Send Mail Function In ASP Pages?

Apr 26, 2010

know that it is easy to send e-mail in web page with ASP.Net. We do not need any component on this.But do we need any component in asp pages in order to send e-mail? I found this page

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Email - How To Send Mail From Google / Yahoo Or Other Mail Domains?

Mar 3, 2011

I have a "Contact Us" page where in users will give in their email id and a query and on submitting the form, web admin would receive that email.

If I configure their email id to "from" MailAddress and send the mail, it will fail to do so if the ID is from popular mail domains like gmail or hotmail but would work with other unpopular or non existent domains like without any credentials provided!

It worked with gmail after I configured SMTP and network credentials properly. The aim is to let the admin of my website who receives the email be able to hit the reply button in his mail client and see the "to" field populated with the "from" field filled in "contact us" page. Is there any proper way to do this or a tip or trick to accomplish it.


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Configuration :: Got An Error While Sending Mail From Server / Any Authentication Required To Send Mail From Server?

Apr 29, 2010

I got an error while sending mail from server, i am using this code:

public static void SendMail(string subject, string body, string from, string to)


This code is working fine in my local system but when i upload it on server then it gives this error. From the last 1 year it was working fine but from last few days it gives me above said error, please suggest me is there any authentication required to send mail from server (my hosting plan is with

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Jan 10, 2011

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Send Mail To Specified Mail Id?

Feb 13, 2010

i m using this class for mail sending

using System;

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C# - How To Override The Same Function On Multiple Pages (Render Function)

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protected override void Render(HtmlTextWriter writer)
//Code Logic Here

But if I had many pages, lets say 20, maintaining the code in each page could get very time consuming and error prone.That made me think a bit and I thought okay lets try this...override the function in each page but call a static function. That way changing the static function would result in a change for every page.Which works fine... But its not really nice and clean, having to override like that on every single page.

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Web Forms :: Send Net.mail Body As Web.mail Body?

Mar 30, 2010

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A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected host has failed to respond

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How To Send Mail Through Bcc In C#

Feb 1, 2011

how can i send mail through bcc in

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How To Send Mail Using C#?

Mar 1, 2010

i want to send mail to any email address, how to do that using C#. i am working on local host.

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Feb 7, 2010

sending mail using to the aol domain? My users complain either they don't get the mail or they go to the spam box and it doesn't go to the user's mail quickly. Is there a trick to this for aol? It goes to yahoo or gmail really quick

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Send Mail With An Attachment?

Mar 3, 2011


send a mail with an attachment in

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Send Mail From Application?

Dec 8, 2010

I have a requirement where i need to send mail from my application. I used the following code to send mail


The above code is neither working in my local system not showing error, but after the application has deployed in remote server(this is shared server) the code is working. What might be the problem?

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C# - SendAsync() Does Not Send Mail Always?

May 15, 2010

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Web Forms :: Trying To Send Emails Using Net.mail

Apr 12, 2010

I'm trying to send e-mails using net.mail. It works well until an e-mail from the list to send be invalid. if one is invalid it stops the application and i don't wanna this... if the e-mail is invalid it just send to the next and go ahead.

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Web Forms :: How To Send Mail To Many Persons

Jan 14, 2010

i want to send mail to so many persons i used this code

mail.From = txt_from.Text.Trim();
mail.To = txt_to.Text.Trim();
mail.Cc = txt_cc.Text.Trim();
mail.Bcc = txt_bcc.Text.Trim();
mail.Subject = txt_subj.Text;
mail.Body = ftb_body.Text;
mail.BodyFormat =
mail = new
MailMessage();if (txt_cc.Text.Trim().Length != 0)if
(txt_bcc.Text.Trim().Length != 0)MailFormat.Html;SmtpMail.SmtpServer
= "localhost";
//your real server goes here

now i wnat to send so may perons

but i will give all mail id in to address only, i will send one by one.

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How To Send Emails By Using System.Net.Mail

Aug 31, 2010

How to send emails by using System.Net.Mail [top]



i m sending mail by this method but it generate exception"SMTP EXCEPTION NOT HANDELED BY USER"

and in details it shows as:"base {System.Exception} = {"Failure sending mail."}

[System.Net.Mail.SmtpException] = {"Failure sending mail."}
StackTrace = " at System.Net.Mail.SmtpClient.Send(MailMessage message)
at ExptMail.Button1_Click(Object sender, EventArgs e) in f:\dh\websites\ExptMail.aspx.cs:line 32""

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New Site IIS / Send Mail To Gmail?

Sep 7, 2010

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Cannot Send Mail In Contact Information With

May 20, 2010

protected void Button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
string ad = TextBox1.Text;
string firma = TextBox2.Text;
string mail = TextBox3.Text;
string tel = TextBox4.Text;
string tel2 = TextBox5.Text;
string fax = TextBox6.Text;
string fax2 = TextBox7.Text;
string web = TextBox8.Text;
string mesaj = TextBox9.Text;

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When Try To Send Mail, It Give Error?

Mar 20, 2010

I have trouble sending mail out comes with no errors,


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How To Send A Mail With Some Attached Files To It

Aug 13, 2010

When I try to send a mail with some attached files to it. I get this error: Could not find file 'c:windowssystem32inetsrv1.gif'.




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Web Forms :: Way To Send Mail With Ddl.selectedvalue

Aug 3, 2010


I currently have 2 dropdownlists and a fileupload control on a aspx page along with a "send mail" button. Everything is working fine except for the following 3 issues.1. If I type a specific TO email address in the code-behind, the email sends. I want to use the selected value of a dropdownlist. When I use the programming for that it doesn't send any emails but I do NOT get any error messages either. I am using the dropdownlist.selectedvalue link in the From field and it is working just fine

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Web Forms :: Send Mail With Particular Mailbox

Feb 24, 2011

I need to do a program that is able to send mail to user from a particular mailbox and the sent mail should be found in the Sent Items in the mailbox.

I have found many examples that can send mail to user but no on how to send out email through a paricular mailbox [URL] and the sent mail is kept.

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