State Management :: Use Session To Store Code - How To Use Cookies
Aug 5, 2010
I am using session to strore code
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.QueryString["c"]))
System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Session["Code"] = Request.QueryString["c"];
System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Session["Code"] = "GR";
Instead of session,now I want to use cookies.
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Similar Messages:
Sep 28, 2010
can i get few data from textboxes (like 12 text boxes) and store it in cookies? so the next time the user will not need to type the data again (so the data will place auto in the text boxes for the next times)
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May 12, 2010
i have 3 pages, lets say pageA, pageB and pageC.
1 . From "pageB", i'm sending some data to "pageA" and and retriving the result with using HTTPWebRequest and HTTPWebResponse classes. I have no problem with this
2. pageA fills some session data, like Session["CustomerInfo"] .
3. After retrving some data from "pageA", I'm redirecting from "pageB" to "pageC".
At PageC, i want to use session variables which i fill at "pageA":
At pageB, i get the CookieContainer of the HTTPWebRequest object and it retrives correct SessionId.
And here is the code that redirects pageB to pageC:
foreach (Cookie cookie in SessionCookieContainer.GetCookies(new Uri(http://localhost/bla/bla)))
Response.Cookies.Add(new HttpCookie(cookie.Name, cookie.Value));
Request.Cookies.Add(new HttpCookie(cookie.Name, cookie.Value));
At pageC , Request.Cookies and Response.Cookies are set truly, as i sent them from pageB, but there is nothing in the session. Session.Count is zero. And SessionId is different from the value which is stored in cookies.
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Dec 21, 2010
I have 4 webpages. In those pages, i am using session variables,viewstates,cookies. I am passing session variables,viewstates to different pages. Now the problem is sometimes i am getting the old cookie values or session values. I want to clear all these things when i close the browser or if i open a new tab of browser.
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Aug 10, 2010
using ASP.NET 2.0 VB.NET how to detect if the session cookies are enabled?
I know how to detect the cookies in general but you can set IE to block the cookies and accept the session cookies...How to detect this?
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Nov 20, 2010
how to create a logout page that clears the session and cookies??? using c# .net...
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Aug 24, 2010
here i have code for write cookies in computer but i dont know where is store in local pc , i know it write some where b'caz i can read this cookies also but where it save in local pchere is code
'Create a new cookie, passing the name into the constructor
Dim ContactId As New HttpCookie("ContactID")
Dim PWDID As New HttpCookie("PWDID")
View 3 Replies
May 20, 2010
I try to use some cookies in my website.
But it isn't working right now.... , maybe becuase he doensn't run at a domain and locally like:
But i like to be sure about this, and is my code ok?
The first one i run it , he runs the code between the if statemant.
The second one he has a cookie so he doesn't run the code between the if, but, the value of the coockie is null ?
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Apr 21, 2010
I have 2 arrays declared like this :
and i wish to put both in one session variable and then retrieve it to get one array like:
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Apr 23, 2010
I'm looking store an ArrayList into a session variable, but am having a few problems. Can you spot anything wrong?
public partial class _Default : System.Web.UI.Page { ArrayList score = new ArrayList(); protected void twist2(object sender, EventArgs e) { int a = 11; int c = RandomNumber(a); score.Add(c); score = (ArrayList)Session["scoreData"]; Result.Text = (c).ToString(); String Result_id = Result.Text; int total = 0; //Session["scoreData"] = score; for (int i = 0; i < score.Count; ++i) { total += (int)score[i]; } Sum.Text = (total).ToString(); String Sum_id = Sum.Text; }
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Apr 26, 2010
I have a object of Class named "Employee" I need to store the object in the session. what happens if i do not serialize the object and store in the session.
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May 21, 2010
I want to use something better thatn using the session to store global values, because it has somw problems
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Dec 3, 2010
I have two pages
First one is registration page.second one is Gridview page.
When i click on submitt button,the data will store in gridview.
If i want to update the data,click edit will navigate to registration page with concer data.
I wrote code in first page as
In second page gridview as
Now the problem isWhen click on edit,data is stored in concern textboxes.but i open first page it diplays session did not show empty textboxes.I want empty form wen i request first page and wen i click on edit it will store entire data in textboxes with update buttonand client id and client code readonly property to do it?
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i am currently storing my shopping cart in a datatable assigned to the session. but i wanted to know is it a good idea to store the GUID for the session shopping cart?
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Nov 9, 2010
I need to store viewstate in session to optimize my page performance on postback.
I am developing ASP.Net Website, using Visual Studio 2008.
I created a class named "BasePage" under "App_Code".
Now, I know if I inherit this class in all of my pages, that will work but I am looking to do this through Config file.
Is there any way that I can write something in Config file to use this class for all the pages?
so that if I want to remove, I can simply remove from config file and I do not need to compile my whole project again.
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Sep 29, 2010
I need to store a large amount of data in user's session but I guess using Session Object is not the best way of doing that. Is there any other way around??? Remember I don't have small variables to store, I have large collections.
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Aug 24, 2010
I want to store employee name,designation and department in session variable and retrieve in another page how to do this.
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Jan 20, 2011
Which is best option to store confidential information in a page?Control,Session,QueryString etc ... ?And also the performance also should be good ... ?
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Jul 3, 2010
know much about session management. I used only sessions variables in SignupForm, Forget Password. I dnt know how to code or login and logout via session. What is inproc and outproc.
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Jul 10, 2010
I would like to reuse in different classes the following code :
However i cannot add this code in App_Code because Session is not recognized in .cs classes.
Therefore i need to create resusable classes which will contain the previous code.
View 4 Replies
May 17, 2010
I have a web application which uses a session variable to store the logged in userid. If no user is logged in, of course this variable will be empty and the contents displayed on my website are meant for guests. If there is a user logged in, the user specific controls/access/links will then be a displayed.
I am now having issues with my hosting where on shared application pool, the worker recycle is triggered every 90 minutes, this will clear sessions causing all my users to be logged out. I opted for a dedicated application pool, which got worse because I am only allocated 50MB memory limit and if this is reached, the worker recycle is triggered and I lose my sessions again. I have tried as much as possible optimization techniques, e.g. dispose where possible, close connections, disable viewstate for static controls etc but my memory per instance keeps building up from page to page without any signs of improvement. I don't use loops nor store huge objects like bitmaps etc but my sessions are now gone even faster than 90 minutes in shared application pool before.
I have considered using SQL Session State but there isn't a simple guide on using this with MySQL. I am getting desperate and considering using a public variable, a string as a replacement to store logged in user id instead of in a session variable. I am pretty sure this will solve my issue with sessions being recycled but are there any negative consequences of doing this? One problem I can think of is if the user closes the browser, the system will never know that the user is now logged out and this public variable should be nothing. In this scenario, will the GC eventually clear this abandoned public variable.
View 10 Replies
May 12, 2010
I'm trying to set session variables in one page, and retrieve them in my code file in the page that it posts to.
I keep getting this error. I put the correct namespaces in, and enabledSessionState = true to my application files, but no luck.
Session state can only be used when enableSessionState is set to true, either in a configuration file or in the Page directive. make sure that System.Web.SessionStateModule or a custom session state module is included in the <configuration><system.web><httpModules> section in the application configuration.
I'm just calling a session variable, and I get that error
Public AUID As Integer = Convert.ToInt16(Session("AUID"))
View 9 Replies
Feb 11, 2010
It has been a while since I've built an entire ASP.NET web application from the ground up but I'm about to jump in again. I've built many individual pages, controls, web parts, etc. recently, but nothting 'soup to nuts' for a couple of years. My question is in regards to login security control. I do not want to use the built in ASP.NET Memberhip functionality for various reasons and already have custom code that authenticates the user, controls passwords, login attempts, etc. I am really concerned though about how to validate that the user is logged in (and the best way to do it). For instance, right now I use a Base page that all of my .aspx pages inherit from. In the OnInit() method, it executes code which includes:
I set the Session["LoggedIn"] object to "true" after the user has successfully been authenticated at the Login.aspx page. So, when a user attempts to access any page in the application, if that Session object isn't true, they will be redirected (you can't visit any page without being logged in). This all works great, but I'm thinking I need something more and that brings me here. First, do I need more? Is this enough? I was thinking about creating a cookie with a GUID value and the SessionID (both encrypted perhaps?) and adding that to my Base page so it checks both the current Session["LoggedIn"] value
and the values in the cookie.
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Apr 23, 2010
how to create cookies in . and how to access them ?
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Jul 12, 2010
In my website I am maintaining cookies for the login so that if I open the browser again then no need to login again.
But when I am switching browser(from ie to ff or viceversa) then the cookies are lost and the user is not identified, I want to maintain them in this scenario also.
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