I have a dropdownlist is set to '--Select Item--' when the form is loaded first time. I don't see the Selected Item getting selected after I submit the form. It is set to '--Selected Item--' again.
<%= Html.DropDownList("lstDetails", new SelectList((IEnumerable)ViewData["DetailList"], "ID", "Details"), "--Select Item--")%>
i have the AutoEventWireup="True"; I have a breakpoint in the code behind on the SelectedIndexChange event. The event does fire but the index is not changing. No matter what item in the list I select, the SelectedIndex always = 0. The list is bound to a dataset and the DataTextField and DataValueField are both set to the same value. Why is the index and SelectedValue not updating?
First post here, I usually try not posting until I am completely lost. I have a webform that gets a dynamic dropdownlist added to a placeholder in a method during pageload. During a submit of the page, I want to be able to get the selectedItem in the DropDownList that was also added dynamically from a DB. I know the ID of the DropDownList, and I know the Value of all the ListItems. Although when I am trying to use FindConrol(ID), and assign it to a DropDownList, the Control comes back Null and I get an error saying "Object Reference not set to and Instance of an Object", I believe because its not finding the control.
Can anyone show me how to use this to get access to the properties of the dynamic DropDownList properties, especially the ListItems within.
So here is the problem , Is it possible to get the "SelectedItem.Text" of a binded dropdownlist? because everytime I'm getting null Even though I'm having items in the dropdownlist.
I'm getting the items that I want in the dropdownlist but I can't find out which one is selected.
I don't know how to go about this. I have web form with two dropdown lists. one named Recruiter and the other Account manager. I have two two SQL tables named Perm_Commision_Lookup & UserList. The Perm_Commision_Lookup table does not contain recruiter's email, so I decided to Inner Join it with UserList table which contain recruiter emails. The LookupValue column from the Perm_Commision_Lookup table is what's displayed to the end user and the pk_LookupID column is the one that's inserted into the database. What I want to achieve is this: When a user select let's say "John Doe" from the Recruiter dropdown list, I want to send out an email to John Doe and at the same time insert the selected value (pk_LookupID) into the database. I set the DataTextField="LookupValue" and DataValueField="pk_LookupID but how to get the User_Email is another problem. Below is my SQL select...
SELECT Perm_Commision_Lookup.pk_LookupID, Perm_Commision_Lookup.LookupValue, UserList.User_Email FROM Perm_Commision_Lookup INNER JOIN UserList ON Perm_Commision_Lookup.LookupUserName = UserList.GM_Username
Protected Sub DropDownList1_SelectedIndexChanged(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles DropDownList1.SelectedIndexChanged Response.Redirect("memberlogin.aspx?d=" + DropDownList1.SelectedValue.ToString)
Now the problem is when i select DropDownList2.SelectedItem.Text == "Reg" STA and STM are not present. I want STA and STM values back in the dropdownlist on selection of 'Reg'.
When i first load my page and select 'Reg' all the values in DropDownList3(including 'STA' and 'STM') are present and than when i select 'Stamp' the values 'STA' and 'STM' are lost(as shown in the code). Now again when i select 'Reg' this values are not there, i want this values to be present again. What do i have to do?? Do i have to bind it again to database?
Is there any other logic for it to be used in a different way ?
Have a dropdown list with autopostback set to 'yes' have another dropdown list box that will be populated based on the selection of the first dropdown. It works fine until I put a submit botton on the form. When I do it appears to not do the auto postback until the submit button is pushed. Can you have a submit button on a form that has a dropdown with autopostback active.
I have a dropdown list which is in updatepanel. I have to fill that dropdown on a client event through javascript which calls __dopostback of the updatepanel and calls its load event.
Problem is that when i submit the form updatepanel_Load event also execute again and it again reset the DropDownLIst which causes the loss of selectedValue in Dropdown.
On page Load this dropdown is Empty .... no funtion to fill it.Now the problem is when ever I Fill the Dropdown throught Load of UPatepanel, that UPdatepanel Load event also execute when I submit my page. Actually the solution of javascript is due to a table and on Selection of the table row item it Fills the DropDownList from __dopostback of my updatepanel.
I have button which opens a popup window and that popup window contains a table, when client select some item from that table and close that popup window then I fill my dropdown (in parent or opener page through Ajax, Updatepanel's Load) as further selction option. so dropdown databind is dependent on that tables input.
I've many input elements one of which is, a radio button group with Autopostback set to true. After selecting one item from the radio button, the drop down list below fetches values from database and is refreshed. I choose some value in the dropdown list and submit the form. I've many server side validation controls. When I submit the form, if any of the server validation fails, it'll show the error message in the form. But the value I choose in the dropdown list disappears and it shows the first value of the dropdown list.
How to show the selected value in the list after submission of form?
Below is the partial code from my form. When I type anything other than "Hello" is the "Comments" text box, it will show the error message. I know I can use, other validators to check this. But purposely I want to use Customvalidator.
<% dim catchdate catchdate= response.querystring("date") %>
i am having select
<select id="Date" name="date" onchange="getdate()"> <options value ="< % = catchdate%> ">Select Date </options>
here in the dropdown i get data form sql DB like this
set rs = createobject(Adodb.recordset) sqlqry ="Select date from table order by date desc"
rs.open sql con
On selection of the date the corresponding records of the date will be displayed This is part of my coding, the problem is whenever i change the date as the form submits the dropdown brings the corresponding results but it is not displaying the selected date.
I have a form that on submits displays a modal-popup window, but I only want to display this modal if a particualr choice has been made within a Drop Down List (DDLTermination)
I'm not sure how link it up, into the submit button
so far I've got the following within the submit button but this isn't working how I want:
I have three drop down lists that are all databound to a gridview. When the user selects 1. a school, 2. a house number, and 3. a street from seperate drop down lists, bus stops for that address are displayed in a gridview. Everything works fine. After the user selects a valid school/house number/street combination the gridview automatically displays. I would like to add a "Submit" button and not have the gridview display until this button is clicked.
I have a master page with a form which has dropdown list control,text box,radio button controls.The entered and selected values get lost after I clicked on submit button.It goes back to original state when the page first loaded.Any idea why and how to retain these value?
I have a Drodownlist , hich is being filled with data from tables at Page Load with the check that Postback is false. Now I want to insert the selected value of dropdownlist to the table, but after pressing the Submit button, its numeric value is getting lost and is substituted with a "" (blank). How do i persist its value.
In ASP.NET when we have multiple input section with required field validator (Like on header for login with userid & Password is required and second on footer for subscription) when we click on subscription login section's userid required field validator activates and say userid required & i can not submit subscription.
when i submit subscription details login section should not have concern with this. how to avoid this conflicts.
Initially I am doing validating form by clicking on btnOK and in btn_Submit I am inserting record into table. I again want to call btn_Ok event in btn_Submit click event for re-checking validation, if it validates properly thne rest of code of btn_submit should work.