Security :: Use The Concept Of Single Sign On (SSO) In Asp Application?

Sep 30, 2010

I am trying to use the concept of Single Sign On (SSO) in my application.

for the purpose i have created a main domain say

now i have 2 subdomains &

I am running these very fine. But now I want to have a SSO for my domains. For the same have

googled lot and found some stuff such as adding machine key to web.config and specifying domain names in cookies.

But it is not at all working for me. when I specify the domain name for cookies i am unable to sign out.

I am using FormsAuthentication in

Following is the code I have in my web.config.


I have the same code in web.config of each domain.
I have placed the code for each domain in different directory on my website.
for ex. ---------> F:/HostedSites/mydomain ---------> F:/HostedSites/subdomain1 ---------> F:/HostedSites/subdomain2

my Authentication code is

and sign out code is


Can anybody tell me where exactly I am wrong ? what changes do i need to do at server end also.

I am checking this on my testing domain ie. can this be a problem ?

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Security :: Single Sign On IIS 7 Multiple Application Pool

Oct 20, 2010

We migrated our web server to window server 2008, IIS 7.

We have single sign on application - that we login through one application called "users" and then no need to login to other applications, they all use the same machine key and cookie.

it works fine when all then applications under the same application pool.

but we have one application that is 2005. (the rest are 2003) the user application is in 2003 and that other application is in 2005.

so each application is in a different application pool. -

one pool to 1.1 and other pool to 2.

when I run the 2005 application

I get the login page and after I login I get the following errer:

HTTP 404. The resource you are looking for (or one of its dependencies) could have been removed, had its name changed, or is temporarily unavailable. Please review the following URL and make sure that it is spelled correctly.

Requested Url: /users/Unauthorised.aspx

Important: If I switch the "user" application (the login) to work under the same pool as my 2005 application, then it works fine with the 2005 application,but I get the above error for the 2003 applications

All this happened after we switched to IIS 7 Windows 2008, with IIS 6 it works great!

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Turning A Single Instance Web Application Into Multiple Instances - Concept?

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Here is a conceptual questions that I was going over the last few days. I have a simple application that I want to turn into a hosted solution.

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What would you suggest ?

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Securing Single Sign-on To Web Application?

Sep 10, 2010

I need to create a single sign-on structure and my question is: is SSL a must?

The application will have a link to my web application. When the user clicks that link, their local username will be passed to my web app at which point a look-up in a mapping file is done. If that local username exists in the map, then the user is logged in. If not, then the user will be prompted to enter their network username and password, and when authenticated, an entry in the map will be created.

How do I ensure that user is who they say they are and not Joe Blow from off the street sending in an HTTP POST request with that username?

Do I have to use SSL (and if so, what does that entail)? Would adding a salt and encrypting the username be sufficient? Maybe locking it down so the source IP has to be within a controlled range?

My web app runs on IIS 6/7 and uses the ASP.NET MVC framework, if that is important.

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Security :: Single Sign On Different Domains?

Oct 13, 2010

I have a web app located at [URL] and I have several domains, such as [URL], [URL], etc. all pointing to the same directory in IIS. I use Host Headers to acheive this by setting the 'Host Header Values' under properties for the main site (under the Web site identification section). Based on the host header value I perform different functions in my pages.

Because of the way I have it set up, all the domains share the same files, web.config, etc. I have set the 'machinekey' in my web.config and have forms authemtication. However, when I go to and log in and then the user clicks a link and gets directed to the user is shown as logged out. I need the user to be logged in and I need to be able to access the logged in user profile to display certain information. I thought by setting the 'machinekey', i could acheive this, but it does not seem to work.

how to go about having a single log on for my users?

The articles I have found show the same domain or have different domains each with a different web.config. The way they describe does not seem to work for me.

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Security :: SSO / How To Implement Single Sign

May 4, 2010

How to implement Single sign on in web application.

Give me to full tutorial. How to implement this in two apps.

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Security :: KickApps With VS Single Sign On?

Feb 15, 2011

I am trying to get this to work, and having a heck of a time.

I want users who log into my site to be able to access the KickApps site I created using single sign on.

They provided a helper code:

And the sample code is at the top of that.

It will not give me a response back other than "Nothing"

I am new to web services and single sign-on, and any help would be greatly appreciated. I am using the standard log-in system for vs, and want it so that after they log in, and load my special page, it redirects them to the kickapps app, where they are already signed in.

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Security :: Single Sign-On SSO With Forms Authentication?

May 20, 2010

I have this tutorial on Single Sign On with forms authentication.The following link:


I did item number 1 which is "SSO for parent and child application in the virtual sub-directory" and it works fine BUT I can't seem to stay logged in because each time I leave and reenter the application I get redirected to the login page.

Is this an inherent feature of forms authentication?

What happened to authorized cookie generated by forms authentication?

While waiting for responses, I will look for answers.

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Security :: Implement Single Sign-On Using Membership API?

Apr 7, 2010

I am working as a trainee in a software company.

I want to implement Single Sign-On in two different applications(different domains).

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Security :: Configure for Single Sign On Authentication?

Feb 17, 2010

We have intranet based web application in ASP.Net, needs to be configure for single sign on authentication at client place.

Our client has existing intranet based web site in classic ASP. After successful login to this site in asp, employee will have a link to access our web portal without entering any credentials again. Please note that both sites are having differnet virtual
directories or different domains.

Is there any way to achieve this sinlge sign on authentication than LDAP or Cokie based authentication.

Does Microsoft 3.5 provides some enterprise service to acheive the same?

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Security :: ReturnUrl And Subdomain For Single Sign-on?

Feb 11, 2011

[Code].... But ReturnUrl has value


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Security :: Single Sign On With Multiple Subdomains?

Apr 21, 2010

I have 2 subdomains:

I followed these instructions:

The only thing I don't understand is where to put the cookie code?


Does this go in the LoginControl_LoggedIn event? Application_AuthenticateRequest?

Also, what if I have 2 different domains?

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Web Forms :: Implement Single Sign On Application Functionality

Dec 7, 2013

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Jun 10, 2010

I've had no problems implementing CAS however I have hit an issue with its timeout. It appears my Uni has the timeout set to about 15 minutes. Some forms (specifically ones for our HR department) take a lot longer than 15 minutes to fill out. The result being that when they click the Save/Submit/whatever button, CAS refreshes its login, sends them back to the same page, and resets the page to default (since it's essentially reaccessing it).

Is there any easy way to force my SSO to refresh at set intervals? I tried to use another page (embedded in an iframe that I added to all .Master pages) whose page load contained:


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Security :: Implement Cookieless Single Sign-on Across Many Domains?

Feb 16, 2011

im using visual studio 2008. my requirement is to implement single sign on across many domains without using cookies. is this possible? for example, i have 3 domains (hosted in 3 different systems). and cookies are disabled. i implemented single sign on with cookies, if the sites are hosted in single system then it is working. but it doesnt work if cookies are disabled. i tried all made all possible google searches, but couldnt find anything useful.

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Security :: Single Sign On Among Multiple Instances Of Classified Starter Kit?

Mar 30, 2011

I am using classified starter kit for various purposes like for business listing,classified listing and event listing.These are 3 independent application with their membership information stored in their independent database.I have used this 3 listings in a portal .I need a single sign on now.

I tried to do with machinekey & cookie .This way user able to login but as there is no record in that database for that user.So even if he post anything in that application it stores memberid field as zero. So in this case what should be done. i am stuck here since few weeks.

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Application + Single Sign On Web Application?

Apr 22, 2010

I want to implement single sign on in my web application. Scenario is something like below:

user will get registered / sign up at ""
there will a link to ""
when user goes to this link (step 2), they must remain logged in over here.

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Security :: How To Have A Page Do Single Sign On To An Iframed Classic Login Form

Jan 15, 2010

I have this .net page that is iframing a page that requires username and password. Does any one know if a way i can provide this page the username and password behind the scenes and autologin the user (from thier eyes at least)?

The calling page is a ..NET page but the page that I am iframing in is a classic ASP page.

I was told that i may have to do something like create a security auth ticket and pass the token which I am not sure how to do or even start

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Active Directory/LDAP :: PROJECT: Single-sign-on For Internet/application And Windows?

Jun 18, 2010

I'm analizing this situation:

-I've ASP.NET intranet application

-I've to centralize users' passwords in my domain and have visibility of them.

-Each user must change his own password each 3 months.

-Each user must have only one password for the access to Windows,Intranet application and ERP application

Is there a way to block all user accounts periodically and asking them to insert the new password after the logon to windows?after that i could make a query that update the passwrod in Intranet and ERP application.

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Security :: Membership - Single User For Multiple Application And Different Role In Each Application

Jan 30, 2010

I have two .NET applications X and Y

a. I want to have User A as a common user for both application X and Y.
b. User A can have different roles on X and Y. Eg. Read permission on Y and Write Permission on Y.

How do i configure ASP.NET membership to achieve about functionality.

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C# - MVC Single Sign-on And Roles?

Aug 30, 2010

I have basic Single Sign-On working across 2 MVC sites (call them SiteA and SiteB) using something along the lines of the following method: are on sub-domains of the same domain and share hashencryption keys etc in web.config. I've modified the cookie so it is accessible to all Sites on the same domain. All of this seems to be working ok.The sites are on separate servers without access to the same SQL database, so only SiteA actually holds the user login details. SiteB has a membership database, but with empty users.This works fine for my required scenario which is:1) User logs into SiteA2) The application loads data from SiteA (by AJAX) and SiteB (by AJAX using JSONP)I have the following LogOn Action on my AccountController for SiteA, which is where the "magic" happens:

public ActionResult LogOn(LogOnModel model, string returnUrl)


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VS 2008 Single Sign On And Sharepoint

Jan 15, 2010

we have developed a ASP.NET application that required a username and password to login and use the application.Now on of our customers wants to use Single Sign on with their Microsoft Sharepoint Portal.

Basically they want their users to be able to login to the portal, and then be able to access our application, without having to provide their login details again.Does anyone have experience with implementing Single Sign on?

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Single Sign On Across Many Domain Without Cookies?

Feb 16, 2011

m using visual studio requirement is to implement single sign on across many domains without using cookies. is this possible?for example, i have 3 domains (hosted in 3 different systems).[URL]i implemented single sign on with cookies, if the sites are hosted in single system then it is working. but it doesnt work if cookies are disabled.i tried all made all possible google searches, but couldnt find anything useful.

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Php - Implement Single Sign On With SubDomains?

Feb 4, 2010

I would like to know how to implement Single Sign On across subdomains running on a mixture of programming platforms, and php?

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VS 2010 Web Service - Single Sign On (SSO)

Jun 20, 2011

I've only worked with web services a little bit. I am working on a project now using another developer's code as a template. It is code for a single sign on (SSO).

Here is a code excerpt:

namespace xxxxxxxSSO {
/// <summary>
/// Summary description for xxxx
/// </summary>
[WebService(Namespace = "")]

[Code] ....

Also let me say, I have been coding in VB6/VB.NET for the past six years and am learning C# (that is what the other developer's code is written in).

setAppCredentials() is the beginning of a lot of sub-calls and I have gotten that all to work when I was running the service from within its own Visual Studio project.

Where I am having the problem is setting credentialHeader.Username and credentialHeader.Password. credentialHeader is nothing when I call validateCredentials().

I didn't see how I had these exposed to me in order to set them. So the developer said Create a client that consumes that service and set the values there and call your method.. But I still don't see how it's exposed to my consumer. I have this line of code in the consumer

Code : Dim myWebService As New localhost.xxxMemberService

(Back to VB!,) but I still don't see credentialHeader exposed.

The only other thing I see in the webservice code that might be relevant is this:

/// <remarks/>
[System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCodeAttribute("System.Xml", "4.0.30319.1")]

[Code] ....

which is in a file called referenes.cs.

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