Silverlight MediaElement Refusing To Play Audio?
Dec 15, 2010
I am having the hardest time figuring this problem out. I have a Silverlight 4 application that loads audio and video files from URLs. The URLs are the same domain as the application is hosted on and it works great for video.The URLs are actually mvc controllers that are responsible for reading the file from a shared location on and the server and serving back a filestream. The URLs look something like this:http://localhost:31479/CourseMedia?path=omnisandbox1ILMSShare2Demo-Fire+BehaviormediaDisclaim.wma&encrypted=False&id=00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
If I put the URL directly into the browser the file loads and plays in windows media player just fine, and if I use a separate test silverlight project to load the url it also works, but for the life of me I can not get it to work properly in my main project.This is the routine I use to actually do the source setting:
protected void SetPlayerURL(MediaElement player, string url)
if (player != null && url.Length > 0)
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The scenario goes:
Have a media player on a site, press play, continue navigating through site while the music continues playing.
What it does right now:
Obviously the object gets loaded anew on each postback or page redirect (even if it's back to the same page IE: default.aspx).
I've seen samples of how to persist the state of a Control on postback and even complex data through cross-page postback. But nothing that covers my specific case.
Other particulars:
Silverlight 2
My default.aspx:
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My requirement is
users will be able to browser the audio file using file upload control and two button will be displayed 'Play' and 'Stop'.
site should have the capability to play audio file in any format.
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Aug 25, 2010
I am trying to get this to work for quite some time now. I have an page in which I am trying to play a wav file. The code in the page load event is as follows:
Response.ContentType = "audio/wav"
Response.AppendHeader("Content-Disposition", "inline;filename=" + "temp.wav")
Dim filePath As String = Server.MapPath("/temp.wav")
If Not String.IsNullOrEmpty(filePath) Then
'Here I am converting the file to a byte array,as eventually I'll be creating the wav files on the fly
Dim fileBytes As Byte() = GetFileBytes(filePath)
End If
The problem I am having is every time I run this page, the windows media player opens up. I would like the audio to be played using some inbuilt plugin in the browser. Something like, when you click on a voice icon, how the sound pops up without opening any player.
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<script type="text/javascript">
function aud_play_pause() {
var myAudio = document.getElementById("myTune");
var musicStartTime = 25;
var musicStopTime = 35;
[Code] ....
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What I want to do is fire a javascript event on the client when a button is pressed to change the Silverlight media player media source and then play the newly selected file.
I found what seemed like a pretty straightforward example on the site that looked like this:
However, when I run it, I get an error "undefinedObject doesn't support this property or method".
I've confirmed that the client-side id I am using is correct, and I have tried using document.GetElementByID in place of $find (which is what I use elsewhere on the site successfully; my javascript kung fu is weak and I'm not precisely sure what the difference
might be) but it still doesn't work. It all seems like it should work as it was presented in the example, but I only get that error.
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me.Position = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(me.Position.TotalSeconds + 2);
me.Position = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(me.Position.TotalSeconds - 2);
while i change the position continuously MediaElement is getting End. For a example i am playing a 5min file i am changing the position some 20 times forward and backward ,the MediaElement is getting End Automatically.
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Jan 20, 2010
We have a commerce site we're attempting to get 3D Secure (Verified by VISA/Mastercard Securecode) set up with.
We are using DataCash as our payment provider.
We are seeing the following issue:
Some cards that are enrolled in these schemes are being successfully shown the 3D Secure pages, others are failing, and talking to the issuing banks hasn't helped as they are telling us they haven't seen the transaction.
We are getting messages from servers like "" stating:
Your authentication could not be completed because of a system error. If this happens consistently, please contact your CSR".
Or from "":
You cannot access this page.
This may be due to one of two reasons:
The FI you are trying to access is deactivated The access to the FI is restricted for specific IP addresses, and your address is not one of them.
Has anyone else seen these errors returned from the verifying banks, and how can I resolve it?
I'm trying to get further details of any pattern to the successes and failures.
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