Security :: Ristricting Access To Controls By Roles?

May 12, 2010

How can i ristrict access to controls depending on users roles, on a page.?

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To Implement Code Access Security, And URL Based Security Using The Roles & Types?

Apr 24, 2010

[ASP.NET 3.5, FormsAuthentication, SQL Server]

In the Roles table there is Role, and RoleType.

I have 3different roles, 2 of which have sub-roles.




I need to implement Code Access Security, and URL based security using the roles & types...

For instance, the (Subscriber/Basic) would need to view a different set of pages, and have different access to things then a (Subscriber/Business).

I think I can handle the Code Access security with a custom attribute, but I am unsure to how enforce a User be apart of 2 roles in the URL Authorization.

I am currently using the web.config to deny/allow access to the directories/pages.




Is it possible to force the user to be apart of 2 roles with this technique?

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Security :: Web.config Roles / How Can Access

Jan 10, 2011

I have three roles:


How can i give acces so to:

1- All users in roles Admin and Editor
2- Specific users from role General

i tried this but with no luck:


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Security :: Access When Changing Roles?

Nov 3, 2010

well i have a simple application using an authentication (user and password) before accessing and there are several roles bound to each user.

in my web.config i have configured the acces for each page according to each role, this is an example below:


and i have 2 users:

1: admin (default role: administrator)

2: guest (default role: role1)

my problem is as follows:

if i give acces to the user "guest" to open the "admin.aspx" page with changin him his role from "role1" to "administrator", this one do not function except if i recharge the web.config file to the server it's just after this manipulation that this user "guest" arrives to open the page "admin.aspx".

i don't know why this problem occurs, normally changing the user role will applies instantaneously.

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Security - Using Roles To Represent Different Access Levels?

Mar 4, 2010

I need to design a system that will control access to certain information. The requirement from the user is to use access levels e.g.

Level 1 - Support
Level 2 - Manager
Level 3 - Senior Manager
Level 4 - Department Head

If a certain piece of information is marked as Level 1, then all roles should be able to view that piece of information. If it is marked as level 3, then only the Senior Manager and Department Head can view it, but the Manager and Support roles can't view it.


When I assign the access level to a piece of information, will I have to assign multiple roles to it in order for me to achieve this functionality? Is there a better way of doing this?

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Security :: Use Membership Roles And Access In Code?

Jan 20, 2010

in my app i want to create two types of users. (1) 'staff' (2) 'admin'

i have a page called registration which basically creates a user. i used the configuration wizard to create roles and set access rights to certain pages and this works great.

however, if i was to deploy this app then users wouldnt have access to the wizard therefore not be able to create users with roles/access.

so how can i do this in code? can i create a drop down in the registration page with two values (staff and admin) which will represent roles and then another drop down with access rights? (allow/deny)

how can i now program these drop down and make it work like i would normally do using configuration wizard?

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Security :: Allowing Access To Users Who Are In Multiple Roles?

Feb 26, 2010

I have a web.config file with <authorization> section. I'm using window authentication.

The problem is that I would like to allow access to the web site to those users who are in multiple roles.

For example:

<allow roles = "Role1 AND Role2"/>
<deny users="*"/>

(Meaning I would like to allow access only to those user who are both in Role1 AND Role2.)

Is this possible to achive this?

If not, what would be the alternatives?

Note: Currently I'm doing the roles assignment in the Global.asax file in the OnAuthenticateRequest event (i'm reading the groups that the current user belong to in the Active Directory).

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Security :: Lost Access To Control Members And Roles?

Aug 8, 2010

I am working on an application that resides on a development server on our internal network. The application was originally written to use Membership and Roles. We got busy almost a year ago before the app was finished, and now we are trying to get it ready to use internally.

The login page works just fine, but I have lost the ability to controls users and roles. I am running Visual Studio 2010 Professional now on a Windows 7 VM. I can open the application fine but there is no Web Administration Tool available for me to manage users or roles. If I go to Website -> in Visual Studio, there is no option for ASP.NET Configuration in the drop down menu. It simply isn't there.

How can I regain access to manage users and roles for this application? We are using Forms authentication and the database resides on a SQL Server 2005 instance on a separate box from the web server and my local VM.

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Security :: Hide / Denied Access To Page Base On Roles?

Nov 11, 2010

Will someone point me to a tutorial on how to hide and denied access to certain pages based on what roles the user is in?

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Security :: Regain Access To Manage Users And Roles For This Application?

Sep 23, 2010

I am working on an application that resides on a development server on our internal network. The application was originally written to use Membership and Roles. We got busy almost a year ago before the app was finished, and now we are trying to get it ready to use internally.

The login page works just fine, but I have lost the ability to controls users and roles. I am running Visual Studio 2010 Professional now on a Windows 7 VM. I can open the application fine but there is no Web Administration Tool available for me to manage users or roles. If I go to Website -> in Visual Studio, there is no option for ASP.NET Configuration in the drop down menu. It simply isn't there.

How can I regain access to manage users and roles for this application? We are using Forms authentication and the database resides on a SQL Server 2005 instance on a separate box from the web server and my local VM.

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Security :: Create / Manage Access Rules For Membership Roles Through Code?

Jan 19, 2010

I'm using vs 2005 and 2.0 to create my website. Recently, I thought about applying membership instead of my customized security system in order to achieve higher security level and performance. At first thing went well, since it was easy to create/manage users and Role names from behind code, but when I came upon the "Access Rules" I faced what you can call it an 'obstacle' at least from my opinion.

The thing is, I don't want to use Web Site Administration Tool to create and manage my access rules which I'm going to assign to each of my dynamically created Roles. What I want to be able to do is make a page where the Admin can create/manage his desired Role(s) and also, create/manage the Access Rules, then add such Access Rules to the previously created Role(s).

Now, what I need to know first is... is it even possible to do such thing in the first place? Because the way i understand it is, since the access rules are stored in the web.config of each folder/directory that you apply them on then it shouldn't be allowed to modify it from the running/published website.

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Security :: How To Hide Multiple Roles With Roles.getallroles()

Mar 7, 2011

I have a multi level application that I am developing and need to block multiple rows from being joined. I know how to hide one role but I cannot figure out how to hide multiple.

Here is my current code


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Security :: Multiple Roles For Multiple Page Access?

Jan 20, 2011

I'm planning to make a page that has about 10 different pages for varying use, for example, stats, data entry, reports, logistics, audit, sales, promo, etc etc. I'm anticipating there will be many combinations as to what pages a user may have access to, for each page, a user ought to be authorized to either enter new data, edit data, print and/or just view.

My questions are :

1. can membership & roles be used, once user is logged in, to display links to all the areas of the web app he is allowed access to?


2. besides having access to a particular page, a user should, as mentioned before, be authorized to either enter new, edit, print and/or just view data.
3. Is there a preferred/better method to handle this besides using membership & roles?

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Security :: Automatically Assigning Roles / Standard Practice For Assigning Roles To Newly Signed-on members?

May 17, 2010

Newb question: what is the standard practice for assigning roles to newly signed-on members. Is it usually manual or is there a way of automatically assigning roles. Being completely new to this, I am confronted by the issue of my site having three different roles that new members could fall into, but am unsure about how to assign each a role. I can't imagine having to go through the process manually if I have thousands of members.

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How To Get Programatic Access To The Allowed Roles

Jul 7, 2010

Ultimate goal is to provide protection against programming mistakes. I want to make sure that every page in a portion of my web application has a role specified like below. Ideally I would like to programatically check all requests coming in ( think IHttpModule ) and make sure that the page being requested has a role specified.

I can't seem to find how to get programatic access to the allowed roles.


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Security :: How To Get Roles After Login

Jan 7, 2010

I have used .net login control to authenticate user,i have three types of role ,role1,role2 and role3 and i have users and user have different roles.

now my requirement is like as per loggedin user i want to redirect user on particular page as per role.

for example if loggedin user role is role1 than he will redirect default1.aspx
for example if loggedin user role is role2 than he will redirect default2.aspx
for example if loggedin user role is role3 than he will redirect default3.aspx

and one question if same user may be have more than one role than what should happen???

I got a solution for same than if we are used "loggingin" event than it would be possible but i had placed login control in login view anonymous template because as per my requirement i want that after successfull login user can't see login control on page.thats why i didn't get the login control event on code.

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Security :: Is There A Way To Set Up 2 Tiers Of Roles

Mar 22, 2010

In our system now, we have a class of user and beneath each class, there's a type of user.

Is there a way to setup and use the ASP.Net role provider with this kind of setup?

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Security :: Specify Roles While New Registration?

Feb 20, 2010

i am new to, i am creating a small website for my college, in that.

Only the admin's can create other users...

Now while using the nw registration wizard, i hav to mention the role also in that page.

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Security :: Create Roles In Asp?

Jun 10, 2010

can any one tell how to create the roles in when ever Admin creates the roles, there it self he should assing the pages,which pages should be open when ever perticular person enters in to the site. When ever Admin wants to assing the Roles,all pages appear in grid view with check box,if he checks that pages,he able to access other wise he couldnot access that page.

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Security :: Associate App With Roles?

Aug 3, 2010

i want to create a webservice that reading from the user identity interacts with a db, where there are app names and group that can use that app, and gives to the user a list of operation that he can use.

My question is, is there any table in apsnetdb that does this association or i should create a costum table.

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Security :: Membership Roles In MVC Asp 3.5?

Mar 1, 2010

Pls explain the Membership Roles in MVC ASP.NET 3.5

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Security :: How To Use Roles In Views

Feb 27, 2011

I know how use Roles in Controller:


In this situation, any one who is not "admin" can'nt vist the "About.cshtml". But what if I want anonymous can see part of the "About.cshtml"?


I know code above is wrong, But how can implement my goal in Views

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Security :: Login To Different Pages With Different Roles?

May 18, 2010

I have created 3 different folders (admin, user, viewer) in my site and each has a different template (masterPage). I created user and roles which are admins, users, and viewers. I assigned each role to a user in .Net administration Tool.

What I need to do is to allow each user to access his page only and deny access to others , except for the admin who can access all pages.

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Security :: Redirecting Based On Roles C#?

Oct 5, 2010

I'm trying to redirect users upon login based on their roles which were defined in the Administer website feature of what I'm trying protected void Login1_LoggedIn(object sender, EventArgs e)

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Security :: Redirecting Different Roles WITH Password?

Oct 7, 2010

Im trying to redirect different roles to different pages. Its working but the code I'm entering allows people through even with incorrect passwords. protected void Login1_Authenticate(object sender, AuthenticateEventArgs e)

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