State Management :: How To Detect The Session Cookies Enabled/Disabled

Aug 10, 2010

using ASP.NET 2.0 VB.NET how to detect if the session cookies are enabled?

I know how to detect the cookies in general but you can set IE to block the cookies and accept the session cookies...How to detect this?

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Similar Messages:

State Management :: Cookies Are Disabled In Browser?

Mar 10, 2011

What will happen if cookies are disabled in my browser, will the session(sessionid and session variables) still be created?

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State Management :: Cookies Are Disabled At The Clients Environment?

Nov 24, 2010

if cookies are disabled at the clients enviorment, what should we use to store the global data or the sessional data, for example now i use APPLICATION["VarName"]=Value;

To store the data, how is it different from


Also if both dont work when cookies disabled , what is the best approach to store the global data

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Control Initial Enabled State For Dependant Controls That Are Enabled / Disabled By JQuery?

Jan 3, 2010

So far, I've seen (and I'm using the following) scripts to show/hide a div or other controls depending on another control in ASP.NET

$('[id$=myRadio_0]').click(function() { $('[id$=myDiv]').show(); });
$('[id$=myRadio_1]').click(function() { $('[id$=myDiv]').hide(); });
and of course, my div in html like
<div id="myDiv" runat="server" visible="false">

and that works fine when the user selects either option of the radiobuttonlist. However, when I assign that radiobuttonlist a value of 1 or yes on my Page_Load on code behind, that isn't (and probably can't be) caught by jQuery, and my div remains invisible even though the control has a value of Yes/1. So, do I need to set the visibility of that div from code behind, or is there a way in jQuery to force a scan of these dependencies after i've set the values for the main controls in code behind?

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Is It Possible To Detect If Cookies Are Disabled In One Round Trip

Aug 4, 2010

If I disable javascript and cookies, [URL] detects that cookies are disabled without a redirect. If you click the cart link, there's only a get on the cart page.

I'm guessing [URL] is most likely not using ASP.NET, but how would you accomplish detecting disabled cookies using ASP.NET without the use of javascript and redirecting? Is it possible to detect if cookies are disabled in one round trip?

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State Management :: Set Session Using Cookies?

May 12, 2010

i have 3 pages, lets say pageA, pageB and pageC.

1 . From "pageB", i'm sending some data to "pageA" and and retriving the result with using HTTPWebRequest and HTTPWebResponse classes. I have no problem with this

2. pageA fills some session data, like Session["CustomerInfo"] .

3. After retrving some data from "pageA", I'm redirecting from "pageB" to "pageC".

At PageC, i want to use session variables which i fill at "pageA":

At pageB, i get the CookieContainer of the HTTPWebRequest object and it retrives correct SessionId.

And here is the code that redirects pageB to pageC:

foreach (Cookie cookie in SessionCookieContainer.GetCookies(new Uri(http://localhost/bla/bla)))
Response.Cookies.Add(new HttpCookie(cookie.Name, cookie.Value));
Request.Cookies.Add(new HttpCookie(cookie.Name, cookie.Value));

At pageC , Request.Cookies and Response.Cookies are set truly, as i sent them from pageB, but there is nothing in the session. Session.Count is zero. And SessionId is different from the value which is stored in cookies.

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State Management :: Use Session To Store Code - How To Use Cookies

Aug 5, 2010

I am using session to strore code

if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.QueryString["c"]))
System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Session["Code"] = Request.QueryString["c"];
System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Session["Code"] = "GR";

Instead of session,now I want to use cookies.

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State Management :: How To Clear Session Variables,cookies On Page_load

Dec 21, 2010

I have 4 webpages. In those pages, i am using session variables,viewstates,cookies. I am passing session variables,viewstates to different pages. Now the problem is sometimes i am getting the old cookie values or session values. I want to clear all these things when i close the browser or if i open a new tab of browser.

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State Management :: Create A Logout Page With Clear Session And Cookies?

Nov 20, 2010

how to create a logout page that clears the session and cookies??? using c# .net...

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State Management :: How To Detect Session Time Out And Redirect To Login Page In .net Website

Jan 8, 2010

I have one website in which there is one page along with one ascx as registered into it. In the ascx where user can add some order details and click on "Make Payment" button, then there are following 2 cases...Case I: If user was not logged in, then a modal popup will open which has login ascx with 2 buttons Register & Login. In this case user either Login or Register and continue with "Make Payment".

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AJAX :: Save Button Enabled / Disabled State Not Refreshed On Screen?

Feb 28, 2011

I have an ajax enabled form that looks like this:



As you can see in the OnPreRender event, the Save button gets enabled or disabled depending on whether the datagrid is in edit mode or not. When I step in the code, it operates correctly in the code, but it does not get reflected correctly on the screen. That is, even when btnSave.Enabled set to true in the code, the browser displays the disabled button. Any idea why this might be happening?

View 9 Replies

How Does Session Handling Work / Sessions Eat Up All Memory If Cookies Are Disabled

Oct 28, 2010

In my project I have configured .NET's sessions to go into database.

I also have a global.asax which implements Session_Start().

In Session_Start() I write three things to the session:

The time the session started.

The user's host address.

A serializable device object wrapping the user's agent.

The problem is now that users which don't allow cookies won't allow session cookies either.

(Easily reproducable by putting the site URL to the restricted sites of IE).

If I keep on refreshing (put finger on F5) a new session is created for every request (-> no session cookie). Shortly, the web server process grows to some hundred megabytes.

It does not matter if you use IIS7 or Cassini Local Webserver.

The issue is now: the memory does not get released until the sessions time out. What is the logic here if sessions should really go to database? How long will .NET keep them in memory? Eventually, you'll even get Out Of Memory exceptions!

Anybody know? How to detect and prevent such (almost malicious) "attacks"?

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State Management :: How To Use And Access Cookies

Apr 23, 2010

how to create cookies in . and how to access them ?

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State Management :: Sharing Cookies Between IE7 And FF3.6.6?

Jul 12, 2010

In my website I am maintaining cookies for the login so that if I open the browser again then no need to login again.

But when I am switching browser(from ie to ff or viceversa) then the cookies are lost and the user is not identified, I want to maintain them in this scenario also.

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State Management :: Cookies Are Not Working?

Oct 17, 2010



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State Management :: Can't Change CSS Styles When Viewstate Is Enabled

Jan 5, 2011

I've inherited a project and in effort to beautify it, I'm replacing an image based menu bar with a CSS based bar. When you click on a button it takes you to the appropriate page.

Currently in the OnInit() it checks what page you're on and then changes the URL of the image for the appropriate button to be the "active" image for that button:

btnFacilities.ImageUrl = "menu_front_facilities.gif";

Pretty simple, and works fine, but it's a pain to add new items, because I need to create a new image and if I want to change the look, I have to create a whole new slew of buttons.

I have built out the CSS menu using basic UL and LI and all the hovers and links work fine. My issue comes when I want to set the "active" item. The way the CSS works is by either setting the CLASS of the active item to "active" or I could easily change it to set the ID of the item to "active", but in either case the viewstate crashes on any posts because the object is not the same as it was when the page loaded, since the style is updated when the OnInit(); event goes off.

I've tried both setting the class name:

menuFacilities.Attributes.Add("class", "active");
as well as directly applying the CSS style:
menuFacilities.Style.Add("background", "#1376c9 url('images/topnav_active.gif') repeat-x;");

Both work fine on the initial page load, but once I click anything that posts, it crashes with a viewstate failure.

If I set the enableviewstate="false" then it works fine between different page loads, but not if I post to the same page (ie submit a search form)

I can't figure out how to handle the "active" object. For some reason the image URL works for asp:Imagebuttons

Here's what one of the items in the menu looks like (pretty simple stuff here):

<li id="menuFacilities" runat="server" ><a href="#">Facilities</a>
<span id="submenuFacilities" runat="server" enableviewstate="false">

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State Management :: How To Display Cookies On Different Page

Sep 9, 2010

I'm working in vb language and I would like to know how to store the values of controls (textboxes, selected items of combo boxes etc) so that I will be able to display them on a different page. I was using cookies but it's not working.

Page 1

Protected Sub btnSubmit_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnSubmit.Click
Response.Cookies("FirstName").Value = txtFirstName.Text.ToString()
Response.cookies("Date").value = cboDate.selectedItem.Text.ToString()
Response.Cookies("FirstName").Expires = DateTime.Now.AddDays(1)
Response.Cookies("Date").Expires = DateTime.Now.AddDays(1)
End Sub

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State Management :: How To Read & Write Cookies

Aug 24, 2010

code for read write cookies in

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State Management :: Set Cookies To Identify That Machine?

Sep 20, 2010

I tried to set a Cookies by Response.Chookies("chookie1") into a user's machine and found difficult to get the Cookies by Request.Chookies("chookie1"). I think that is because the person used various cs(User-Agent) (browser names?). Here are some of them:


In such case, how can I set Cookies to identify that machine?

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State Management :: Cookies - Storing Max Records?

Apr 6, 2010

I am developing questionare web site, where user has to answer around 55 questions. Its basically a check / uncheck option. So when user submit I store the value in DB.

The issue I am facing is if user selectes all the option, cookie value is lost. I see only 50 records can be stored (Request.Cookies.AllKeys)

Even the SessionID value is lost.Any solution / work around.

I need to store in the client side only. because if the user choose all options and do not submit. The values can be stored in the cookie and later point if he comes back we can read and give to him


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State Management :: Cookies Not Remember On Firefox?

Nov 12, 2010

We are facing a very strange issue, which is senseless. We have dedicated test server and live server. cookies work properly both on IE and firefox locally. when we deploy it on dedicated test server, It also work their on both browsers. But as soon we deploy it to our live dedicated server, it works properly on IE, but firefox does not remember cookies. Here i want to tell you one more thing that both test setver and live server configurations are same. they both are 64 bit machines. Waiting for ur responses.

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State Management :: Config Example To Save Cookies

Apr 19, 2010

Can someone show me what I need to do to allow cookies:
I have this code after I "authenticate" the user (my own Login Control, & code to authenticate).
If the user checks the "Remember Me" checkbox I am trying to set a cookie with this:

// add 1 month
DateTime expireDate = currentDate.AddMonths(1);
// set the cookie
HttpCookie cookie = new

cookie.Value = customer.UserName;
cookie.Expires = expireDate;
cookie.Domain = "";


When I go to retrieve the cookie the value is not there. It worked once, then I closed the browser and it disappeared (the cookie was no longer there).I went to GMail & there cookie worked so I am pretty sure the problem is my web.config, but most of the examples for Forms Authentication want you to "authenticate" with Forms Authentication, all I need is for cookies to work. I was able to do this real easy 12 years ago in Class Asp using Visual Interdev, & thought that product sucked compared to Visual Studio 2008 today, but if progress makes a cookie not work then something is wrong. This is not a bank site, or a matter of a life or death, it is just a time saver to sign someone in.

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State Management :: Where Cookies Are Stored In Window7

Mar 31, 2011

where cookies are stored in window7 created in technology?

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Trying To Detect Session State Timeout?

Apr 13, 2010

I am trying to detect a session state timeout in my application and am unable to do so. I have a base class that derives from System.Web.UI.Page as follows:-

public class BasePageSessionExpire : Page
override protected void OnInit(EventArgs e)
if (Context.Session != null)
if (Session.IsNewSession)
string szCookieHeader = Request.Headers["Cookie"];
if ((null != szCookieHeader) && (szCookieHeader.IndexOf("ASP.NET_SessionId") > 0))

All the pages I need session state checking on derive from this base class instead of "System.Web.UI.Page". Also, all these pages have EnableSessionState="True". I have a blank Session_Start() method in my global.asax file if that is relevant at all.

For some reason after the first request, the "Session.IsNewSession" property is always false. It is true only for the first request and then is always false. I have my timeout set to 1 minute. The session never seems to timeout. What am I missing here ?

Also I have implemented a state server in SQL Server 2008. This is not an in-proc session state implementation.

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State Management :: Textbox Is Enabled By Javascript Not Retained On Postback?

Nov 29, 2010

In my page, I need to enable a text box when user click on check box(checked). I have used javascript for this. It works fine but when there is postback for the page, the textbox becomes disabled again although the check box is checked. But the value in textbox still appears. Is there any method to retain the enabled state for text box on postback other than using hidden values?

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