State Management :: How To Pass & In Query String
Aug 17, 2010I want to pass a value like default.aspx?product = jhonson&jhonson & id = 1what is solution for it.
View 8 RepliesI want to pass a value like default.aspx?product = jhonson&jhonson & id = 1what is solution for it.
View 8 RepliesI m facing some problem. i m not passing Dynamic string through query string..
I m using this code
string abc = "CPCB_" + TextBox1.Text + "_" + TextBox2.Text;
How to pass query string from one application to another application, i need to send values through one page of application to another application,I am using inprocess session state.
from loging page i need to send sessions to another applicaion but here sending sessions are some what diffcult (after googling).so is it possible through query strings???if yes How pass them please tell me the sample example.will it be possible through coockies?? or query strings. How
how do i add a new parameter to an existing query string?
now i need to add a new parameter say, showsearch.
Example scenario:
User login has a list of associated 'accounts' it has access to... this list of accounts is stored in a database table, say tblAccountAccessControl, something like:
login, accountID
userA, account123
userA, account456
userA, account798
userB, accountABC
userB, accountDEF
This info is used throughout the web application and determines the 'domain' of information the particular login has access to. For example there are many other tables that have the 'accountID' field and whenever a page pulls data from the table it only pulls data that the currently logged in user should be allowed to see, based on that tblAccountAccessControl data.
The security question:
Do I need to query the database every time I need to get this list of allowed accountID's? I was about to use a plain old query string to pass a particular accountID to another page but quickly caught myself as I realized that would be a major security flaw (the receiving page was going to use that accountID to grab info from the database, and there would be nothing preventing a user from simply typing in a url manually to get data from an accountID they are not supposed to be allowed to view). So I then thought I'll just store the list of accountID's in a session state variable so they will be carried with the user throughout the session.
But then I remembered there are tools out there that allow you to easily intercept and modify viewstate information and I'm not sure if that would included session state variables, but I'm guessing they would. Is there a way to create a secure query string? If I used session state would that session state information be exposed and modifyable by utilities out there? Am I just stuck having to query the database every time I need this info to assure security? What about encrypting it and then storing in session state variable (just thought of that one)?
developing a photogallery using datalist and custom numeric pagination.
I have assigned the CurrentPage Index of the PagedDataSource object by requesting "pid" value from QueryString .
On the pageload i hit the database once and store the filenames in ViewState but..
But the ViewState becomes null when the page is posted back with new query string value.
I have a query string which contains the value of more than one Array, I want to pass these values from Page 1 to Page 2 and then distribute the array values into new arrays on Page 2.
Here is what I have so far.
Page 1
Page 2
All that I get returned in EFFinal and IFFinal is System.String?
In my Application_BeginRequest I have code that gets query string value ?c=FR or ?c=US and store it in cookies.Based on query string value I have either US or FR,locale is selected from locale table.If ?c=FR then locale will be fr-FR and if it is US then locale will be en-US.My code is below.
void Application_BeginRequest(object sender, EventArgs e)
LocalizationInfo loc = GetLocalizationInfo();
if (Request.Cookies["Localization"] == null)
Response.Cookies.Add(new HttpCookie("Localization"));
Response.Cookies["Localization"]["Country"] = loc.Country;
CultureInfo objCI = new CultureInfo(loc.Locale);
Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = objCI;
Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture = objCI;
public static LocalizationInfo GetLocalizationInfo()
string countryCode = "";
string sLocale = "";
if (HttpContext.Current.Response.Cookies["Localization"]["Country"] != null)
countryCode = HttpContext.Current.Response.Cookies["Localization"]["Country"];
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(HttpContext.Current.Request.QueryString["c"]))
countryCode = HttpContext.Current.Request.QueryString["c"];
if (countryCode == "")
countryCode = "US";
sLocale = HertzRent2Buy.DataProvider.ListData.GetLocale(countryCode);
LocalizationInfo ret = new LocalizationInfo();
ret.Country = countryCode;
ret.Locale = sLocale;
return ret;
public struct LocalizationInfo
public string Country;
public string Locale;
Now when I run the project and in query string I set [URL] then for the very first page(home page itself) it shows me French translation,but on subsequent page,that query string parameter ?c=FR is lost and hence it shows be English translation not French translation since it does not pickup French resx file.If I manually append ?c=FR in subsequent page then it shows the French translation.Is there is way how I can make that query stringparameter available in all pages.Structure is there to hold Country and locale variables. In all pages I am calling GetLocalizationInfo() method as follow
LocalizationInfo info = some.DataProvider.Globalization.GetLocalizationInfo();
And I create instance info to pass locale and country as parameter. GetProductDetails(id,info.Country,info.locale). why my query string parameters get lost on subsequent pages.
I have a simple page:
<form id="form1" runat="server">
<p><asp:TextBox id="input_box" runat="server"></asp:TextBox>
<asp:Button Text="OK" runat="server" OnClick="run" /></p>
I want to send input from input_box to a query string, and then keep this input in the input_box when the page reloads.
That's the code behind page:
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
input_box.Text = Request.QueryString["input"];
protected void run(object sender, EventArgs e)
string url = string.Format("?input={0}", input_box.Text);
Response.Redirect(Request.Url.AbsolutePath + url);
Problem is that when query string is not empty, string from input_box cannot be passed to query string. How to correct it?
I would like to pass vaule to the next aspx page. I am using sesseion variable, but I still get the error.
protected void sUBMIT_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
Session["PID"] = DdlPID.SelectedValue;
Session["GID"] = DdlGID.SelectedValue;
PID = (string)Session["PID"];
GID = (string)Session["GID"];
Next submit page
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (!IsPostBack)
LblPID.Text = PID;
LblGID.Text = GID;
ERROR: the name 'PID' does not exist in the current context.
i just want to it possible to me to pass session from VB to C#..??
my friend write website using vb for user to login..and after login..the program will redirect to my website which is write in it possible to get session data from VB..??
i have write this code..but cannot pass the sesion data..
code from VB
If (Username.Text = userID And password.Text = userPassword) Then
FormsAuthentication.RedirectFromLoginPage(Username.Text, True)
Session("OperID") = Username.Text
my program in c#
if (!Page.IsPostBack)
string OpenID = Session["OperID"].ToString();
welcome.Text = "Hello, " + OpenID;
I have QuoteNumber filed in Db.aspx(ddquote.txt) i want to pass this QuoteNumber values(values should to another web form/page i.e. mail.aspx when i click mail button, Message should supposed to display in textbox(txtQuote.txt) of mail.aspx form/page is "You are sending "QuoteNumber" quotation to "MailID",
View 6 Repliesis this also a technique to pass value from 1page to another?? is it also good for state management?
View 8 Repliesi need to pass the roll no from one page to another and have written the code but the code is not working
in the first page
Response.Redirect("userview.aspx?RollNo=" & TextBox1.Text)
then in the target page
dim rollno1 as string
Public Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)
I have some vales in my web page which i want to pass into my next pasge for further work.
how to find out a good method to pass my textbox values to next opening window.
i have a requirement where i need to pass values from page1 to page3. In page1 i have 3 textbox and 2 drobdownlist and one button named NEXT. In page2 i have 10 textboxs and button named Next button. In page3 i have 10 textboxs and Submit button. when Next button in page1 is clicked it goes to page2 and then to page3. In page3 i need to submit all the values of page1 and page2 to database. Is there any way to pass all the values of page1 and page2 to page3 without using sessions
View 7 RepliesI had created one array who's value I want to pass to different webpages in,
I am looking for session variable ,,,, Is this correct way ,,,, and hw to insert value in array and fetch from it using session variable
in one ascx page i'm using gridview.from that i'm selecting a cell value as follows
foreach (GridViewRow gvr in grdOrganization.Rows)
We are in the process of refactoring from cf to .net, so, I am working on the Login page and converting it from cf to .net. So, when I am autheticated and enter into our website, I need to redirect it to a cfm page (just temporary, since we will be refactoring that also eventually).
So, I am autheticated (using CustomMembership Provider model for sql server) and then when I redirect to the cfm, the app.cfm should validate the .net session variables. Here is where i am stuck:
I have the .net session variables in the aspx side:something like Session["UserId"].ToString() = Value from a login txt box (also authenticated against data in the database)
Session["UserName"].ToString() = Value from the db corresponding to the User Name entered in the text box.
So, now I have all the session variables in the .net side. Now, how do I retreive these .net session in the cf side? Any small peice of code to retrive the session variable in the application.cfm side would be great.
I have a report parameter page which contains many pop up windows for the parameter selection. For example, for driver , there is a pop up window called driver.aspx which contains a listbox that contains list of driver's name.
Now, for each of these pop up windows, i am passing the values of these windows as a session value.
Now, when a user logs in the system, there are many parameter pages for different reports which commonly share the same pop up windows if the parameters are same for different reports.
The problem now is,a user selects 10 drivers for report 1 and runs it. When he goes to report 2 and runs the report, the report 2 takes only those 10 drivers as the driver parameter value.
It means, the error can arise on the system because he may forgot that he have selected 10 drivers for previous report 1. User will not have time to recheck each previous selected values of different paramaters.
What i want is, when a person moves from one report page to another, i want to clear all the session values and adjust it as default for the new report .
I have a textbox with a date field in dd/MM/yyyy format.
I am passing it to popup page via query string. Problem being is that it is translated there as MM/dd/yyyy
How do I fetch the date correctly guys ? My code on parent page gridview
i want to pass values from html to aspx page.....Html PageTextBox 1 , TextBox 2 & onClick textBoxs values Pass to aspx Page...
View 4 RepliesA value needs to be passed from an application to another within the same domain. How we can do?
View 5 RepliesI have an update panel with a gridview. When the user hovers over one field in the gridview, a HoverMenuExtender pops up to display more detail of the row from the gridview. The gridview also has a button, that when clicked, uses server.transfer to pass some info via the method about the row selected.
I can't get these two to work together. Either the update panel will work with the hover menu, or the button in the gridview will work with server.transfer. Sys.WebForms.PageRequestManagerParserErrorException is the error
Found this article that talke about using Response.Redirect instead of Server.Transfer. But, that won't work for me because Response.Redirect doesn't work with passing data between pages.
So, what I'm trying to do is figure out how to set a button in my gridview to be asynchronus, but can't figure out how to do that with this button from my gridview.
This is how my modal popup looks like
The link AddPayment.aspx i need to change it to AddPayment.aspx?ID=something from code behind, how do i do that?