Serving Videos From Amazon S3?

Dec 17, 2010

If I host video or any other media content on Amazon S3, how can I use Membership to enforce access rights?

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Jan 13, 2011

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Serving ISO-8859-1 And UTF-8 Files From C#?

Mar 7, 2011

We have a large site with thousands of static html files. Some of them are ISO-8859-1, others are UTF-8 (with and without byte order marks).

The web.config file looks like this:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<globalization requestEncoding="utf-8" responseEncoding="utf-8" fileEncoding="utf-8" />

If I change the fileEncoding to "ISO-8859-1" it works for both ISO-8859-1 and UTF-8 if there is a byte order mark. We are trying to avoid manually checking and adding byte order marks to files that do not have them. Is there any way to accomplish this?

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If I remove the wildcard application mapping to aspnet_isapi.dll the files are served correctly. Is there any way to have the wildcard match everything except for .html?

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C# - XML Parseing Error When Serving A PDF

Apr 13, 2010

I'm trying to serve a pdf file from a database in ASP.NET using an Http Handler, but every time I go to the page I get an error

XML Parsing Error: no element found
Location: https://ucc489/rc/NoteFileHandler.ashx?noteId=1,msdsId=3
Line Number 1, Column 1:
public class NoteFileHandler : IHttpHandler
public void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context)

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C# - Serving Htm Or Xml Files From ApplicationHost?

Feb 25, 2011

I am hosting the ASP.Net runtime in my exe but I find that if I try to access htm or xml files from the browser, it gives a 404.

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Is there any configuration that I need to do to server other file extensions and if so, what?

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Scaling And Serving Images With .NET 3.5?

Oct 27, 2010

I am working on a web application where images has to be scaled dynamically and served to the client as fast as possible (with low overhead). I need to create something that scales and compresses high-quality PNGs to medium quality JPEGs.Now, there are multiple ways of doing this and I am slightly confused which method provides the best solution for the application to be as fast as possible - and I was hoping you guys could guide me in the right direction.This application will run on the .NET 3.5-platform and I am looking for fresh ways of doing this. Googling has given me some clues but most of the articles I found were VERY old (2000-2005 or so).The client app is written in ASP.NET MVC, while the backend app is written in Web Forms. The images are located in a directory in the Web Forms application, but I guess that dosen't say the image handler must be written in Web forms.

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C# - Amazon EC2 Multiple Servers Share Session State

Mar 12, 2010

I have a bunch of EC2 servers that are load balanced. Some of the servers are not sharing session, and users keep getting logged in and out. How can I make all the server share the one session, possibly even using a partitionresolver solution

public class PartitionResolver : System.Web.IPartitionResolver
private String[] partitions;
public void Initialize()
// create the partition connection string table
// web1, web2
partitions = new String[] { "" };

public String ResolvePartition(Object key)
String oHost = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Request.Url.Host.ToLower().Trim();
if (oHost.StartsWith("10.0.0") || oHost.Equals("localhost"))
return "tcpip=";
String sid = (String)key;
// hash the incoming session ID into
// one of the available partitions
Int32 partitionID = Math.Abs(sid.GetHashCode()) % partitions.Length;
return ("tcpip=" + partitions[partitionID] + ":42424");

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a tutorial for using amazon web services for searching book, i want to develop it in Visual Studio 2010, and framework 4.0

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Serving Up Multiple Content Items?

Feb 4, 2010

got a Asset Management tool which stores (in a folder("node")) an index.htm and a bunch of other asset files such as .js, .css, flv, etcHere's the problem...if I access the index.htm I get ti via it's nodeID http://site/NODEGUID/index.htm , and all compound files try and download via that GUID as well so essientially I just get index.htm content served into each request file, thus giving me an epic fail :)Is there some way in to intercept that request so I can do a lookup on the DAM and get the proper file reference and send that down instead?

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Web Forms :: IIS Stopped Serving Webrequests After Certain Requests?

Feb 17, 2011

I am creating a small testharness which will create load on the website with multiple threads. All I doing is


But this keeps timing out after few request. I have looked into the IIS worker process requests and I can see the requests being in there in the state of sendresponce. If I request the same url from my browser the reponce is there. Am I doing something wrong here?

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C# - IIS Not Serving Website Pages On Remote Client

Dec 28, 2010

I am new to IIS and asp and i am having a problem. I am creating a website in physical folder wwwrootSharePage and virtual directory SharePage When i visit the site on local host or using my ip address or through dyndns proxy on my own computer , the page is served fine, But when any one else from any other computer access my website it takes a long time in loading and finally his browser throws an error (may be page not found error,not sure, see for yourself). I have even changed Authentication mode to none and tried with firewalls closed , still page is not served.

You can have a look here


(hosted on my home computer so can be unavailable at times when i have switched off my computer)

or try with my ip address

updated (can change ,i have a dynamic ip address)

IIS version 7.5
OS : Windows 7
.Net 4 (even in IIS)

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Change HTTP Status 503 To 200 When Serving App_offline.htm For Specific URL?

Feb 22, 2011

The app_offline.htm file that ASP.NET serves returns the http status 503. This is the correct behavior for most situations. However, in the scenario where a specific URL is requested (e.g. [URL]), I'd like to change the returned http status to 200, while still returning http status 503 in all other situations. Is this possible?

The reason why I want to do this is whenever we do scheduled maintenance on our website, we use the app_offline.htm file, but we don't want our uptime monitoring service [URL] to report downtime during our scheduled maintenance.

I assume this would have to be at the IIS level because the app_offline.htm gets served very early on in the request processing cycle.

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Iis7 - Serving Static Content From A Subdomain Using URL Rewrite

Feb 24, 2011

I have a domain which is receiving quite a few hits per day and have been asked if I can serve the static content from a subdomain. As the site is quite extensive and already written, I was wondering if there is any way I can use URL rewriting to change:

I have a solution which works using 301 redirects but from what I understand, this is counter productive as 2 requests will have to be made per image. I don't really want to go through all the aspx pages and css to hard code the new url as it will cause problems further down the line - some parts of the site are still being developed and static content could change at any time. I tried using rewrite (as opposed to redirect) to change the url but it came out something like:

How would you achieve this? I have full access to dns and the server (win 2008r2 / IIS 7.5) so can make any changes if url rewriting is not the answer.

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.net - Serving An Image Stored In A Database On An Aspx Page?

Aug 23, 2010

I'm pulling back an image that is stored in a column in a SQL server database.I need to serve this up on an aspx page.

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Serving An Image With A Generic Handler Within A List View. Is It Possible

Feb 27, 2011

Currently in my webpage i load images to the ListView object as follows...

<asp:ListView ID="ListView1" runat="server">


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