State Management :: How To Store A Large Amount Of Data In User's Session

Sep 29, 2010

I need to store a large amount of data in user's session but I guess using Session Object is not the best way of doing that. Is there any other way around??? Remember I don't have small variables to store, I have large collections.

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State Management :: Storing Temporary And Large Amount Of Data?

Jun 9, 2010

I have a scenario for which I wanted the best solution in c#. My application allows users to retrieve search data from database, this data is the users own temporary list of records which they can search, delete records or select them. All these actions are only on users temporary data list and not on the data base. I have currently carried out this functionality using data table which is stored in session. This method is causing problems when huge amounts of data is held in session (eg: 7000 records). I need a best possible solution for this. Is creating temporary tables an option? Can it be assigned to particular user sessions? Please point me to the right direction and right articles.

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State Management :: Storing Large Data In Session State?

Sep 18, 2010

We have a scenario where we need to store large tables of data on Session in page. on a highlevel we have to store following data

1> A table (table 1) with 1000 rows and 8 to 10 columns.

2> A table(table 2) with 500 rows and 8 to 10 columns (actually user can add the data from table 1 to table 2, so as user keeps on adding from table 1 we remove the data and put it in table 2)

3> Another table(table 3) with 1000-1200 rows each having 3 columns.

We are having a webfarm, so we need to store it in either SateServer of Oracle DB,What would be the performance implications of storing such huge data on the server.

One more thing is at any point of time max of 70 -80 people will be accessing our website, so will this cause any performance degradation?

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(String or binary data would be truncated The statement has been terminated.) I know that text and nvarchar can store 8000 character

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State Management :: Large Session Object Losing Value?

May 10, 2010

I have a application where I am saving off into session the user privilege information. From a grid I am bring up a new window by using the It seems that it is whiping out the values in session. A temporary bandaid I have placed on it is to recall the database if the value is nothing to reset the user object. I have found all over the internet that this is an issue with the in IE 7 and IE 8. Has anyone else run into this and able to actually fix it?

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State Management :: Use Session To Store Code - How To Use Cookies

Aug 5, 2010

I am using session to strore code

if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.QueryString["c"]))
System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Session["Code"] = Request.QueryString["c"];
System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Session["Code"] = "GR";

Instead of session,now I want to use cookies.

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Apr 21, 2010

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and i wish to put both in one session variable and then retrieve it to get one array like:


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Apr 23, 2010

I'm looking store an ArrayList into a session variable, but am having a few problems. Can you spot anything wrong?

public partial class _Default : System.Web.UI.Page { ArrayList score = new ArrayList(); protected void twist2(object sender, EventArgs e) { int a = 11; int c = RandomNumber(a); score.Add(c); score = (ArrayList)Session["scoreData"]; Result.Text = (c).ToString(); String Result_id = Result.Text; int total = 0; //Session["scoreData"] = score; for (int i = 0; i < score.Count; ++i) { total += (int)score[i]; } Sum.Text = (total).ToString(); String Sum_id = Sum.Text; }

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Apr 26, 2010

I have a object of Class named "Employee" I need to store the object in the session. what happens if i do not serialize the object and store in the session.

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May 21, 2010

I want to use something better thatn using the session to store global values, because it has somw problems

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State Management :: Store Session Values In Page_load

Dec 3, 2010

I have two pages

First one is registration page.second one is Gridview page.

When i click on submitt button,the data will store in gridview.

If i want to update the data,click edit will navigate to registration page with concer data.

I wrote code in first page as


In second page gridview as


Now the problem isWhen click on edit,data is stored in concern textboxes.but i open first page it diplays session did not show empty textboxes.I want empty form wen i request first page and wen i click on edit it will store entire data in textboxes with update buttonand client id and client code readonly property to do it?

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Nov 9, 2010

I need to store viewstate in session to optimize my page performance on postback.

I am developing ASP.Net Website, using Visual Studio 2008.

I created a class named "BasePage" under "App_Code".


Now, I know if I inherit this class in all of my pages, that will work but I am looking to do this through Config file.

Is there any way that I can write something in Config file to use this class for all the pages?

so that if I want to remove, I can simply remove from config file and I do not need to compile my whole project again.

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State Management :: Store And Retrieve Multiple Values In A Single Session Variable?

Aug 24, 2010

I want to store employee name,designation and department in session variable and retrieve in another page how to do this.

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Perform User Management (store User Info, Login , Logout Etc) Without Using Session Or Cookie?

Dec 1, 2010

Is it possible to perform user management (store user info, login , logout etc) without using session or cookie?

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State Management :: Option To Store Confidential Information In A Page?Control,Session,QueryString Etc?

Jan 20, 2011

Which is best option to store confidential information in a page?Control,Session,QueryString etc ... ?And also the performance also should be good ... ?

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State Management :: Accessing Session State In A User Control?

Sep 1, 2010

We have a web site that implements a custom SiteMapProvider using a User Control added in the master page. I need to be able to limit the sitemap nodes added depending on the logged in user, that is, certain users should not see certain sitemap nodes. Currently, the login processing code determines if users are in the certain category or role and then sets a value in session state, for example, Session["UserInRoleXXX"] = "Yes"; I tried changing the code in the user control to check the session state, but I got the following error: NullReferenceException ... Object reference not set to an instance of an object." Can session state be accessed in a user control?

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State Management :: Session - User Closes Browser, The Session Does Not Get Killed?

Jul 15, 2010

I have a website live in

now if user closes browser. the session does not get killed.

I spoke with friend and he said that cannot be done as sessions are on server.

but i see banking website who kills session when browser is closed.

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Web Forms :: Store Large Data Using DataTables In Session Variables?

Apr 30, 2013

if i want to get multiple values from database and pass this dataset to another page can we use session to store the dataset values..i knw we can..but some one says that its not a gud approach..this will cause server process it true?if it so then wat are all the other ways to do that?

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State Management :: How To End User's Session

Mar 15, 2011

I have a very basic application with user authentication. I also have a grid in my masterpage that shows all the users logged on. However, after a user logs out, it still shows them to be logged on in the users grid for the duration of the session, which is 20 mins. How do I get the grid to exclude users who've logged out? Here's the code behind for the grid:


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State Management :: Destroying A Session Of A User From Another User

Apr 23, 2010

I am a little bit new at handling multiple sessions congruently.

Basically i have created a chat application. In which i have a moderator page.

Now the moderator has the privilege to block particular users from the chat. Every user including the moderator has a session variable defined as Session["UserID"].

e.g for the username "moderator" the Session["UserID"]=moderator.

Now as i am logged in as the moderator how do i delete the session of a particular user whom i want to block the chat from commencing.

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State Management :: Public Variable Vs Session Variable To Store Logged In UserID

May 17, 2010

I have a web application which uses a session variable to store the logged in userid. If no user is logged in, of course this variable will be empty and the contents displayed on my website are meant for guests. If there is a user logged in, the user specific controls/access/links will then be a displayed.

I am now having issues with my hosting where on shared application pool, the worker recycle is triggered every 90 minutes, this will clear sessions causing all my users to be logged out. I opted for a dedicated application pool, which got worse because I am only allocated 50MB memory limit and if this is reached, the worker recycle is triggered and I lose my sessions again. I have tried as much as possible optimization techniques, e.g. dispose where possible, close connections, disable viewstate for static controls etc but my memory per instance keeps building up from page to page without any signs of improvement. I don't use loops nor store huge objects like bitmaps etc but my sessions are now gone even faster than 90 minutes in shared application pool before.

I have considered using SQL Session State but there isn't a simple guide on using this with MySQL. I am getting desperate and considering using a public variable, a string as a replacement to store logged in user id instead of in a session variable. I am pretty sure this will solve my issue with sessions being recycled but are there any negative consequences of doing this? One problem I can think of is if the user closes the browser, the system will never know that the user is now logged out and this public variable should be nothing. In this scenario, will the GC eventually clear this abandoned public variable.

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State Management :: How To Abandon A User's Previous Session

Jun 11, 2010

In my ASP.NET application I need to allow only one session for a user ? When a user does login more than once, I want to get to user's previous session and abandon it. I'm keeping track of all user sessions by means of session id. But Session.Abandon is available only for the current session associated with a request and not previous sessions. I have the session id of the user's previous session but how can I end it ?

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State Management :: Access User Details Throughout Website Using Session?

Jul 28, 2010

when we accept user details in a login page and i want to use login details throughout the website.....can we do like this


string s=session["uname"].tostring(); this is in first page

string str=session["uname"].tostring(); this is my second web page

it is giving error

we can't access in other pages

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State Management :: How To Abandon The Session When The User Closes The Browser Window

Jan 7, 2011

How do I abandon the session when the user closes the browser window instead of pressing the logout button in ASP.Net 3.5 application.

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