Setting A Master Page Programatically In MVC?

Dec 16, 2010

I've been out of the programming since last winter and I'm really rusty.

What I'm trying to do is set a master page programmatically. I goggled it and found this:

Csharp Code:


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State Management :: Master Page's Treeview Selected Node / Setting The Properties In Master Page?

Aug 2, 2010

I have a master page containing a tree and 3 dropdown lists. I am populating a context menu on right click of each node, and when clicked on any item of the context menu, it navigates to required pages.

My problem is after navigating to the required page, the selected values from the drop down lists and the selected node from the tree are getting cleared.

I can set the selected values for the dropdown lists by making some properties in master page.
But how do i maintain the selected node?

In my content page, i have got the valuepath of the right clicked node.

Or is there any other way than setting the properties in master page?

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Why Setting The HeaderText Programatically Won't Work

Apr 23, 2010

Do any of you know why this won't work?

<asp:BoundField HeaderText='<%=Lang.GetString("ManCan_Descripcion")%>' DataField="OcdObs" />

It's like the server is ignoring the <%%> tags, the page gets rendered like this:

<th scope="col"><%=Lang.GetString("ManCan_Descripcion")%></th>

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Forms Data Controls :: Setting Up A DataList Programatically

Feb 11, 2010

Working on a web part that will contain a datalist. How do you set up various properties such as ItemStyle, AlternatingItemStyles, and all the data binding?

I've search for some keywords but could not find anything relevant.

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Web Forms :: Setting Sessions From Master Page?

Jun 4, 2010

I have our site setup with 2 master pages.. one is for the general public and the other is for our admin section..

We are going to be updating the general pages to check the users job title to help customize the pages for them. Is it possible to add the code we are going to use to set the sessions to the master page of the general section and have it set the sessions. Or will i have to update each page individually with the logic and handle each page seperatly?

I have another post asking for help on setting the sessions, but once that is done, i'd like to know if adding that code to the master page will accomplish what i want, by just having it in one place and easier to maintain. Or will i have to add the code to each page i want to check the session values... ( this is where im asking for help with the sessions )

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Web Forms :: Setting A Hidden Field From The Master Page?

Jul 13, 2010

From the master page of my ASP.NET site I need to set the value of a hidden field in every get and post request and then subsequently read it in the next request.The problem is that in the post request the code works fine but when the client sends a get request I am unable to read the value of the hidden field from teh Master Page. Is the hidden field the proper approach to this and if so how do I read the value set in the hidden field in the subsequent get request. If the hidden field is not the proper approach for this then what else should I use?

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Web Forms :: DropDownList SelectedIndexChanged Event Not Fired When Programatically Setting SelectedValue?

Oct 27, 2010

In our web application we load the dropdown list boxes in the page load. We than set the SelectedValue of each dropdown list box to an object from session. We have event handlers for many of the SelectedIndexChanged events of the drop down lists boxes, but these do not get executed when we set the selected value programmatically.

Someone else mentioned this is by design, and only when a user manually changes the drop down list selected index, will the event get raised.

I would think this is a common scenario of wanting the selectedindexchanged event handled when setting the selectedvalue/selectedindex/listitem's selected property, of a DropDownList. What is the suggested way to handle this? Is there a significant drawback of creating a custom control inherited from DropDownList that has the functionality of raising this event when changing the SelectedIndex or SelectedValue?

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Forms Data Controls :: Setting An Insert Parameter Programatically In Formview?

Mar 21, 2010

I have a formview bound to a sqldatasource control. I want to set one of the insert parameters when I click on one of several buttons (outside the formview).

In my sqlDS I have:


I want to set the "benType" depending on which button I've pressed (I don't want/need it to be visible in the InsertTemplate). I tried adding this line to the codebehind for the button click:

formview1_datasource.InsertParameters(0).DefaultValue = 2

This doesn't work...what is the best way to set the insertParameter from outside the formview?

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Web Forms :: Setting Webpage / Master Page Background Image?

Aug 24, 2010

I want to have the background of my masterpage (the master page for all of my .aspx pages) have a sort of gradient. I imagine the only way I can do that is with an image. Or maybe even some other design, but I want to move away from the "solid color" background.

Is the easiest way to do this just to make an image and set that as the background? What image size should I make it, because some users could possibly have the normal aspect ratio, or maybe a widescreen? What should I make it like so that it looks good on [b]all[/b] computers?

View 11 Replies

Web Forms :: Setting The Content Page Background Color Different From The Master Page Back Ground Color

Jul 14, 2010

I have a master page and set it's back ground color in the body tag <body style="background-color:Red">. Now that is fine for the Master page. How do I set the back ground color of the content page to a different color?

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Web Forms :: Child Not Updated If Master Dropdownlist Selected Value Changed Programatically

May 28, 2010

In my application i have a 'Result.aspx' page. In this page i have a dropdownlist which is acting as a master for a gridview. I want that when the user loads this page then the dropdownlist automatically has the value which user selected on another page and for this i am using querystring in the page load event as follows

ddlSelectCoupon.SelectedValue =Request.QueryString("partID")

I have set the autopostback of dropdownlist to True

My problem is if i am assigning the value to dropdownlist this way then my child gridview is not updating. Also, what is the best page event for assingning this value

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Web Forms :: Define Reusable Master Page Type To Reuse Parts Of The Master Page?

Jan 5, 2011

My Project is a normal web site, not a Web Project, and I am using VS 2005.

I am trying to define common Master Page Type in app_code which has an area to display error messages and the like. Very simple.

I added the following in app_code:


Also, I added the following in Master Page Source Declaration:


Also, I added the controls tblrowErrMsg and lblErrMsg as server controls to the Master Page.

Why I am doing this ?

This will allow me to display error messages from nearly any where inside the code in code-behined, app_code, and other core Class Projects (DLL).

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How To Retrieve Data From Web Page Programatically

May 27, 2010

There is a website which shows history of lottery numbers. I want to retrieve numbers from the page, by using C# Windows or Web program(ASP.NET).There is a problem that, after selecting the week which you want numbers for from dropdownlist, page does not post. Numbers are retrieved by Ajax.

How can I get numbers for all of the weeks by program?

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How To Programatically Add Attributes To The HTML Tag In Page Object

Feb 28, 2011

I need to add some attributes [URL] to the tag in an ASP.NET Page object. Note: I cannot do this in a declarative manner and have to use the server side object model to do it.

To add some additional information:

I need to do this within the ASP.NET Page rendering life cycle.

I need to add the attribute to the root element in the page.

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Web Forms :: How To Programatically Add PreInit Event Of Page In .net With C#

Feb 4, 2011

how can we add Page's PreInit event programatically in code behind with c# language ? More precisely i would like to say if AutoEventWireup is set to false then how to handle Page's PreInit event ?

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Web Forms :: Setting Global Themes To Master Pages?

Jun 28, 2010

We have a nested master page which we have made it as a seperate class library.(Becoz many projects use the same master page) Initially we had all our css files,skin files, images inside the Master page project itself. But now we wanted the themes to be global and moved it out to wwwroot as mentioned in the below link.

The Masterpage has user controls out of which one user control has the telerik menu. The css is not getting set for that particular user control. We use relative path for setting the style sheet link. But it is not getting set. Its still referring to the old path. But all the skin files, images are pointing to the new global location. Except for the telerik menu rest all is aligned according to the style sheet.

When i do view source, the link to style sheet is pointing to the old location. I dunno why this happening. Is this a telerik issue or i am going wrong somewhere.

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Web Forms :: Master Pages - How To Access Content Page From Master Page

Sep 5, 2010

I have a master page setup that is used throughout my site that is basically a header with a menu. I recently added a textbox and a button to this master page which is to be a quick search box that is available anywhere in the site. When a user enters text into the search box and hits the button, I need to load the actual content page which is used to search and show search results (which also uses this same master page), and have the text entered available so the search can be triggered automatically. Again, this search text box and button is now in my master page so it could be triggered from anywhere in the app... it serves as a convenient way to do a basic search from anywhere in my app, without having to first navigate to the actual 'search page' that already exists. You can also navigate to the actual search page, which uses the same master page, where there is many more search options.I'm thrown off by the master page arrangement, which I have not used until this project. What do I do?

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How To Use Sharepoint Master Page In A Separate Application As Parent Master Page

Sep 29, 2010

Is it possible to inherit a sharepoint master page(as a parent) in another application's master page which will be treated as child (i.e. after integrating that standalone application with the sharepoint application)? I am totally new to Sharepoint..

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C# - Accessing Top Master Page Properties In A Nested Master Page Code Behind?

Feb 18, 2010

I have a nested master page that has its own master page. The parent master page has a property defined in its code behind.

Public ReadOnly Property SelectedPage() As String
Return _selectedPage
End Get
End Property

How can I reference the parent master page's property from within either the child master page's code behind Page_Load or aspx template page?

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MVC :: Setting Class For Action Link Programmatically In Site.master?

Dec 28, 2010

I have a menu made of an unordered list:

<ul id="navList">
<li id="homeTab">
<%: Html.ActionLink("Home", "Index", "Home")%>
</li> |
<li id="ourMissionTab">


I find the controller:

<% string controller = ViewContext.RouteData.Values["Controller"].ToString(); %>

then I would like to set the class for the li according to the controller value. How do I do that?

Something like: if controller == "home", then set the class for the li with the home id to active.

I just started learning MVC and am very new to the syntax. when you respond to this posting provide syntax, as I am coming from code behind background.

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Page Lifecycle And Not Being Able To Display Controls Outside Of Page_init When Trying To Create Them Programatically?

Nov 28, 2010

I'm creating a page that users can upload a file to the webserver. After upload the page will then have a link to the file that has just been uploaded, along with any other files that have already been uploaded.As I am programatcially creating links to the files which have been uploaded, I have to do this in page_init or else the link button won't fire off it's event when clicked. MY web page does all this - it creates the link buttons and when I click on them, it calls the event method required i.e. a sub to download the file.

OK, the problem I've come accross is: when I click upload (to upload the file) - the page_init sub is called, displaying all the previously uploaded files as link buttons. Then my btnUpload_click sub is called, which uploads my current file. The only prob is the current file hasn't been displayed? I can only display links in the page_init, but because btnUpload is called after the page_init, the current file isn't uploaded until after page_init and therefore not dislayed?

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C# - How To Programatically Detect If Application Is Running In IIS 7.0 Integrated Mode From Within .NET Page

Aug 26, 2010

Generally we should have control of our AppPools and be able to force the Managed Pipeline Mode. In my case I don't have control and would like to implement the code behind code a little differently based on the Managed Pipeline Mode (Integrated vs Classic). I just don't know how to detect this. Is there a simple way to do it from within the code behind page?

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Web Forms :: Adding Controls Programatically To A Page From A User Control?

Jan 20, 2010

In a User Control, I need to add a Div to the end of its parent's page. I've done this in a number of ASPX pages, where I put the code to generate the Div and its contents in the page's PreRender event handler, and it works fine. But when I try to do the same thing in the PreRender event handler for the User Control, I get the following error:

The control collection cannot be modified during DataBind, Init, Load, PreRender or Unload phases.How do I accomplish this in a User Control?

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Web Forms :: Get Nested Master Page From Main Master Page

May 30, 2010

I'm trying to dynamically change the look of my main master page depending on what nested master page that the current content page is using .

So for example.

Main master page = main.master
My nested page = nested.master (uses main.master)
content page = content.aspx (uses nested.master)

So in the Page_Load event of main.master I want to add a switch statement that will check to see what nested master page is currently being used by content.aspx, or whatever content page is loaded.

So far I have got

protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
string nMaster = //This is the line of code that I am looking for.
case "nested.master":
//all my logic here.

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Can Content Page Use ContentPlaceHolderID Of Master Parent Of Its Master Page

Sep 29, 2010

I have a 3 level nested master pages and a content page. parent1 is the top parent, parent2 is parent of parent3 and parent3 is the parent of the content page.

I get an error 'Cannot find ContentPlaceHolder xxx...' where xxx is a ContentPlaceholder. It resides in parent2 and content page is trying to fill it.

Can content pages only use their direct parent ContentPlaceHolders or can they also use any of the higher master pages?

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