Security :: Request QueryString - Change In Id Opens Other Page?
Jan 20, 2010
I have completd my project, in that project i used Request.QueryString["id"], its working fine, in this project if change the "id" securities pages also opening now what can i do?
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Apr 24, 2010
Encrypt request.querystring and Descrpt request.querystring
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Sep 29, 2010
I have an ashx handler that was working fine in VS2008 but when I upgraded to VS2010 (haven't gone back to VS2008 to double check though) and when I try to grab the value from HttpContext.Request.Params["update"] I get the following error:
+ ex {"A potentially dangerous Request.QueryString value was detected from the client (update="<SETIProducts><Produ...")."}
System.Exception {System.Web.HttpRequestValidationException}
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Sep 15, 2010
I am using ASP.NET, the web page is abandoning and clear session when a user click logout link but they click the back button and it is still showing the previous page. How can it prevent the previous page after logout? on Logout.aspx load im using this code
Response.Buffer = true;
Response.ExpiresAbsolute = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-1D);
Response.Expires = -1500;
Response.CacheControl = "no-cache";
//----- Second Technique : To Stop Caching of Secure Pages.
if (Session["UserName"] == null)
View 4 Replies
Mar 16, 2010
I am write code in java script
when I am search college then display url
if I am overwrite url in Addressbar
after My url ---
I want when I am search any another college then show my url
http://localhost:1682/FinalTest/searchcollege.aspx?CollegeId=20&id=3&cid=5 means only change my CollegeId=25 to 20 and other parameter is not change. Use only javascript.
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Jan 4, 2011
in my page am having one dropdownlist,Textbox and Search Button.Dropdownlist consists of Problem id,Phone No,Email,CardNo. when i select any of the above and enters a related string in textbox and click on search button a gridview will appear with related details. Everything is fine. but my challange is to display this gridview in next page.. how itz possible. i think request.Querystring helps me.but i dnt know how to write dis.Here am Pasting my code. Aspx.cs
Aspx code:
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Aug 27, 2010
I'm implementing a Google like search box in my application. Each keypress in the box sends an Ajax request to IIS webmethod that queries the txt and return matches - works pretty cool. However, on loading up activity (e.g. 300 users), I'm getting errors that my 100 Pooled connections are used up. Now I'm rethinking that perhaps opening/closing a db connection on each keystroke may be too much. How would one architect this differently, or insure that the connections are reclaimed really fast. I'm have the 'using' construct for connections to insure it is closed. The concern is GC may not be reclaiming them fast enough?
How would google handle such a large open/close cycle.
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Jan 27, 2011
We're trying to implement functionality that intercepts, inspects, and alters if needed data in the Request.QueryString and Request.Form collections.
Since Request.QueryString and Request.Form are readonly, is it possible to use a HttpModule to do this without Reflection or Response.Redirect?
We're thinking that we can construct a new HttpRequest, and replace the original one. Would there be any implications in doing this?
I know mocking this object is impossible without using HttpRequestWrapper, but wasn't sure whether ASP.NET sets other things beyond the constructor.
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Jul 1, 2010
I don't know how to write the code to change the querystring of a page without to update the page in the onclick event of a Button.
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Mar 5, 2010
I'm intermittently seeing this exception being thrown:
A potentially dangerous Request.QueryString value detected
However when I look in the IIS logs I can see that the request that failed has no querystring logged against it.
How could this be? Are "dangerous" query strings being stripped from the log or something?
View 2 Replies
Jul 31, 2010
I have a page that I wish to pass an ID in a querystring to another page
Response.Redirect("~/Account/Login.aspx?CertificateID="+ CertificateTextBox.Text);
but the value in the CertificateTextBox is in the format of Encoding.UTF8
so it can contains character like "ZnbiS69F2g22OeupHw+Xlg=="
When the receiving page gets the QueryString
CertificateTextBox.Text = Request.QueryString["CertificateID"];
the "+" and possible other querystring chars like "?" are stripped!!
so I end up with
"ZnbiS69F2g22OeupHw Xlg=="
the "+" strinpped!
Is there a way to encode these chars so they are not striped by QuesryString()or do I have to use a session variable??
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Apr 9, 2010
I want to be able to (in code) tell the page to refresh at that point ignoring anything else it was going to do.
I have a property lets call it AllUsers
return Database.GetAllUsers();
Now I have put it like this because in my code I want to just use this property to browse all the users and not have to check if its null or not up to date. The problem is if my method .GetAllUsers() throws an exception e.g. database is unavailable. If this happens I want to display a message to the user and reload the page to its initial state.
e.g. something like this
return Database.GetAllUsers();
catch(Exception e)
Now I can reload the page using Response.AppendHeader("Refresh", "0;URL=ThisPage.aspx");
but how can I abort all code? because if I use this where I have placed my method the code will run and then reload on the next page load.
Should I change by property design? I wanted to have a property which would always be valid and up to date so any code using it wouldn't have to worrie
View 5 Replies
Jan 19, 2010
In aspx I have a querystring - When I click "enter" I go to main.aspx. I want to get this "?dest=#" in main.aspx with a request.querystring or something in javascript. I need to use the querystring in javascript in main.aspx for another action.
let me explain in detail - I have enter.aspx page that shall load with a querystring - Now when i click the Enter button on Enter.aspx page, it shall goto Main.aspx page. When main.aspx page loads i want to write small javascript in main.aspx that shall get the querystring from the previous enter.aspx page and give it an if condition. so if (request.querystring('dest=') > 0 ('a1.jpg') this above code needs to be redesigned so it can work. how can i do this. i tried window.location.href.indexof('dest') , nothing happened.
View 6 Replies
May 20, 2010
( 2.0, c#) I have a page requesting a qyerystring looking like this ?test=b%E4st, %E4 is the url-encoded letter ä. I can't change how this looks and encodes since I have no access to the page doing the request.
Problem: string strTest = Request.Querystring["test"].ToString();
If I then, for instance, just Response.Write(strTest) the character ä (%E4) is broken. Displayed as a question mark. I have in my web.config the requestEncoding and responseEncoding set to utf-8. That is the way I need to have it, and I can't change that.
I've looked around for a solutions for this and the issue seems to be iso-8859-1 vs utf-8 in the querystring and url-decoding. It seems the Request.Querystring automatically url-decodes the string using the default encoding, in my case utf-8. I need it to url-decode using iso-8859-1 instead. I can achieve this by altering the web.config, but as I said earlier this is not an option.
I have tried to do this:
Encoding enc = Encoding.GetEncoding(28591);
string strTest= Request.QueryString["test"];
strTest= HttpUtility.UrlDecode(strTest, enc);
Not working, since the Request.QueryString already has url-decoded the value using utf-8.
View 4 Replies
Mar 31, 2011
I have url being passed to my page something like /default.apsx?id=123&user=justinIn my code I already have a request.querystring running to grab the id but I need also to grab the user how would i do this.
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Mar 15, 2011
how can i modified the querystring?
I have capture the query string like this
qs = Request.QueryString["flag"].ToString();
and then rebuilt the query string with modified values and response.redirect(url & qs) to it
View 4 Replies
Dec 19, 2010
I'm passing a variable between pages and want to print the value of the variable on my page and don't particularly want to try to get into figuring out the codebehind stuff. I can't figure out the syntax. I'm trying:
Page Title="" Language="C#" MasterPageFile="~/Site.Master" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeBehind="WebForm2.aspx.cs" Inherits="WebApplication2.WebForm2" %>
<asp:Content ID="Content1" ContentPlaceHolderID="ContentPlaceHolder1" runat="server">
<script runat="server">
I know I'm passing the variable correctly because it works in a query further down the page, so I suspect I'm just not using Querystring right.
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Feb 27, 2010
I have the following URL: /Login.aspx?ReturnUrl=Default.aspx#/mydesign
Request.QueryString["ReturnUrl"] only returns "Default.aspx".
Why doesn't it return "Default.aspx#/mydesign"?
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Nov 1, 2010
I have vendors who are passing customers to us via an encoded URL. The problem is that Request.QueryString["FieldName"] is returning NULL on some of them and I can't fiqure out why?
For Example, one vendor is sending : http://.....ViewListing.aspx%3FListingID%3D1187721%26Source%3D6"] which returns a NULL value when Request.QueryString["ListingID"] is used.
Using Server.UrlDecode(Request.RawUrl.ToString()), however, will decode itpProperly as /ViewListing.aspx?ListingID=1187721&Source=6
How do I get the Request object to properly retrieve the values?
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Apr 15, 2010
Anyone else have the issue where you use javascript to stuff variables into the querystring and then when you call Request.Querystring, the value is still UrlEncoded?Example, I've used a javascript function to encode the string "dBskf6fm+ac=" into the UrlEncoded string "dBskf6fm%2Bac%3D".Usually when I set a breakpoint at the call to Request.Querystring(), the value displayed is the UrlDecoded string, but in this case, the value is still UrlEncoded.
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Jan 28, 2011
When I pass some values like a++, c++, f+, as a parameter value in the url to an aspx page, I don't get the exact value in the aspx.cs page by Request.QueryString function. This problem is only with some special characters like +, _ , - etc.
Consider this parameter string in the url : CourseName=c++&kval=0.7120968615801844&dval=1296217545373
Then when I trying to get the CourseName parameter value in the aspx.cs page using
Request.QueryString ,
crseName = Request.QueryString["CourseName "];
I got the value of the variable crseName as " c " only instead of "c++ "....
View 5 Replies
Mar 8, 2010
My app has broken after upgrading to ASP.NET 2.0. The problem is that Request.QueryString is empty when the SelectedIndexChanged event of a IE Web Controls tab strip is fired. It worked perfectly in ASP.NET 1. I have the tab strip contained within my own UserControl.
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Aug 7, 2010
I need to get a querystring in a select parameter
datasource.selectparameters.add("PostId", request.querystring("PostId"))
Something like that...but...i cant get the snytax right.
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Jun 17, 2010
Follwing code that i have tried doesn't display any thing.
protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
<%@ Page Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeBehind="test2.aspx.cs" Inherits="WebApplication5.test2" %>
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
<html xmlns="" >
<head runat="server">
<title>Untitled Page</title>
<form id="form1" runat="server">
<asp:Label ID="Label1" runat="server" Text='<%=Request.QueryString["ID"] %>'></asp:Label>
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Jul 28, 2010
I have a problem that if I pass a string that contain + in a query string and try to read it , it get the same string but by replacing + with empty charFor example if i pass query like ../Page.aspx?data=sdf1+sdf then in page load I read data by data = Request.QueryString["data"] it will get as below data ="sdf1 sdf"
I solve the problem by replacing any empty char with + .. But Is there any problem that cause that ? and Is my solution by replacing empty char with + is the best solution in all cases?
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