Security :: Getting User Rights For Use In WebClient?

Jul 7, 2010

I've got a site that users can use to check in and out documents. To check out a document, the user slects a file from a list, and clicks 'check out' . The document is taken from a 3rd party source control tool and placed in a dedicated directory on the server. Then, the file needs to be copied from this directory to a client directory the user has specified.

Copying to the Server is no problem.

I'm trying to use the WebClient objects DownloadFile method to write to the clients directory, but I keep getting "Access to the path '<path>' is denied.". I've set the UseDefaultCredentials flag to true, but no joy.

I'm obviously missing something, but I'm not sure what.

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Roles: - administators

If it administator shows menu "Admin".

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If so, how to choose a user and store specify their rights in c#?

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Security :: WebClient Credential - How To Download Page From Local Site

Mar 3, 2010

At one point this was working, but somewhere something happened. What I am trying to do is simply download a page from our local site. I keep getting the 401 unauthorized.

I have tried NetworkCredential("user", "password", "domain")


CredentialCache cc = new CredentialCache();
cc.Add(new Uri("http://site/"), "Windows", new System.Net.NetworkCredential("user", "password", "domain"));

but that didnt work . We are using Windows authentication with no anonymous access.

Here is what was once working:

WebClient wc = new WebClient();
string FileName = Server.MapPath(\App_Data\rpt.htm);
wc.Credentials = CredentialCache.DefaultCredentials;
wc.DownloadFile("http://site/Report.aspx?OrderNum=7534&Type=inv&BE=1", FileName);

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Check Session Value On Master Page For Menus Rights

Jun 14, 2012

How to correct my code... because if condition is going to false condition every time when i check the session value with admin user and agent user..

<td bgcolor="#808000" style="height: 22px">
<% If Session("S_UserName").ToString = "Admin" Then%>
<ul class="solidblockmenu"> <li> <a href="Dashboard.aspx" >Dashboard</a> </li><li> <a href="MasterUpload.aspx" >Master Upload</a> </li><li> <a href="InboxAgent.aspx" >Agent Inbox</a> </li><li> <a

[Code] ....

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Forms Data Controls :: Fill Gridview Based On Rights?

Oct 10, 2010

I have a master table that will hold the information for publications for my company. Not all of the publications can veiwed by all users. What I am trying to figure out is how can I load all of the publications that the user is allowed to see into one grid view table. For example: If Mary logs in she will only be able to see Accounts publications; if Sally logs in she can see General and Legal publications and if John logs in he can see IT, Legal and General publications.

I figured out how to do it with separate gridview tables on a page based on the roles. I would make a gridview viewable if the user was in that role. But I would really like to put all of this in one gridview if that is possible.

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Login Restriction With Ldap But Where To Store The Functional Rights/access Control List

Mar 28, 2010

Question is:

LDAP authentication required Internal users automatically authenticated, external users requires login
Where do I store complex access control rights?

In the AD/LDAP or in the Application itself (asp.membership db).

Looking to build this in mvc 2 and using membership features, so best practice here i guess is that we roll our own custom provider to acomplish this...

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Feb 3, 2011

I want to show columns in gridview based on access rights/roles.That is i want to show parents column if there is parents login or else i want to show students column if there is students login.

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Webclient 'thread Is Being Aborted'?

Oct 27, 2010

I run a loop that downloads a lot of smal files from another website

result = runData()
loop ends
catch ex1 as exception
End try
private function runData() as string
Dim wc as new WebClient
Dim str as string
str = wc.downloadstring(filePath)
catch ex2 as exception
return "Nothing"
end try
return str
end function

THE Problem is if the file is not found in the RunData function I get 'Thread being aborted' error which stops the not only the function RunData() but also the loop is running in, so I get an error in ex2 as well as ex1. But I want the error to be captured in ex1 and stop, and not effect the loop.

I have read that you need to use Response.End to close the thread or not to capture the 'threadbeingaborted' expception.

BUT how do you do the response.end with a webclient??? (IN , 2.0 version

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C# - Set A Timeout On WebClient.DownloadData?

Jan 29, 2010

I'm using a third party url to determine the location of site visitors based on IP address.I use WebClient.DownloadData() to get the information returned by the url which is a one word answer e.g. as per I have detected what country the user is in I want to either A) keep them on the current site and store the country in the session or B) redirect them to another countries site.What I'm worried about is WebClient.DownloadData() hanging so the user is waiting for ages and can't use the site. I'd thought about using DownloadDataAsync but this dosn't seem to be a solution for me as I don't want them to do anything till I find out the country (also seettp:// there a way I can set a timelimit on my call to WebClient.DOwnloadData e.g. if it hasn't returned in 2 seconds,

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