State Management :: How To Abandon A User's Previous Session

Jun 11, 2010

In my ASP.NET application I need to allow only one session for a user ? When a user does login more than once, I want to get to user's previous session and abandon it. I'm keeping track of all user sessions by means of session id. But Session.Abandon is available only for the current session associated with a request and not previous sessions. I have the session id of the user's previous session but how can I end it ?

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Similar Messages:

State Management :: How To Abandon The Session When The User Closes The Browser Window

Jan 7, 2011

How do I abandon the session when the user closes the browser window instead of pressing the logout button in ASP.Net 3.5 application.

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State Management :: How To Abandon A Session From Web Service

Dec 8, 2010

on click of logout button, i want to call a web service method that will get that particular user's session and call its abandon method. But how can i pass that session variable to that web method ?

Calling of web method is done through java script.

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State Management :: Session.Abandon() In Not Working In A Few Cases?

Jun 29, 2010

Session.Abandon() in not working ASP.NET 2.0 (C#) in a few cases. In the same application its working fine in other places.

< sessionState
timeout="20" />

The session mode is "SateServer".

View 7 Replies

State Management :: Same SessionID Is Generated After Session.Abandon

Mar 30, 2010

How to get rid of Session.sessionID when abandoning the session?

Scenario : I abandon a session and create a new session again. This time the sessionID generated remains the same as earlier.

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State Management :: Session Abandon - Page_load Event Not Hitting?

Mar 16, 2011

i allow my admin to login from his login page and login information verified and stored into an session after that, he visited into an client page, there is an logout button this will visible whether session has the user id or admin user id else it'll be invisible.

now the scenario is:
1. admin logged into admin page
2. then in the address bar type the client page name
3. now the client page is check whether has the userid or admin user id in Session, now the session has admin user id so, its show the Logout button.
4. from this client page, the admin clicks on Logout button, here i have Abandon the session and moved into the admin login page.5. now again admin types the same client page name in the address bar from his login page(but now he didnt logged in).6. this time i set the break point on client page_load event but its not hitting the event also its visible the Logout button, how its not hitting the page_load event and why the logout button is visible after loggedout.

View 18 Replies

State Management :: Trying To Determine The Previous Page Of A User?

Feb 9, 2011

Ok so I am working on a control that when the user comes from a specific website then it will be a certain action. What would be the easiest way to do this?

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State Management :: Show Previous Page Data In Next Page Using Session Variable

Jan 19, 2011

I want to show my data in next page with well formated in table.I all ready write code for session which show data in next page.but i want to show it in table format and i also want to comapre in database for a price and show too. this is my code for next page:


this code show me data but as i say iwant it in table format and want to comapare session varibles in database i want to show price accoding that particular product. The Pervious page code:


View 4 Replies

State Management :: Accessing Session State In A User Control?

Sep 1, 2010

We have a web site that implements a custom SiteMapProvider using a User Control added in the master page. I need to be able to limit the sitemap nodes added depending on the logged in user, that is, certain users should not see certain sitemap nodes. Currently, the login processing code determines if users are in the certain category or role and then sets a value in session state, for example, Session["UserInRoleXXX"] = "Yes"; I tried changing the code in the user control to check the session state, but I got the following error: NullReferenceException ... Object reference not set to an instance of an object." Can session state be accessed in a user control?

View 6 Replies

State Management :: Session - User Closes Browser, The Session Does Not Get Killed?

Jul 15, 2010

I have a website live in

now if user closes browser. the session does not get killed.

I spoke with friend and he said that cannot be done as sessions are on server.

but i see banking website who kills session when browser is closed.

View 10 Replies

State Management :: How To End User's Session

Mar 15, 2011

I have a very basic application with user authentication. I also have a grid in my masterpage that shows all the users logged on. However, after a user logs out, it still shows them to be logged on in the users grid for the duration of the session, which is 20 mins. How do I get the grid to exclude users who've logged out? Here's the code behind for the grid:


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State Management :: Destroying A Session Of A User From Another User

Apr 23, 2010

I am a little bit new at handling multiple sessions congruently.

Basically i have created a chat application. In which i have a moderator page.

Now the moderator has the privilege to block particular users from the chat. Every user including the moderator has a session variable defined as Session["UserID"].

e.g for the username "moderator" the Session["UserID"]=moderator.

Now as i am logged in as the moderator how do i delete the session of a particular user whom i want to block the chat from commencing.

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State Management :: Access User Details Throughout Website Using Session?

Jul 28, 2010

when we accept user details in a login page and i want to use login details throughout the website.....can we do like this


string s=session["uname"].tostring(); this is in first page

string str=session["uname"].tostring(); this is my second web page

it is giving error

we can't access in other pages

View 5 Replies

State Management :: How To Store A Large Amount Of Data In User's Session

Sep 29, 2010

I need to store a large amount of data in user's session but I guess using Session Object is not the best way of doing that. Is there any other way around??? Remember I don't have small variables to store, I have large collections.

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State Management :: Use Session (User) In FormView Select Command String?

Jan 1, 2011

Parser Error

Description: An error occurred during the parsing of a resource required to service this request. review the following specific parse error details and modify your source file appropriately.

Parser Error Message: Server tags cannot contain <% ... %> constructs.

Source Error:


Source File: /Dec-12/myprofile.aspx Line: 101

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State Management :: Redirect User To Login Page If Session Is Null?

Sep 7, 2010

i have 2 page,

1.login.aspx --- 2.welcome.aspx

in my login.aspx im storing username into sesssion as below:

Session["usernm"] = txtUsername.Text;
in my welcome.aspx page
in page_load event
if (Session["usernm"]==null)

here if i manulally paste the url ( http://localhost:4125/Loginado/welcome.aspx) it should go to login.aspx for user credentials

but its going directly to welcome.aspx page.

View 5 Replies

State Management :: Handle Session End Event For Web Application When User Closes His Browser?

Oct 20, 2010

I need to handle "session end" event for my web application when user closes his browser. Session is stored in Sql.

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State Management :: ReNew Life Time Of The Session Of Page.User.Identity.UserId?

Feb 23, 2011

i have Using aspnetmembership

i want to know how i can ReNew The Life Time Of Page.User.Identity.UserId Session, , how i can increase the Time Of this session ??

i want this scenario in case when the user LogOn for 15 minutes , then the page refreshed ,then renew the TimeOut Of Session by adding addtional 15 minutes and so on

note that im using Page.User.Identity.UserId Session

View 2 Replies

State Management :: Error :Session State Has Created A Session Id, But Cannot Save It?

Nov 18, 2010

I read the solutioin for this error, at the following link : I am still not clear what exactly causes the error. I have two doubts :1. Can anyone please elaborate a bit on this issue, with any example ????2. Is there any drawback of this approach ?

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State Management :: Passing Session Value / When User Chooses Some Products In His Cart, He Is Prompted To Enter Login Details?

May 27, 2010

I am working on a site in which some pages are to be run on secured server(ie https) & some on non-secured(ie http) eg Login, User Information, etc. will be run under https & View cart, etc. are to be run on http. Now, when user chooses some products in his cart, he is prompted to enter login details. After he fills in his login detail(ie in https), he is redirected to Checkout. But here the Session doesn't picks the value and it shows Session[UserID] value null. So, rather then redirecting to Checkout it shows MyAccount page. Does anyone know how to pass Session Value from https to http.

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State Management :: How To Keep Current User Session When Redirected To Sub Domain From Main Domain

Feb 17, 2011

I have also installed SSL on a subdomain. I have put payment page under this sub domain.

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State Management :: Session Mode State Server - Sending Asynchronous Request

Nov 5, 2010

Customer were getting "View State Validation Error" due to worker process recycling at our production webserver and to fix that i applied machinekey and then move my Session state Mode from In Proc to State Server to retain session data and not kick out the customer to relogin. I had serialization issue with one object which has to be stored in session but when i moved it out of session i could able to resolve the issue.

But doing all these i was partly successfull in keeping the user in their session when Worker Process recycle event occurs.I was able to refresh the page or make a post back by clicking the refresh button and also able to retain the session values. But the Problem occurs when sending asynchronous request to server which we do periodically every 15 minutes from the moment the user logs in.The web page doesnot update data on website when sending asynchronous request.By Debugging I found at this particular code point it fails to make a postback which is required.

<%=GetHintFromServer%> (When there is no Worker Process recycle i t gets replaced by
WebForm_DoCallback('__Page',message,ShowHint,null,null,false) on postback) Everything works fine when there is no Worker Process Recyling but when it happens looks like sending request asynchronously using javascript fails .Remember When I make a post back by manually clicking submit button everything works fine.

function SendRequest(msg, isBusy, chartMsg, vesselMsg)
_busy = isBusy;
if(chartMsg != null)
_element.SetMessage(true, chartMsg);
if(vesselMsg != null)
_element.ShowVesselLoading(true, vesselMsg);
_stuckWatchdog = setTimeout( "ClearPendingRequest();", 60000);
var message = msg;
var context = '';
alert( "Exception error on SendRequest(): " + e);

View 2 Replies

State Management :: Unable To Serialize The Session State In 'StateServer' And 'SQLServer' Mode

Dec 12, 2010

I am new to .net 4.0 and am using EF Model and SessionState Mode=SqlServer and I am getting this error below:

Unable to serialize the session state. In 'StateServer' and 'SQLServer' mode, ASP.NET will serialize the session state objects, and as a result non-serializable objects or MarshalByRef objects are not permitted. The same restriction applies if similar serialization is done by the custom session state store in 'Custom' mode.

I checked the stack trace and its complaining about

[assembly: global::System.Data.Objects.DataClasses.EdmSchemaAttribute()]
[assembly: global::System.Data.Objects.DataClasses.EdmRelationshipAttribute("PoplarGroveModel", "tblMenuRole", "tblMenu", global::System.Data.Metadata.Edm.RelationshipMultiplicity.Many, typeof(PoplarGroveDataModel.Menu), "tblRole",


I marked it as serializable but then it complains about System.Data.Objects.ObjectContext is not marked as serializable and hence throws the same error.

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State Management :: Recreate State Session Database In SQL Server 2008?

Apr 5, 2010

Our ASP.NET App uses ASP State Session Management and has been rebuilt about 2 years ago [With .NET Framework 2.0]. We are currently in .NET framework 3.5 and have moved to SQL Server 2008 - but continue to use the same ASPState database. The State database has been upgraded to SQL Server 2008. Since then we have are seeing timouts/locks on ASPStateTempSessions table. I am wondering if we have to rebuild this database from scratch with some newer scripts?

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State Management :: Asp Create New Session State Cookie Each Time On Debugging?

Jan 21, 2011

I'm using the following line of code to display the number of users currently logged on:

lblNoOfUsers.Text = Membership.GetNumberOfUsersOnline().ToString()

I'm still debugging my application so it's on the local server. As I debug and stop then debug again, eventually lblNoOfUsers.text turns to "0" instead of "1", even as I'm navigating my application. It only turns to "1" again if I log out and sign back in. It's almost as though Membership.GetNumberOfUsersOnline my login are referencing two different session states. How is this possible? Does create a new session state cookie each time I start debugging?

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