C# - How To Override The Same Function On Multiple Pages (Render Function)
Jan 26, 2011
Take the following scenario. I have multiple ASPX pages. Login, Logout, Main, Messages, etc... They all inherit from System.Web.UI.Page of course. For all the pages, I want to override the Render method from the Page class. I could easily copy and paste the same code into each page like so:
protected override void Render(HtmlTextWriter writer)
//Code Logic Here
But if I had many pages, lets say 20, maintaining the code in each page could get very time consuming and error prone.That made me think a bit and I thought okay lets try this...override the function in each page but call a static function. That way changing the static function would result in a change for every page.Which works fine... But its not really nice and clean, having to override like that on every single page.
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Protected Overrides Sub AddAttributesToRender(ByVal writer As HtmlTextWriter)
If MyBase.RenderUplevel Then
Dim clientID As String = Me.ClientID
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I continually get an annoying popup.
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function PopOut_Show(panelId, hideScrollers, data) {
childFrame.src = (data.iframeUrl ? data.iframeUrl : "about:blank");
to this
function PopOut_Show(panelId, hideScrollers, data) {
childFrame.src = data.iframeUrl;
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' -- VB.NET
Public Class MyBaseClass
Inherits System.Web.UI.Page
Protected Overrides Sub OnLoad(ByVal e As EventArgs)
'... add custom logic here ...
'Be sure to call the base class's OnLoad method!
End Sub
End Class
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Jan 26, 2011
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Jan 27, 2010
<asp:LinkButton CssClass="button" ID="btnApply" runat="server" OnClick="btnApply_Click()" OnClientClick="Apply1('btnApply')" >
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Protected Sub btnApply_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnApply.Click
end sub
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Mar 10, 2011
I'm working on an ASP.net application.I had a problem with a user control I'd designed called LocationSelector. It worked great, but I couldn't use it within an ASP:UpdatePanel. I learned, by browsing SO, that I needed to put my in-line javascript in an external file and register it with ScriptManager so that there are no Response.Write calls in the Javascript.Next, I discovered that the control worked at first, but when I enclosed it within the ASP:UpdatePanel, it would stop functioning after the first AJAX postback. I read that to fix that, I needed to replace my $(document).ready call with function pageLoad() which is automatically executed with each ASP.net page load.
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Jun 8, 2010
Given the function
When 'return false' is fired, I'm assuming that the function is stopped at that point and there's no need for exit fors and things like that?
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Aug 25, 2010
I am trying to replace the JavaScript onclick event handler in ASP.NET that is added to a button control when using validation controls. This is what is output into the HTML from ASP.NET in this scenario:
<input type="image" name="ibSubmit1" id="ibSubmit1" src="button-green-submit.gif" onclick="showProgress1();WebForm_DoPostBackWithOptions(new WebForm_PostBackOptions("ibSubmit1", "", true, "Group1", "", false, false))" style="border-width:0px;" />
I have looked pretty estensively, and unfortunately there doesn't seem to be a way to modify the function server side before it is injected into the page.
Since I am developing a control and desire it to be non-invasive and self contained, and I am interested in obtaining the validationGroup parameter of the WebForm_PostBackOptions object, it seems that the easiest solution would be to use JavaScript to replace the WebForm_DoPostBackWithOptions function name with my custom wrapper function and leave all of the rest of the parameter information intact - then I can extract the information I am interested in, call my custom functions, and then forward the call on to WebForm_DoPostBackWithOptions.
NOTE: I am using jQuery to build my custom function, so if there is an easier way to do this with jQuery it is an option I will consider.
Here is the code I tried to replace the onclick event handler (not working):
$('[onclick*=WebForm_DoPostBackWithOptions]').each(function() {
var txt = this.onclick;
txt = txt + '';
txt = txt.replace('WebForm_DoPostBackWithOptions','ml_DoPostBackWithOptions');
this.onclick = eval(txt);
Using alert(), I verified that the text is being changed correctly, however whether or not I use the eval() function, the onclick handler doesn't seem to recognize it as JavaScript.
I thought of using a regular expression to get the validationGroup value, but this seems like it will be far more elegant and flexible if I can get it working...
Note: If there is a way for my control to interrogate the page it is on to find all of the buttons that will post back (regardless of what type of buttons they are) so I can retrieve the property server-side, this is also something I will consider.
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Oct 20, 2010
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May 3, 2010
I have a few repositories in my project. All repositories inherit from an abstract interface repository containing the public datacontext variable and a Save function for the entire DB.
In my controllers I want to make changes to the the db and in one of my functions I'm working with two different repositories. Calling the Save function on each of the repositories I'm using can cause a situation in which one of the calls to Save succeeds and and the other fails resulting in a need of rolling back the changes of the Save function that failed.
What is the best way to work against multiple repositories and access to the DB to avoid such a situation?
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Jul 22, 2010
The pages on my project are base on master and content pages...
I want to do something with javascript(rather than jquery) in one of content pages after ALL OF MASTER AND CONTENT ELEMENTS ARE LOADED COMPLETELY.(for example set focus on a RadComboBox Control)
For doing that I used the below code :
<asp:Content ID="Content1" ContentPlaceHolderID="head" runat="server">
<script src="../JQuery/jquery-1.4.1.js" language="javascript" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script type="text/javascript"> [code]...
But alert(combo); always returns null.(the $find code is for telerik controls and the upper codes about telerik controls are completely true)To solve this null problem I test the ways shown below:
1-I Removed all of controls from master and content page except RadComboBox Control and null problem disappeared , so i derived the null peoblem is about all of elements of master and content page have not been loaded when
$find("<%= RadcbPersonelCompleteNameInvwNoskhehEdit.ClientID %>"); is fired.
2-so i used $(document).ready(function() { my codes }); instead of onload = onloadOfDocument;
3-at last i test the below code and it works perfectly :
<asp:Content ID="Content1" ContentPlaceHolderID="head" runat="server">
<script src="../JQuery/jquery-1.4.1.js" language="javascript" type="text/javascript"></script> [code]...
What function of document should i use for doing some javascript codes after all Of MASTER AND CONTENT ELEMENTS are loaded completely?
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