1 Tab

1. Login, Redirect to Landing, Logout - WORKS AS EXPECTED
2. Login, redirect to Landing, Close Window, Open Window, Logged-in already - WORKS AS EXPECTED (remember me enabled by default in code)

1 IE8 Browser, 2 Tabs
1. Login, Redirect to Landing, Open new tab, paste Landing page URL, Landing renders. - WORKS AS EXPECTED
- Logout from Tab 2, Tab 1 logs out after AJAX update. - WORKS AS EXPECTED
- Login from Tab 1, Redirects to Landing, then Redirects back to Login page - ISSUE


2. Close Window,Login,Redirect to Landing - WORKS AS EXPECTED

2 IE8 Browser, 1 Tab
1. Open 2 IE windows
2. In Window 1, Login, Redirect to Landing, then Redirects back to Login. - ISSUE
- Window 2 Paste Landing page URL, Landing page renders - ISSUE, STRANGLY NOW WORKS


This issue seems to only happen when I have multiple tabs open,or multiple rwssers open.Firefox and Chrome does not reproduce this issue and works as expected.How do I make sure the Cookie/Session is being handle correctly in IE8?

Here is my Login Auth:




Server 2008r2
Seesion State:
Cooke Settings: Mode: Use Cookies;

Broswer IE8
Default settings

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Response.Buffer = true;
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Response.Expires = -1500;
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//----- Second Technique : To Stop Caching of Secure Pages.
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<?xml version="1.0"?>


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