Security :: .net Session And Remember Authentication Method?

Dec 18, 2010

I'm currently developing a website using .net MVC 3 and I'm on the authentication layer...Here is the scenario: user is logged with the "remember me" option checked : a user Session is created on the server as well as the authentication cookie on the client side.The Session timeout is set to 20 minutes.After 25 minutes of inactivity the user goes back onto the website and Session, now expired, does not exist anymore but the authentication cookie still exists

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Jul 14, 2010

This could be very straight forward for some of you, but I got caught up. I am doing very simple test - browsing from IIS Manager to see the default page or "under Construction", however I am being challenged to provide my login credential . When I provide my login credential, I am able to see the default page. I wanted to see the default page without providing my credential since Enable anoymous access + basic authentication I am simply wanted to see the default page asit is working on other servers except this one. I have included screen print to make sure may question is clear.

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In login control of there is a remember me checkbox. What is the functionality of this checkbox? What it does basically? Is there any way to put space between checkbox and its associated label?

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i have a login, and wanted to know how i could use the remember me function, (so each time the user visits the site, even though they are not logged in, it would auto log them in) but without using the actual remember me checkbox. Is there any extra code i need to write, and if so, what?

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Authentication Remember Me CheckBox Not Staying Checked?

Sep 7, 2010

It pulls through the Username correctly from the cookie, however the CheckBox for Remember Me does not become checked when I view the page, even though the code for setting it on the Page_Load is being executed.

LoggedIn event for setting the cookies
protected void lLogin_LoggedIn(object sender, EventArgs e)
// If Remember me then set an appropriate cookie
if (lLogin.RememberMeSet)

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Security :: How To Know That Form Authentication Session Timeout

Nov 19, 2010

I have a question regarding Form Authentication Session Timeout

I have a form authentication and i have set the session timeout in my webconfig.

After I login to website using my form authentication, the session is not timing out even after i login more than 30 minutes.

It seems i'm still authenticated and can access everything.

Is it normal ? I thought if we set the timeout in webconfig it will automatically log you out because the session expire.

<authentication mode="Forms">
<forms name=".authentication" loginUrl="Login.aspx" defaultUrl="Default.aspx" protection="All" timeout="30" path="/" requireSSL="false" slidingExpiration="true" enableCrossAppRedirects="true" domain="" />

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May 10, 2010

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Security :: Handling Session Timeout With Forms Authentication?

May 13, 2010

I have 3 seperate applications (under the same domain) for which I use Forms authentication with single sign-on.

The 3 applications have different session timeout periods. I was on various articles that when we use forms authentication and specify the loginurl in the <Forms> tag in the web.config, it should automatically get redirected to the login page, when the session timesout. But in my case, it doesn't happen, I think because of different timeout values.

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Security :: Session Timeout Trumps Authentication Ticket?

Jul 2, 2010

here's what I have:

My 3.5 app uses Forms Authentication.

I create an authentication cookie (ticket) with an expiration date of one day.The cookie'sIsPersistent is set to true.

I do not use any session variables.

Session timeout is the default 20 minutes.

Here's the problem:

When the session times out in 20 minutes, the user is redirected to the logon page even though the authentication cookie has not expired.

Why does this happen? I thought the cookie and the session worked independently. Shouldn't the user remain logged in as long as the cookie hasn't expired?

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Apr 19, 2010

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My question is if I make use of session to store variables, do I need to concern about it as form based authemtication is cookie based and it is not related with session timeout.

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Dec 1, 2010

I am new to C# , i've build a simple web form which shows a result based on 4 pulldown menus. I wish to save this result during the session the user spends on the website, untill the user resubmits the form. So when coming back to the result page, the search results are still shown. to see the form in action.

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May 31, 2010

I am trying to force to show to the Logon popup when the session is timeout in Integrated Windows Authentication Enabled website. The session_timeout is firing during the session timeout, but the User.Identity.IsAuthenticated is true. How force to use the Windows Logon Screen when the session is timeout.

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Oct 21, 2010

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Security :: Remember Me Next Time - How To Use - C#

Jan 14, 2011

I am new to c# and i have problem in using login control. I made a simple login page and it works fine but i dont know how to use the remember me next time option.

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Aug 19, 2010

Suppose we don't want to use login controls of and cookies. So is there any way for active remember password?

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Security :: Browser Not Asking For Remember Password?

Dec 13, 2010

We have a page where we ask users to enter only password in "enter password page" (the user name is taken in previous page).

The Issue is that when the page that asks user to enter password is opened in browser and when user enters password and clicks submit button, the browser does not ask the user to remember/save password,

Due to this when user opens that page next time, user have to retype the password.

You might have seen that in almost all sites whenever we open a login page, the browser asks weather we want to remember the password for next visit.

From the research done so far, we have found that browser remembers password only when the username and password textboxs are on the same page. But in our case we split down the username textbox and password textbox in two different pages.

Is there any way to let browser ask to user weather to remember/save password in "enter password page"?

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Security :: Remember Me Next Time Doesn't Work?

Oct 2, 2010

In the login control, the "Remember me next time" checkbox does not appear to work.

If I check it when logging in, when I log in the next time, even a minute later, I go to the login page again.

It seems the cookie is not being written to the client. Can't find it anywhere.

My web.config contains:


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Security :: How To Create Cookies For Remember Login

Feb 28, 2011

I would like to set the Login which will log auto when he return to site, if the user hasent logged off the site.and if he enter the site again he'll be logged in already.

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Security :: Login-control - Remember Me Next Time?

Jun 2, 2010

Having trouble getting "remember me" to work! When I close my browser down, then it should remember me the next time!

This is my code in web.config :

<authentication mode="Forms">
<forms name="appName" path="/" loginUrl="Default.aspx" cookieless="UseCookies" timeout="600000" slidingExpiration="true" />

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Security :: Login Control Page Remember Me Not Working?

Aug 12, 2010

why the remember me option of the login control would not be working? Are there some special settings we need to set?

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Security :: Login Control - Remember Me Code No Longer Works

Jan 15, 2011

This code worked until I published a recent set of changes to the web site. It's very strange behavior that I am having trouble debugging. Basically, I implemented some custom code to allow custom configuration of login timeouts from an app settings variable.

When debugging the application, if I click remember me or not, Login works perfectly. Once I post the updated code to the live server, login only works if I have the Remember Me option unchecked. If I check remember me, it does not log in, and it cycles the user back to the default web page. If I access the site from IE on the live server, remember me works correctly.

Here is the Logged_In event handler code:



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Jan 4, 2011

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Mar 10, 2010

I set authentication mode to Windows in the web.config and I enable Windows Authentication and disable the Anonymous Authentication in IIS 7 on win 7, but HttpContext.Current.User is always null.It works fine when I host the web app in IIS 6.0.

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