Security :: How To Choose A User And Store Specify Their Rights In C#

Mar 14, 2011

Roles: - administators

If it administator shows menu "Admin".

If I want to display the menu: "Create new employee ', have to create Roles: new_employee?

If so, how to choose a user and store specify their rights in c#?

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//select hashed password from db
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Using visual studio 2010.

Dragged and dropped a login control onto a blank content page. Set up my web.config (i'll include the code for that at the end). It seems to want to use a sql database to store the info. I just want to use the web.config since it's just a single user and a simple site. I thought I could just drag and drop the login control to a page and that would be the end of it (besides setting up the web.config).

Here's what i have in the config file


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Oct 5, 2010

I have spent hours on the forum trying to find this answer. I have a requirement on a project. There is an internal (intranet employees only) site which has much more control over the data etc. and i have an external site (to allow customers to enter usage data). I am using forms auth and hitting a common sql server 2008 db with the standard aspnet schema. I have an internal web server and an external web server both windows 2003. The problem that i am having is that if you are logged into the external site and then open a new ie window and enter into the internal site, even as a different user it logs you out of the external and vice versa. I don't have access to update the machine config.

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external app



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also can you point me in the direction of a method used for creating username:password entries in web.config

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Jul 29, 2010

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Is it as simple as dropping textbox in a webform and in webconfig options place a line of code?

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VS 2008 - Showing Menus According To Assigned Rights Of User

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I m developing a Web Based Inventory System Using ASP.NET which have a menu containing 16 options overall. I have created a menu using <ul> <li> tags. When I open my project in browser, it shows all the 16 options even i logged in with Administrator or Purchaser or Seller or Accountant etc.

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Security :: Storing Access Rights Into Database Inspite Of Web.config?

Feb 20, 2010

I have implemented Membership and Role Provider in my web site. Membership and Role information is stored in database created from aspnet_regsql option.

I want to store the access rights given to the pages in ASP.NET Configuation option in Database inspite of web.config file and want to give page wise add, edit, view and delete rights that should also be stored in database.

Is there any inbuit class like Membership and Role to add page access rights?

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Security :: Use Membership Store For User Settings With Windows Authentication

Sep 1, 2010

I am evaluating ASP.NET Membership for an intranet Silverlight app. I want users to be automatically authenticated for my application with their windows logon. Thus I configured Windows Authentication. I would like to store user settings like email-address in using the SqlMembershipProvider and not AD. It seems that storing user settings using the SqlMembershipProvider is not supported with Windows Authentication. Is this really so (using .NET 4)?

If so: What is the rationale behind this? IMHO authentication, user settings and authorization are distinct aspects. User settings could easily be stored (identified by user name) using the SqlMembershipProvider with authentication and password management being supplied by Windows. What is the recommended solution for my scenario?

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Security :: Partitioning The User Store Into Applications And Utilizing That In One WebApplication?

Apr 15, 2010

I have a design issue with a new project, the web application I'm developing is suppose to serve three different segments of business, each segment has a sligthly different requirement, but in all they share most of the same business needs, so I'm creating only one web application.

I've created three "Application" in the web administration tool.

I want to be able to create users related in each segment with their associated "Application" in membership store.

and when a users login(there is only one login pag) to the application to be redirected to his specified application.

The thing is the web.config configuration alows you to define one "Application" name, and hence the membership APIs pick up only that application.

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Security :: Changing Aspnetdb To Store User Profile Information?

Feb 19, 2010

I need to know how to change aspnetdb to store profile information unique to each user so that I can restrict records in an sql table to only show that user's records.

So if I make a "companyID" int, identity column where would I put it?

Also, when I write the where clause to companyID = profile (companyID) would that work?

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Security :: Place To Store The User Logged-in ID (info) For Later Checking And Use?

Feb 1, 2010

I have read the post at regarding login control. Is there a place to store the User logged-in ID (info) for later checking and use? I don't need to use the session object. I don't need the page to expire. I don't need the user to use a page saved in the favoites.

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Jul 2, 2010

i am currently developing an mvc 2 web application and i would like to create new foldersprogrammatically with access rights, in order to enable loged on users upload their image files.My question has to do with how to assign write access using Directory.CreateDirectory function and assigning DirectorySecurity rules (meaning for which user should i enable user rights, etc...). Note that the hosting envirnoment uses IIS 7.

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