Security :: Is Login System Integrated Within Secure

Jun 18, 2010

i was just wondering how much secure is the Login System integrated within ASP.NET ? This is rather vague but i just wanted to know if a website using the system is rather protected to attacks.

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Similar Messages:

Security :: Secure Login From A Non Secure HTTP Page?

Oct 24, 2010

I have a custom mini login user control that I have embedded in the top of my website which shows on every page. These pages are non-secure HTTP://. I would like to avoid having to redirect the user to a HTTPS page to perform the login but I definitely don't want to send login credentials to the server in plain text.

I am trying find a method to send the user's login credentials encrypted via https from a non-secure (http) page.

I tried to set the postbackurl for the login button to itself but in https, but the user's input is not retained and the buttonLogin_click is not fired when I set the button postbackurl property. My web application is VB.Net framework 4.0

I am assuming this can be done because I see lots of websites where login fields are on available on every page and they are running http and I can believe they are not encrypting the login credentials.

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Security :: Windows Integrated Authentication Remove Login Dialogue Box?

Jul 26, 2010

I have an intranet set up with IIS and it is working fine with windows integrated autehntication. However I have some permissions set and when certain users do not have access they get prompted for their login and I don't want this. I want it to go straight to the access denied page.

I read that "In integrated Windows authentication, the browser tries to use the current user's credentials from a domain logon, and if this attempt is unsuccessful, the user is prompted to enter a user name and password. "

So I understand this is supposed to happen but I was wondering if there was anyway to not have it prompt for a username and password if the first attemp is unsuccessful.

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Security :: Secure Login Form Without Using WSAT?

Jul 13, 2010

I wish to do a simple and secure login form, for which I have seen tutorials keeping login information and roles set through the ASP.Net WebSite Administration Tool.

Is there any secure way to do a login page without using WSAT at all. provide me good tutorial links for creating a custom login form, having the capability of redirecting to login page if user is not authorized etc.

I don't wish to use the WebSite Administration Tool.

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Security :: Broken Links On After Secure Login?

Feb 25, 2010

I have a masterpage that contains a number of links. When I login to the secure area of my website, the links are broken they are trying to access the page as if it was stored in the SecurePages folder. Code below:


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Secure Login With Additional Context Information Passed Through (which Also Needs To Be Secure)

Jul 13, 2010

My web application will be launched through existing thick client applications. When launched, an HTTP POST request will be generated including information like the userID and additional context information (basically stuff like the target user's name, birthday, etc.).

My plan for authentication is for there to be a look-up table in the database. If the username is already there, automatically login the user, but if there is no entry in the database, redirect the user to an initial login page which will be used to create that database entry.

My question is how to secure this against MITM and other security holes. How can the request generated through the thick client be on an SSL connection? Doesn't an SSL connection have to be authenticated with the username (and password) first? And if so, will the additional context information be publicly exposed until the user is logged in?

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Security :: How To Make A Secure Login Page Using Sql Database By Matching A User Name And Password

Dec 31, 2010

How to make a secure login page using sql database by matching a user name and password and redirect them to differnt page as admin and user

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Security :: Info On Establishing "secure" Login And Anti - Spam Registration

Dec 16, 2010

I need to learn the following security-related questions pertaining to ASP.NET membership system (which I am currently using):

1) How to set up "secure" log-in for site members (when other sites say "secure login", what exactly is meant?) --- is that easy for a novice programmer to set up?; are there third parties?; is this done in collaboration with the site host?...Or by using the ASP.NET member system (which I have already set up), is that by default "secure" already?

2) When signing members up, what is best way to block out spammers from the registration process? Is there also third party software I can use? Perhaps someone can give quick answers to these, or point me in the right direction to read a good updated resource on this.

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MVC :: Login Page In App Hosted On IIS 7 Integrated Mode - Its Never Getting Redirected To The Home Screen Or Invalid Login Screen

May 19, 2010

I have created my first MVC application. I am using forms authenticataion. I have created a custom action filter MyAppAuthorizationFilter which inherits from AuthorizeFilter. Inside this filter I'm authenticating the user credentials by checking them against a database table (by overriding OnAuthorize method). If the user is not authenticated, I am redirecting the users to a login page (which is view of LoginController). I am using this filter agaginst my main controller so that all actions in this filter will execute only if the user is authenticated.

I do not have any problem when I use the development server (shipped with Visual Studio). But when I deploy the app to our IIS7 server, I can see the login screen when I access the default url, but after entering the credentials (both correct and incorrect) and posting back the Login page, it stays on the Login page (clears the pwd, but not the username). Its never getting redirected to the home screen or invalid login screen.

IIS 7 server has .net framework 3.5SP1, but no MVC. So I deployed the System.Web.Mvc dll in the bin folder.

Here's my Code (I've omitted the views and models as they are not needed here):

public class MainController : Controller
// GET: / [code]......

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Security :: Get The System To Actually Prompt The User To Login With Credentials?

Feb 5, 2010

I am the web developer at a medical clinic. I have 2 scenarios going on:

First, I have a physicians only component of our employee portal to allow access to only physician shareholders or physician non-shareholders. My structure is built like:

Physicians Only

The Affiliations folder is only going to be accessible by the physician shareholders. Therefore, I have security roles set for Physicians Only and Affiliations. When I test, the security is set correctly on the folders. However, when I try to login as different people, all with different roles, I have to login with user name and password, twice, before the system allows me in.

Secondly, I have secured areas within the employee portal also. However, when I navigate to them, the system doens't usually prompts me to login. If it does prompt me to login, it too, is on the second try. So how does it know who I am? And more importantly, how do I get the system to actually prompt the user to login with their credentials?

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Security :: Cannot Login To The Application If The Clients System Date Is Wrong

Feb 18, 2011

After deploying our web application, one of the user was not able to login to the application. After checking, we could realize that his system date was worng, It was a greater than current date. If the system data was less than the current date we can still login. We are using membership

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Security :: Restrict The User To Login Only From The System Which He Registered From The Computer?

Aug 28, 2010

In my website, if one user registered from a computer, we have to allow that user to be able to access the site from that computer only. If he try to login from another system even in LAN, we have to deny the access.

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Security :: Get Roles Working - User To Be Able To Login And The System Recognize?

Apr 22, 2010

I have a sitemap of 5 items. 2 items i only want the admin to see. I want the user to be able to login and the system recognise who it is and if an admin, bring up the 2 items in the sitemap. If not an admin, hide the items.

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Security :: Source Code For A Login System Where Administrator Can Be Directed To A Different Menu?

Feb 3, 2010

provide me the source code for a login system where administrator can be directed to a different menu than the members.

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Security :: Identity Impersonate + Integrated Security(DB) And Programatically Impersonating The User?

Nov 19, 2010

I have identity impersonate = true in the Web.config file. I have integrated security = true in the DB connection string in the Web.config file.Before identity impersonate was true,users were able to access the DB through the web service account (seemingly).Now I get an error which says " Login failed for ... " because I am aware there is no specific account for that user in the permissions for that DB instance.I needed to set identity impersonate = true because the web service does not have access to the Active Directory,which I need to retrieve certain user information.

My question is,does identity impersonate = true override the integrated security and attempt to user the authenticated user's account to connect to the DB? Is there a simple way to prevent this in the Web.config itself?If not,would programatically impersonating the user within the Active Directory query functions and setting identity impersonate = false do the trick here?

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Receiving Login Prompt Using Integrated Windows Authentication

Mar 23, 2011

I have a .NET 3.5 application running under IIS 7 on Windows 2003 server and cannot get integrated windows authentication working properly as I continue to get prompted for a login. I have set Windows Authentication to enabled in IIS with all other security types
disabled and my application web.config file authentication/authorization is set up as:

<compilation debug="true" strict="false" explicit="true" targetFramework="3.5" />
<deny users = "?" />

With this setup, I'm expecting behind the scene verification of the Windows user to allow access and deny anonymous users. However, what I'm getting is a Windows login pop-up when I try to access the site. I have been troubleshooting this issue for a few days now and cannot figure out the problem. Based on posts with similar problems, I confirmed my URL does not include any periods, double checked that my IE settings are set to Enable Integrated Windows Authentication, and also added my URL to my intranet sites, but still getting the pop-up. To troubleshoot it further, I enabled Anonymous Authentication in IIS and modified my web.config file to which lets me right in and then added Response.Write(System.Security.Principal.WindowsIdentifity.getcurrent() to try to see what user is being used in the authentication. The result I'm getting is IIS APPPOOLmyapp which is obviously the IIS application pool for my application.

I'm still using only windows authentication but don't get the pop-up and the windows authentication is performed against the actual Windows user. Just noticed that when the login fails and the Windows login prompt displays again, it is showing the username that attempted to login as "SERVERNAME""USERNAME" which led me to believe it was trying to validate the user against the server vs. the domain. To confirm this, I created a local user account directly on the app server with the same username and password as the network domain user and tried to login again. The result was that I received the login prompt again but when I entered the username and password this time, I was able to successfully login. The network user and app server are on the same domain so really not sure why IIS authentication is pointing to the local app server accounts and not to the domain accounts. I realize this is an IIS question at this point so posting on as well but anyone may have since have been troubleshooting this for days.

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Security :: Windows Integrated Security And Application Pool Identity?

Aug 9, 2010

My website security is configured with "Windows Integrated Security" only (anonymous is disabled).

I also want to set a specific account to run the w3wp.exe process using the
Application Pool Identity to a domain account.

Running directly from the server works without any problem but from remote computers I always get the authenticaion window then the 401.1 error (after 3 attempts).

It seems that its the combination of "Windows Integrated Security" along with the "Application Pool Identity" that causes the problem. When I disable one of the two it works properly.

My server is Windows Server 2003 R2, running IIS 6.0­.

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Integrated Windows Authentication - The User Changes Password And Is Prompted To Login Again - Why

Mar 22, 2010

I am working on an application that uses windows authentication. Within this application, we give the user the ability to change their password. The user can change the password just fine. However, after they change their password, that is when things get weird. Sometimes they can navigate through the application just fine. Other times, they click on a link and are immediately prompted to supply credentials. Occasionly they can click on a link but upon a second click they are prompted to supply credentials. Does the browser keep a token to the original credentials and use this when they request the next page? If this is the case, why can i continue using the site sometimes? Can I change the password and then assign that token to the request?

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Force Showing Login Window With Windows Integrated Authentication?

Feb 16, 2011

I have an silverlight application configured with windows integrated security. I would like to emulate the "Sign in as different user" functionality I would like to give the user, the option to click a button and show the windows authentication login window, so that the user can enter the "User name" and "Password" again using another domain account. (btw i found this question on another site but with no answers, I need the same thing so i copy/pasted a bit)

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How To Develop A Site With Secure Login

Nov 23, 2010

I want to develop a site with secure login. i followed various tutorials, and created a site, based on the default master page. I believe i set up the configurations correctly. under security, changed authentication type to "from the internet", added roles, added users based on those roles. when i compile the project and test the log in, it works fine. but, in visual studio 2010's Solution Explorer the App_Data folder is grayed out and i cannot get into it to view the database. how do i view the tables and create new tables?

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Making A Secure Login Cookie?

Mar 5, 2011

I've recently read one of Jeff's articles about XSS and it got me thinking about how to better protect the login cookies in my home cooked authentication system.


so one of the questionable things I do is use the UserAgent string. Is there harm in doing this? Or browsers which will change their UserAgent string under normal operation(as in, without being updated)? My goal is basically for if an attacker gets a login cookie, for them to not be able to do anything with it. At the moment, the only info I store in the cookie plain text is the username.

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Setting Up Integrated Security / Ii6?

Feb 16, 2011

I have made my web site into an application.

I have disabled annonymous, on IIS6
<authentication mode="Windows"/>
<identity impersonate="true"/>
in my webconfig
and i am using both
to retrive the username.

The problem is i am being prompted to logon, i don't want the user to have to login as this is an intranet.

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C# - How To Secure Login And Member Area With SSL Certificate

Mar 6, 2010

Background: I have a webapplication project that should contain a public and a member area. Now I want to implement a SSL decription to secure communication between the client and the server. (In the university we have a unsecured wireless network and you can use a wlan sniffer to read username/password. I do not want to have this security problem for my application, so I thought of a ssl decription)

The application is running on a IIS 7.5. It it possible to have one webapp that has unsecured pages (like the public area) and a secured area (like the member area, which requires a login)? If yes, how can I relealise the communication between these too areas?


My webapp is hosted on

I have pages like [URL]

In the same project is page like /member/default.aspx which is protected by a login on the page


So I would need to implement SSL for the page /login.aspx and all pages in /member/

How can I do that? I just found out how to create SSL certificates in IIS 7.5 and how to add such a binding to a webapp. How how can I tell my webapp which page should be called with https and not with http. What is the best practise there?

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How To Create A Secure Login Page Using VS 2010/VB.Net

Feb 9, 2011

I would like to create a secure login page for a pre-defined set of users (so no creating username/passwords by the users themselves). I've looked up a few sites and they all seem to using Microsoft's Membership or something. I am not very sure as to why that's used, but all you need to know is that I will be creating the login details. I just need to make the login secure, ie, no duplicate logins, no logins from different browsers and cookies and sessions and encryption and all that.

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Create A Secure Login Page Using VS 2010 / VB.Net?

Apr 4, 2011

I would like to create a secure login page for a pre-defined set of users (so no creating username/passwords by the users themselves). I've looked up a few sites and they all seem to suggest using Microsoft's Membership or something. I am not very sure as to why that's used, but all you need to know is that I will be creating the login details. I just need to make the login secure, ie, no duplicate logins, no logins from different browsers and cookies and sessions and encryption and all that. Any one have the code/links to where I can get all this?

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