Security :: Check Input String Contains Any Virus Or Script Harm To Machine?

Jul 20, 2010

I am developeing a site, in that I need to give contact us page , I need to get details visitor input in the fields, comments then generate a email and sent it to admin of the website.

here i have a doubt if some body type any thing which can be run or harm to machine or server website runing on. what we can do in such case. how do we trace any thing harmful input streams ?

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Security :: Scan The File For Virus Before Uploading?

Nov 22, 2010

I have a requirement where i need to check the virus of a file when uploading file to server. Actually we don't know what type of files user uploads, he may upload a word doc which has virus. So inorder to protect server i need to write a program which should in rejecting the file which has virus.

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Security :: File Upload And Virus Scanning?

May 14, 2010

I am wondering what the best strategy is for accepeting http uploaded files on a web server in a safe way? I have access to scanning software which will quarantine suspect files, but not really sure what the best practice is for this kind of thing?This is somewhat of a pest as the form data and the uploaded file form a logical unit - the fact the files must be scanned (pottentially quarantined) means I would need some kind of callback, post upload mechanism for handling this.

Is there a preferred way (or peice of software) for handling thsi kind of thing?Happy to elaborate of anyone wants to comment or assist? I'm aware I can limit file size, file extension etc, so really just concerned about stopping viruses entering the web server and/or network. And I guess to do so in awy that allows me to interact with scanning software such that I get feedback in relatively real time??

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Security :: Can't Load Custom MembershipProvider From Web.config, "Input String Was Not In A Correct Format"

Jun 19, 2010

I'm facing very odd problem with my application. I've been developing my own custom memberhip provider (derived from MembershipProvider, of course) and everything was working smoothly, until something odd happened. In my config file, I register my provider with such code:


When I deploy my site, I get this error message:

Configuration Error


An error occurred during the processing of a configuration file required to service this request. review the specific error details below and modify your configuration file appropriately.

Parser Error Message: Input string was not in a correct format.

Source Error:

Line 62: <clear/>
Line 63: <add name="CustomSqlMembershipProvider"
Line 64: type="My_Membership.CustomSqlMembershipProvider"
Line 65: applicationName="My Application"
Line 66: enablePasswordRetrieval="false"

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C# - Is There A Security Reason To Validate A Textbox Input If You Are Limiting The Max Length Of The Input

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Web Forms :: Empty TextBox Input Gives "Input String Was Not In A Correct Format" Error

Jun 10, 2010

I'm trying to update a db record via a business object, based on a users input.

In my button event handler, I check for a null or empty value like this before I set the object properties:


But if the textbox is empty, I get the "System.FormatException:

Input string was not in a correct format." in the line:


How can this be?

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Web Forms :: Error Input String Was Not In Correct Exporting HTML String To PDF Using ITextSharp

Jul 20, 2012

 //Read string contents using stream reader and convert html to parsed conent var parsedHtmlElements = HTMLWorker.ParseToList(new StringReader(contents), null);   
//Get each array values from parsed elements and add to the PDF document foreach (var htmlElement in parsedHtmlElements) pdfDoc.Add(htmlElement as IElement);   
//Close your PDF pdfDoc.Close();   Response.ContentType = "application/pdf";   
//Set default file Name as current datetime Response.AddHeader("content-disposition",

[Code] ....

Error: Input string was not in a correct format. Contents in html file giving error ...

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C# - Cannot Pass A Input From Text Box To A Query String And Then Keep The String In This Box?

May 28, 2010

I have a simple page:

<form id="form1" runat="server">
<p><asp:TextBox id="input_box" runat="server"></asp:TextBox>
<asp:Button Text="OK" runat="server" OnClick="run" /></p>

I want to send input from input_box to a query string, and then keep this input in the input_box when the page reloads.

That's the code behind page:

protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
input_box.Text = Request.QueryString["input"];
protected void run(object sender, EventArgs e)
string url = string.Format("?input={0}", input_box.Text);
Response.Redirect(Request.Url.AbsolutePath + url);

Problem is that when query string is not empty, string from input_box cannot be passed to query string. How to correct it?

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Make Encrypted String Same Length As Input String?

Nov 24, 2010

I have a 15 digit string to encrypt.

I have tried using .NET's various encryption functions but all my encrypted strings are at least 24, 28 or 32 in length.

I have heard of CipherMode.CTS with Padding = None that produces the same length output as the input length but I can't seem to get the same result. I have toyed with the block-size, key-size and salt size.

I don't mind adding a digit to my input string to make it 16 in length.

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How To Check If File Exists On User Machine

May 7, 2015

web application How to check file exists on local machine..?

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How To Check If File / Software Exists On Client Machine

Jan 6, 2010

I'm having some trouble trying to create a page for my web app. I'm not trying to write a simple download/upload page. Should also say that I'm not trying to write a complex one.What I need to do is in the PageLoad check if the user has installed one particular software and then show the right message to download and install OR run it from the user's actual installation. For this scenario I've tried to use different file upload controls to check if the file was on the client machine, but none of then can do this, since, for security reasons,I can't programmatically set the path and file to upload.

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Is there any existing library in .NET to leverage?

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MVC :: Check Form Input Is Valid On Submit?

Jan 13, 2010

I have a form that when submitted shows a busy animation and disables the submit button.

Anyone know how to query Microsoft's Sys.Mvc.FormValidation to see if the form passed it's test so I can prevent the busy animation showing if the form hasn't actually been submitted? Or even some other work-around? In case it's relevant - I'm using Data Annotations for my validation.

At present my client side javascript looks like this:


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Split The Input String Based On The Separator List Passed / String Separator

Apr 7, 2010

Split the input string based on the separator list passed. Returned string list should have separators in it.

.NET API needs to be implemented

string [] SplitWithSeparators( string inputText, string[] separators)


inputText: passed string

Separators: passed string[]
string [0] : TRINATH
string [1] : SHARATH
string [2] : SRIDHAR



string [0] : TRINATH EMPCODE 001
string [1] : SHARATH EMPCODE 002
string [2] : SRIDHAR EMPCODE 003

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What's Machine Config - Trying To Keep Each Connection String For Each User

Mar 9, 2010

I am doing a web project in Now I am trying to keep each connection string for each user. And the user can decide which server he prefer. How to change this dynamically and where can I store this?. I happen heard about machine.config .Unfortunately i am not familiar with this. Can you just tell what it is and it's use.

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Forms Data Controls :: When User Input The Value It Should Check The FACEVALUE And See If The Entered Value

Feb 9, 2011

I am developing a page where i have a grid in content page (inherited from master page) which i am populating using DATASET in code behind like this here is the aspx.


As you can see i have some bound fields and one template field called "txtValue" which is the only input in gridview. Now what i want is when user input the value it should check the FACEVALUE and see if the entered value is not above the FACEVALUE and then need to Input value - FACEVALUE and result should be displayed in REMAINING field which is also a template field as label control.

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Configuration :: Unable To Access Connection String In Machine.config

Nov 14, 2010

I have a Windows Service I have developed in Visual Studio 2005 (C#).

It accesses a database using a connection string in machine.config.

On my Windows XP Pro 32bit (SP3) machine, it works correctly.

On my new Windows 7 Pro 64bit machine, it throws "object not set to an instance of an object" when it gets to the line where it's trying use the connection string.

This is the 'object' which is not set in Windows 7:


The machine.config has the same connection string set up on both machines.

A .Net 2 website transferred to the Windows 7 machine has no problem accessing the same connection string.

I have tried a bunch of different permissions on the machine.config and its containing folders, and setting the service to log in as Admin, but I don't know exactly what permissions are required.

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Error Getting XML From Input String

Aug 10, 2010

I have an affiliate who sends xml as part of a larger string like so:


I am just grabbing the string with the request object like so and parsing the xml out of it:

Using reader As StreamReader = New StreamReader(Request.InputStream)

The problem is, they get an error on that end that states: A potentially dangerous Request.Form value was detected from the client (Message="<?xml version="1.0" ..."). Is there a different way to go about this that I am not aware of?

And yes, I have already set the page directive to be ValidateRequest="false"

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Javascript - .net Dll's Or Pages Can Be Effected By Virus Living In Pc?

Jun 4, 2010

Just curious to know that if my pc is infected with trojan or any other virus, is it possible that my website will be infected along with that I have made up in with visual studio 2008.I am not sure that it is the right place to put this question or shall I have to put it to or any other site linked to stackoverflow. But anyhow it is very important for me know the answer.Because one gentelman report me about the infection of Jquery-1.2.3.min.js which I have downloaded from jquery official website.

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Antivirus - Run A Virus Scan While Uploading Files?

Dec 23, 2010

I have developed a web based application in ASP.NET and C# where users have the facility to upload files on the server through this application I want the application to Scan the uploaded files for viruses before saving on the server. Same like when we attach files with our email in Yahoo. Any API which can be integrated in ASP.NET application or any other way you can suggest. We can purchase the licensed version of a product which can achieve this.

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Input String Was Not In A Correct Format.

Mar 17, 2010

I've completed the 22 first tutorials of the data access tutorials, and now I'm trying to apply these techniques to a project I started myself.But i'm stuck trying to replace an id by its value from another table, so I want to show all information about a car ("wagen") , but instead of showing "1" as driver ("chauffeur") I want to show his name.I've written this querry for the "wagen" table in the dal


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