Security :: Asp:ChangePassword - Set CancelDestinationPageUrl And ContinueDestinationPageUrl At Run-time?

Aug 13, 2010

I would like to dynamically change the CancelDestinationPageURL and ContinueDestinationPageUrl at run-time.Firstly can I actually changes these at run-time and if so how what approach should i take?

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Similar Messages:

Security :: ContinueDestinationPageURL Not Working?

Feb 7, 2011

I have a home.aspx page on which there is a register button. When the user clicks the register button, I used Response.Redirect to navigate the user to Register.aspx page.

Upon finishing the registration for a new user, the user is automatically getting redirected to the default.aspx page in a logged in state. However, I want that the user be returned to home.aspx page without being logged in..

There are 2 issues.

1) I have tried to use ContinueDestinationPageUrl property and set it to login.aspx page in the register.aspx page like this

<asp:CreateUserWizard ID="RegisterUser" runat="server" EnableViewState="false" OnCreatedUser="RegisterUser_CreatedUser"
ContinueDestinationPageUrl ="~/home.aspx">
<asp:PlaceHolder ID="wizardStepPlaceholder" runat="server"></asp:PlaceHolder>
<asp:PlaceHolder ID="navigationPlaceholder" runat="server"></asp:PlaceHolder>

2) How can I make sure that the user returns to the home.aspx page without being in a logged out state so that he has to put his credentials to login once he is registered.

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Security :: CreateUserWizard Doesn't Login The Created User When Using ContinueDestinationPageUrl?

Jan 6, 2010

I want to change my registration control to direct users back to the page they came from before registering.

The markup looks like this:

CompleteSuccessText="Thank you for registering" CreateUserButtonText="Submit"


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Security :: How To Focus On ChangePassword UserName Control

Jan 6, 2010

I have been able to set focus on the UserName TextBox of my Login control in the OnLoad event by performing the following.


I have tried replicating the above for my ChangePassword control however I get an exception stating that the object is null.

I have the DisplayUserName property set to true.

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Security :: Disabling Username In ChangePassword Control?

Feb 14, 2010

I'm using the asp:ChangePassword control. I would like to disable the ability for the user to enter a new username but the default shows the current user's UserName and allows editing. Ideally, I would be able to find the child control in the ChangePassword control that is the UserName textbox and set Enable=false.

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Security :: Customized Changepassword Control And Literal Text (ID=FailureText) In Validation Summary?

May 22, 2010


i get all the error message in validation summary except one.the one is if i enter the wrong entry in old password textbox i am getting the error message in literal(ID=Failturetext).i want to show it in validation ther ary way to do this without the use of event "ChangePassword1_ChangePasswordError".

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ChangePassword And PasswordRecovery Not Sending Emails

Mar 8, 2010

I am using the ASP.NET membership provider controls (ChangePassword and PasswordRecovery) and they generally work just fine. Unfortunately they don't send any emails once the process is finished. I set up the SMTP server using the ASP.NET Configuration Website and it added the following lines to the web.config:

<smtp from="">
<network host="" password="XXXX" userName="XXXX" />

I also tried using the IP adress of the server instead of the domain. In addition to that I set the maildefinition properties on the used web controls:

<MailDefinition From=""
Subject="Your new password">

Once I finish changing or resetting the password, the controls shows the success message. It does not show any errors but the mails are not sent. I also checked the SMTP log files on the server (it's a MailEnable server) but couldn't even find an attempt to send these messages. I am using a custom email helper class which manually sends an email using the following settings:

public static void SendEmail(string from, string to, string subject, string body)
SmtpClient mailClient = new SmtpClient(ConfigReader.GetStringValue("MailServer"));
mailClient.Credentials = new NetworkCredential(ConfigReader.GetStringValue("MailUsername"),
MailMessage mailMessage = new MailMessage(from, to, subject, body);

The values for mailserver, username and password read from the config file are the same as defined in the ASP.NET configuration tool. These mails are delivered successfully.

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C# - FindControl Doesn't Work With ChangePassword Control?

Mar 1, 2011

How can I access to the CancelPushButton ?

This doesn't work ! it returns always null !!

var cancelButton = ChangeUserPassword.FindControl("CancelPushButton");


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Security :: Time In LastLoginDate Field Ahead Of Local Server Time 3 Hours?

Mar 25, 2010

In my application I user Microsoft Membership to manage site access security and find the time saved into LastLoginDate is ahead of local time (Eastern Time Zone) 3 hours. What is wrong with it and how to ajust it to local time by application system only such as changing some properties od application?

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Security :: Remember Me Next Time - How To Use - C#

Jan 14, 2011

I am new to c# and i have problem in using login control. I made a simple login page and it works fine but i dont know how to use the remember me next time option.

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Security :: Set Logged In Time In Web.config?

Jan 26, 2010

I need to set my logged in time in web.config but I do not know how? I get logged out after a while if I do no do anything in the website but I wanna be logged in for 120 minutes.

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Security :: How To Add Query String In URL At Run Time

Jul 18, 2010

[URL]UserFiles/ArticlesFiles/633574997433655321_Raja_images.jpg when I click any of secure page like (user page , admin or user ) and I am not login then it will show me in url like this http://localhost:59847/FormsAuthenticationAdvanced/login.aspx?ReturnUrl=/FormsAuthenticationAdvanced/secure/securepage.aspx
& displays login form. After login it will redirect me to that respective page which I clicked ( like if secure page is clicked before login then after login it will redirect me to secure page ).

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Security :: Use Https On Authentication Time?

Jul 17, 2010

first i want to know most of the e-mail like gmail,yahoo,hotmail etc.. they are all uing https when we comes to login area.. why there are using on that time only https...i also need to implement same in my web application...

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Security :: Multiple Identities At The Same Time?

Feb 7, 2010

my site admins want to log in as a client and nose around the client's area. When the admin returns to the admin area, they don't want to have to log in again. The converse is also true - someone using a client account might want to log into the admin area but not want to re-log in if they return to the client area.So basically what I'm looking for is a way for a user to have multiple identities at the same time. I think this is fairly straight forward to do using 1.1 techniques - you just manually fudge the different credentials into the security ticket. But how might I do this using Membership and the RoleManager.The RoleManager for example only gets the roles for one user at a time. And the Login web control will only log on one user at a time!

View 12 Replies

Security :: Validate Credentials Takes More Time?

Aug 11, 2010

PrincipalContext.validatecredentials(username, password);

Takes more time and high cpu usage to validate.

Is there any alternative way to validate credentials or any way to reduce the load and time?

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Security :: Remember Me Next Time Doesn't Work?

Oct 2, 2010

In the login control, the "Remember me next time" checkbox does not appear to work.

If I check it when logging in, when I log in the next time, even a minute later, I go to the login page again.

It seems the cookie is not being written to the client. Can't find it anywhere.

My web.config contains:


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Security :: Membership LastLoginDate Has Incorrect Time?

Oct 27, 2010

for my web app I'm using ASP.NET's standard membership for authentication, but for some strange reason the LastLoginDate in the aspnet_Membership table has incorrect time for all my users, the date part is fine, but the time is way off (it's like 6-7 hours different from the correct time). The LastActivityDate in the aspnet_Users table is also wrong with the same kind of issue. I checked the server machine that's hosting the SQL Server and the time on there is correct, is there something else that's dictating the time?

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Security :: How To Add User To A Role At Registration Time

Jan 4, 2011

i am creating a c# website with three roles

admin, students & professors

i want to add users to student role every time people register on my site..

then admin will control the users but how to add users to a Student role at register button's click event?

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Security :: Secure One Time Download Page

Nov 9, 2010

I'm using paypal to make payments for an online digital download purchase. Once the payment is accepted the person is redirected to a page where they can download the product. I need to know how do I make a page that can only be accessed once via redirect.

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Security :: Logout Authentication Works One Time Only?

Feb 7, 2011

I Have gotten the logout authentication to work. THe problem was that after logout u can back browser back into the app. Now it does redirect to the app login screen, but this is good only one time. If you re-login to the app, relogout, and then try to back browser in, it goes back to the running app.

I would like to know how to get this logout process to work all the time. here is some code i have pertaining to the authentication process:


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Security :: Login-control - Remember Me Next Time?

Jun 2, 2010

Having trouble getting "remember me" to work! When I close my browser down, then it should remember me the next time!

This is my code in web.config :

<authentication mode="Forms">
<forms name="appName" path="/" loginUrl="Default.aspx" cookieless="UseCookies" timeout="600000" slidingExpiration="true" />

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Security :: Keep The Pages From Time Out When Users Are Logged In?

Mar 6, 2011

How do I keep the pages from time out when users are logged in?

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Security :: Retrieving The Name Of User Who Login Last Time?

Apr 3, 2010

I am developing a Login Screen and I want to Print the name of User at the page who have login last in all users (just like Hotmail).I dont know how to do it.

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Security :: Find If User Logs In For First Time In C#?

Mar 22, 2011

I need to show the user a different page when he loggs in for first time alone..

How can i do this..

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Security :: Set Specific Time Out To Logout User Automatically

Jun 22, 2010

Below code is working fine, it will logout user in after 1 minute, since I have another login control in Home page, I was trying to add another line:

<forms loginUrl="Default.aspx" timeout="1"/>, but gives me error: The element <forms> may only appear once in this section,

so the timeout in the webconfig can only have one page for the function?


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