Security :: Force To Show To The Logon Popup When The Session Is Timeout In Integrated Windows Authentication Enabled Website
May 31, 2010
I am trying to force to show to the Logon popup when the session is timeout in Integrated Windows Authentication Enabled website. The session_timeout is firing during the session timeout, but the User.Identity.IsAuthenticated is true. How force to use the Windows Logon Screen when the session is timeout.
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Similar Messages:
Feb 16, 2011
I have an silverlight application configured with windows integrated security. I would like to emulate the "Sign in as different user" functionality I would like to give the user, the option to click a button and show the windows authentication login window, so that the user can enter the "User name" and "Password" again using another domain account. (btw i found this question on another site but with no answers, I need the same thing so i copy/pasted a bit)
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What's the difference between Basic Authentication and Integrated Windows Authentication in IIS?
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Dec 7, 2010
Will I be able to access a website on IIS 7 with integrated windows authentication enabled from outside the domain?
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Oct 13, 2010
I have created an Intranet site using windows authentication based on role membership. It is working great. My Web.config is shown below.
<authentication mode="Windows" />
<roleManager enabled="true" defaultProvider="AspNetWindowsTokenRoleProvider" />
<allow roles="D820Developers, D820IT, D820Staff, D820Providers, D820Supervisors, D820Directors, D820Interns" />
<deny users="?"/>
Now my user wants the capability of being able to login to the intranet site as another user. For example, IT guy needs to login on a user's system to set some data.
I have created a standard MS Login Page. However when I try to login on the page I get the message
Your login attempt was not successful. Please try again
I do not have a database (aspnetdb.mdf) storing user information but login against the active directory. Can you use the login form with windows authentication without a database?
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Mar 11, 2010
What's happening is when windows authentication/authorization fails the user get's a login prompt in IE6, IE7 and FireFox. Only when user clicks Cancel button in login prompt they are getting to 401 error page. What I am trying to achieve is to automatically redirect the user to a custom error page when getting 401 error instead of getting login prompt. Is this possible to suppress the login prompt in this scenario or is it this way by design?Here is my setup:I have windows integrated authentication configured in 2.0 web app.
In IIS I have website Directory Security configured to use Integrated Windows Authentication and disabled Anonymous Authentication
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Nov 2, 2010
In my masterpage application i have "Integrated windows authentication" enabled and it works fine for Active Directory Users. but i have created some users in my aspnetdb and i want few users to login and use my application. But for created users in aspnetdb i can getting "windows login screen". means when users not on active directory try to access application instead of getting login page, they get windows auth login popup.
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Jan 27, 2011
I've set up an ASP.NET MVC application for my company's Intranet that grabs the user's NT creds via System.Web.HttpContext.User and checks against its own database to perform authentication/authorization.This works just fine on my local machine, and I assume it will also work once deployed to the production server, but the development server is on a different domain than the users. While trying to test the app, Iget prompted for a username and password, which isn't supposed to happen. Worse, entering my login creds still doesn't work. I'm deploying a MVC 2 application to an IIS 6 server.The steps I read to take to get Integrated Windows Authentication to work included putting these lines in my Web.config file:
Then, on IIS in Directory Security uncheck the checkbox that allows anonymous authentication, and make certain that only Windows authentication is checked in the access methods section. I've done these things, but since I'm dealing with cross-domain authentication, it's dead in the water. I tried a Google search, and I'll continue with this, but I haven't found anything yet. I'm not incredibly savy when it comes to domain issues, so I might have seen a possible solution and not recognized it.
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Jul 26, 2010
I have an intranet set up with IIS and it is working fine with windows integrated autehntication. However I have some permissions set and when certain users do not have access they get prompted for their login and I don't want this. I want it to go straight to the access denied page.
I read that "In integrated Windows authentication, the browser tries to use the current user's credentials from a domain logon, and if this attempt is unsuccessful, the user is prompted to enter a user name and password. "
So I understand this is supposed to happen but I was wondering if there was anyway to not have it prompt for a username and password if the first attemp is unsuccessful.
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Mar 29, 2011
My web application need to list the network share information. The return code is '5' after I call NetShareEnum[Netapi32.dll] in windows integrated authentication.
I found that currently I am using Kerberos protocol to authenticate the access users and the token is grenerated with [TokenImpersonationLevel.Impersonation].
Who know how to resolve this problem? Is there any way to get a token with [TokenImpersonationLevel.Delegation] in Kerberos? BTW, I am sure about that the access user has the Access privilege to list the network share in target server.
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May 10, 2010
Okay, so I have a site which I'd like to use my SSL certificate for always. So I want all users to be forced to the https version of any url they are directed to.I used this code in my global.asax file:
I've also tried it in the 'Application_BeginRequest' function also. Basically, I have two directories that are secured via Windows Authentication against my domain. if you browsed to the directory (ex. it tries first to authenticate
then redirect to In this case it will ask for credentials twice one right after the other. Is their a way I can have the user redirected before Windows Authentication kicks in?
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Mar 23, 2011
We currently have a set of ASP.NET application and we are migrating them to use Windows Authentication (used to be form Authentication). We will eventually let the user to connect to our site entering Windows Authentication credentials. When we tested within our system across different domains, we noticed that the authentication session seemed to be cached even with the server session had timed out. In other words, once the user logged in and keeped an Internet Explorer window up (didn't even have to be in ourapplication page), the user could always navigate back to our application without being prompted for security login again. We had our site included in the Trusted Site list of the IE browser.Is that the expected behavior for ASP.NET Windows Authentication? If that is the case, is there a way to end the Authentication cache when the users leave their IE windows idle.
View 7 Replies
Apr 26, 2010
I have a web page that refreshes every one minute and the solution times out every 20 minutes, would the one minute refresh be considered as user activity and therefore doesn't time out every 20 minutes? And if not, how do I convince the page that the one minute refresh is like a user activity and it shouldn't time out?Here is the javascript to refresh every one minute:
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Apr 4, 2011
I am trying to build an ASP.NET site that allows each user to set their own session timeout value. Basically from the user's perspective if they set their timeout value to 30 then that means that after 30 minutes of inactivity they are required to re-authenticate. If they set their timeout value to 0 then that means that they can leave the browser open as long as they want and their session never expires - they never have to re-authenticate. This is different than "remember me" functionality. If they close their browser they will have to re-authenticate.
Currently I am using Forms Authentication in my application and I have one object that I am storing in ASP.NET session. This object is a custom User object that has a number of different pieces of information about the current user.
What code would I need to write so that after successful login, the system has the proper authentication ticket and the proper session expiration value? I keep thinking I have this working and then I notice weird time outs where the system seems to think I am authenticated but my session has expired.
Currently on my login page I am using an ASP.NET login control. i have custom code in the Login_Authenticate event to authorize the user. Then I have the following code in the Login_LoggedIn event to set the auth ticket.
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Nov 19, 2010
I have a question regarding Form Authentication Session Timeout
I have a form authentication and i have set the session timeout in my webconfig.
After I login to website using my form authentication, the session is not timing out even after i login more than 30 minutes.
It seems i'm still authenticated and can access everything.
Is it normal ? I thought if we set the timeout in webconfig it will automatically log you out because the session expire.
<authentication mode="Forms">
<forms name=".authentication" loginUrl="Login.aspx" defaultUrl="Default.aspx" protection="All" timeout="30" path="/" requireSSL="false" slidingExpiration="true" enableCrossAppRedirects="true" domain="" />
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May 13, 2010
I have 3 seperate applications (under the same domain) for which I use Forms authentication with single sign-on.
The 3 applications have different session timeout periods. I was on various articles that when we use forms authentication and specify the loginurl in the <Forms> tag in the web.config, it should automatically get redirected to the login page, when the session timesout. But in my case, it doesn't happen, I think because of different timeout values.
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Jul 2, 2010
here's what I have:
My 3.5 app uses Forms Authentication.
I create an authentication cookie (ticket) with an expiration date of one day.The cookie'sIsPersistent is set to true.
I do not use any session variables.
Session timeout is the default 20 minutes.
Here's the problem:
When the session times out in 20 minutes, the user is redirected to the logon page even though the authentication cookie has not expired.
Why does this happen? I thought the cookie and the session worked independently. Shouldn't the user remain logged in as long as the cookie hasn't expired?
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Dec 30, 2010
I have been trying to avoid the windows login userid and password window when I use the Windows Authentication mode for a web site. I need to capture the the windows logon user name without prompting for the user id and password and display that on the web site. I had tried almost everything... changed authentication,security setups on IE and IIS etc... still not being able to avoid the window...
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May 13, 2010
We have an ASP.NET web application which uses integrated windows authentication. It is accessed by users from two domains, A and B. A is the primary domain and B is an older domain which is going away. Web application is authenticating users using a group policy which only exists in domain A. Every user in domain B has an account in domain A. The application lives in domain A. There was no trust between the domains. So users from domain A would get silently authenticated and logged into the site. Users from domain B didn't get authenticated automatically and were prompted with the IE popup, to which they authenticated using their domain A credentials and everything worked. Now somebody has set up a trust between the domains and users from domain B get authenticated silently to IIS, and then their login fails (no group policy). So the question is:
can I either programmatically or in IIS configuration make it so that users from domain B still get prompted even though there is trust between the domains? Is there a way to tell the server where IIS is running to ignore the trust relationship maybe?
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Mar 23, 2010
I need to apply Windows Authentication for my website. But We dont want the user to be enter the User Name and Password in the Popup coming default.We need to provide the user with the input controls in the aspx page,then using the credentials will need to implement the Windows Authentication.Is it Possible to pass the windows authentication username and password from the aspx page , to enable the Windows Authentication
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Feb 9, 2011
Is there any way to change the content of a Windows Integrated authentication dialogue box?
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Feb 9, 2011
I have just started building an web service with visual studio 2005. However whenever i try and run the site i get this message, saying "debugging failed because integrated windows authentication is not enabled". I am at a loss of how to correct this problem.
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Mar 23, 2011
I have a .NET 3.5 application running under IIS 7 on Windows 2003 server and cannot get integrated windows authentication working properly as I continue to get prompted for a login. I have set Windows Authentication to enabled in IIS with all other security types
disabled and my application web.config file authentication/authorization is set up as:
<compilation debug="true" strict="false" explicit="true" targetFramework="3.5" />
<deny users = "?" />
With this setup, I'm expecting behind the scene verification of the Windows user to allow access and deny anonymous users. However, what I'm getting is a Windows login pop-up when I try to access the site. I have been troubleshooting this issue for a few days now and cannot figure out the problem. Based on posts with similar problems, I confirmed my URL does not include any periods, double checked that my IE settings are set to Enable Integrated Windows Authentication, and also added my URL to my intranet sites, but still getting the pop-up. To troubleshoot it further, I enabled Anonymous Authentication in IIS and modified my web.config file to which lets me right in and then added Response.Write(System.Security.Principal.WindowsIdentifity.getcurrent() to try to see what user is being used in the authentication. The result I'm getting is IIS APPPOOLmyapp which is obviously the IIS application pool for my application.
I'm still using only windows authentication but don't get the pop-up and the windows authentication is performed against the actual Windows user. Just noticed that when the login fails and the Windows login prompt displays again, it is showing the username that attempted to login as "SERVERNAME""USERNAME" which led me to believe it was trying to validate the user against the server vs. the domain. To confirm this, I created a local user account directly on the app server with the same username and password as the network domain user and tried to login again. The result was that I received the login prompt again but when I entered the username and password this time, I was able to successfully login. The network user and app server are on the same domain so really not sure why IIS authentication is pointing to the local app server accounts and not to the domain accounts. I realize this is an IIS question at this point so posting on as well but anyone may have since have been troubleshooting this for days.
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Mar 22, 2010
I am working on an application that uses windows authentication. Within this application, we give the user the ability to change their password. The user can change the password just fine. However, after they change their password, that is when things get weird. Sometimes they can navigate through the application just fine. Other times, they click on a link and are immediately prompted to supply credentials. Occasionly they can click on a link but upon a second click they are prompted to supply credentials. Does the browser keep a token to the original credentials and use this when they request the next page? If this is the case, why can i continue using the site sometimes? Can I change the password and then assign that token to the request?
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May 25, 2010
I have a mvc2-website with windows authentication.
<authentication mode="Windows" />
<allow users="*"/>
In IE the website keeps asking several times for my credentials per webpage. In Firefox it works correctly.
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