Web Forms :: Dropdownlist Not Keeping The Selected Value After Submit?
Feb 14, 2011
I've many input elements one of which is, a radio button group with Autopostback set to true. After selecting one item from the radio button, the drop down list below fetches values from database and is refreshed. I choose some value in the dropdown list and submit the form. I've many server side validation controls. When I submit the form, if any of the server validation fails, it'll show the error message in the form. But the value I choose in the dropdown list disappears and it shows the first value of the dropdown list.
How to show the selected value in the list after submission of form?
Below is the partial code from my form. When I type anything other than "Hello" is the "Comments" text box, it will show the error message. I know I can use, other validators to check this. But purposely I want to use Customvalidator.
My C# code
My ASP.net code
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Apr 15, 2010
I am having a problem with disabling DropDownList based on the chice of 1st DropDownList, there is no post back occuring, and it is a template based web app here is the current code:
<script type="text/javascript">
$(function() { var dropDownList1 = $('#<%= ddlUserType.ClientID %>');
var dropDownList2 = $('#<%= ddlMember.ClientID %>'); dropDownList1.change(function(e) {
if ( jQuery("#ddlUserType").val() != "ETOC") dropDownList2.removeAttr('disabled'); e.preventDefault();
dropDownList2.removeAttr('enabled'); e.preventDefault(); }
} );
what is happening now is page is blank and if I remove the above code everything shows, where I am going wrong. here is the plain and final javascript code which worked:
<script language="javascript">
function CheckDropDownState(lstbox)
if (lstbox.selectedIndex == 3) { document.forms[0].ddlMember.disabled = 1; }
else { document.forms[0].ddlMember.disabled = 0; }
and thew .aspx code: <asp:dropdownlist id="ddlUserType" runat="server" onclick="CheckDropDownState(this);"></asp:dropdownlist>
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<%= Html.DropDownList("lstDetails", new SelectList((IEnumerable)ViewData["DetailList"], "ID", "Details"), "--Select Item--")%>
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Jan 11, 2011
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<asp:TemplateColumn HeaderText=" OnSite/OffSite" >
<asp:DropDownList ID="ddOnsiteOffside" runat="server" onchange="ToggleOnOff(this)">
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Sep 2, 2010
Have a dropdown list with autopostback set to 'yes' have another dropdown list box that will be populated based on the selection of the first dropdown. It works fine until I put a submit botton on the form. When I do it appears to not do the auto postback until the submit button is pushed. Can you have a submit button on a form that has a dropdown with autopostback active.
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Oct 7, 2010
I have a dropdown list which is in updatepanel. I have to fill that dropdown on a client event through javascript which calls __dopostback of the updatepanel and calls its load event.
Problem is that when i submit the form updatepanel_Load event also execute again and it again reset the DropDownLIst which causes the loss of selectedValue in Dropdown.
<asp:UpdatePanel ID="UpdatePanel3" runat="server" OnLoad="UpdatePanel3_Load" UpdateMode="Conditional">
<asp:DropDownList ID="ddlItems" runat="server" CssClass="dropdown">
On page Load this dropdown is Empty .... no funtion to fill it.Now the problem is when ever I Fill the Dropdown throught Load of UPatepanel, that UPdatepanel Load event also execute when I submit my page. Actually the solution of javascript is due to a table and on Selection of the table row item it Fills the DropDownList from __dopostback of my updatepanel.
I have button which opens a popup window and that popup window contains a table, when client select some item from that table and close that popup window then I fill my dropdown (in parent or opener page through Ajax, Updatepanel's Load) as further selction option. so dropdown databind is dependent on that tables input.
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Jun 17, 2010
this how my code goes
function getdate()
i declare a variable here
<% dim catchdate
catchdate= response.querystring("date") %>
i am having select
<select id="Date" name="date" onchange="getdate()">
<options value ="< % = catchdate%> ">Select Date </options>
here in the dropdown i get data form sql DB like this
set rs = createobject(Adodb.recordset)
sqlqry ="Select date from table order by date desc"
rs.open sql con
On selection of the date the corresponding records of the date will be displayed This is part of my coding, the problem is whenever i change the date as the form submits the dropdown brings the corresponding results but it is not displaying the selected date.
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Nov 26, 2010
Basically the scenario is like this, I'm getting an XML from a 3rd party application with available dates for booking, for each day there are types of rooms the person can choose, single, double, etc.
Each hostel will return me an unknown number of room types. But dont get too confused with this. The thing is simple I just need to add an unknown number of dropdownlists (or HTML Select) with the numbers of persons to book for. Now because I don't know how many of those dropdowns I will have I need to add them programatically inside a "for int i=0; i
How can I add an unknownn number of dropdownlists programatically to a page and retrieve the selected values with c# on submit?The last column on the screenshot
Update:I'm creating the code from the xml results as a string that will print as html code:
XmlDocument xmlDoc2 = new XmlDocument();
XmlNodeList prices = xmlDoc.GetElementsByTagName("RoomType"); [code]...
I know that doing that and adding the runat=server won't help on my control, there is where my main problem is now, how to add the code on the html to be able to get the dropdownlist selected value later with c#. Can I do that with Request.Form ? was trying but so far I couldnt do it.
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Nov 26, 2010
I am binding months to a list 0-13 items default selection is 0 months duration, and years 0-8 items and 0 years is the default selection.As I know there are always going to be 12 months in a year, I could use selectedvalue or selectedindex without any perceived problem. Is there a reason why I should not use either/or of the two properties to select a list item?
View 2 Replies
Jan 15, 2010
My problem is I need to set selected value of a drop down list to a value I retreive from a database. The example only has a know value.
Below is the HTML and Code.
Runat="server" />
<asp:sqldatasource id="srcCatogory1st1"
SelectCommand="SELECT CategoryID, CategoryName FROM Categories WHERE ParentCategoryID is null ORDER BY CategoryID"
Runat="server" ></asp:sqldatasource>
Sub Page_Load()
End Sub
ddlCatogory1st1.Items.FindByValue("A").Selected = True
End Sub
When I run this page I get
Exception Details: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
Source Error:
Line 222:
Line 224: ddlCatogory1st1.DataBind()
Line 225: ddlCatogory1st1.Items.FindByValue("A10").Selected = True
Line 226: End Sub
Even if I take out the databind I get the same error.
View 30 Replies
Sep 20, 2010
drpdwncity.SelectedItem.Text = READER("CITY").ToString.Trim
i am using the above code
when the dropdown is displayed it shld display the vlaue from the databse , but here it displays the first value instead
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Oct 8, 2010
How can I save dropdownlist selected value? (mabey into cookie?)I have a language selection dropdown, but on page reload it resets te value.
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