State Management :: Send Variables To Another ASPX Page

Apr 24, 2010

I know there are at least 2 ways to send Variables to another ASPX page.

The first way is the use <form> and <input type="hidden">

The second way is the put the variable(s) in the URL such as

Is there a 3rd way to send variables using VBScript inside the <script runat="server"> tag?

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State Management :: PageOne.aspx Uses Pagetwo.aspx Session Variables And Datatable Contents?

Mar 24, 2011

I have done a web appllication and when run simultaneously from different locations, the one that is started first would use the one that is started late's session variable and datatable contents. This is an exams web app and pageone.aspx results should never be used for pagetwo.aspx's results, because they are not the same questions.

What can I do to prevent this from happening. I am desperate, people are standing by to do exams and time is not on my side.

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State Management :: Use Variables From Aspx.vb In Parent Aspx?

Mar 11, 2011

Here is example of what I need:

default.aspx.vb on load:

Dim strA as String = "good title"


<a class='colorboxLogin_aspx' href="zamjenaslike.aspx" title="*****here should be value of strA******">

in old fashion .asp i jused <% =strA%> and it was great, what is alternative here?

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State Management :: Session Variables Destroyed With Each Page Load?

Apr 22, 2010

I'm using the beta version of Visual Studio 2010. I'm running my ASP.NET 4.0 website through the debugger. Whenever there is a page load (e.g. clicking on a link, a postback) the session is ended and a new session is created. This wipes out all the session variables and makes debugging impossible. How to get session variables to persist across page loads?

Is this problem unique to running ASP.NET in a test environment or unique to the beta 2 version of VS 2010?

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Where Are Static Variables Stored In Aspx Page / Is It In The View State

Apr 4, 2011

where the static variables are stored in aspx page.Is it in the view state? If so I guess you wouldn't want to stored big complex objects?

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State Management :: Set Session Variables In One Page And Retrieve Them In Code File?

May 12, 2010

I'm trying to set session variables in one page, and retrieve them in my code file in the page that it posts to.

I keep getting this error. I put the correct namespaces in, and enabledSessionState = true to my application files, but no luck.

Session state can only be used when enableSessionState is set to true, either in a configuration file or in the Page directive. make sure that System.Web.SessionStateModule or a custom session state module is included in the <configuration><system.web><httpModules> section in the application configuration.

I'm just calling a session variable, and I get that error


Public AUID As Integer = Convert.ToInt16(Session("AUID"))

View 9 Replies

State Management :: Send Object From One Page To Another?

Aug 21, 2010

I want to create object in 1.aspx, and then send it to 2.aspx. This methods are bad, because:

1)Send object with url, like this:

This is not confidential.


This is bad too, because in 2.aspx this fields send to textboxes, and if user go to 2.aspx without 1.aspx,

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Jun 8, 2010

how many method use to send data from one page to another

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State Management :: Send A Parameter From Page To Page?

Nov 11, 2010

I have two pages. The first one contains the authors' records and it has a link called REMOVE. If I click on the link that related to a specific author that will be move to the other page that contain the detail view of this author. I already did that but I make a fault but i don't know it. If I click the link that related to author that has au_id=25. the other page has the first record while the url of this page equle to ? au_id=25

here is the codes in the first page


here is the codes in the second page


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State Management :: Send Data From One Page To Another Page?

Aug 13, 2010

how many method used to senddata from one page to another page?

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State Management :: Try To Send Something Or Refresh Page, Class Is Reseted And It's Value Is Null

Dec 15, 2010

Everytime I try to send something (or refresh page for that matter), gameclass is reseted and it's value is null. I need this to be presitant for at least one user.I know controller is not the best place for that logic, but for now I'm only
making basic iterations on how things work.


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State Management :: Caching Aspx Page?

May 19, 2010

how can i cache aspx page?

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State Management :: Session State Variables Getting Lost?

Jun 28, 2010

I am working on an website using C#. The site deals with orders and therefore order lines. I would like to store the order in memory whilst it is being populated (with order lines) and once it gets submitted write it to a database.

The above logic has been implemented, but sometimes when accessing session state or storing a variable in it information gets lost. Take note that the web server is running a dual-core processor. I am also using the in proc session state server.

I tried changing over to using the out proc session state server ( state service), but it requires serialization. Since the order and orderlines are actually linq to sql classes, the entitysets and entityref's fail to serialize.

Does anyone know the reason why session state loses information occasionally and possibly how to eliminate the problem?

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State Management :: Show  default Country, State , City At Page Load Of Default.aspx ?

Sep 18, 2010

Here is my scenario.In default.aspx page user selects the country, state, city from drop down list, and store them in cache for further use. but when other user open the web site from other computer it shows the same country, state, and city selected by user 1. Is there any problem related to cache? I have stored data as following.

cache["ctryID"] = ctryID;

cache["stateID"]= stateID;

cache["cityID"]= cityID;

I want to show default country, state , city at page load of default.aspx

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State Management :: Pass Values From Html To Aspx Page?

Jan 3, 2011

i want to pass values from html to aspx page.....Html PageTextBox 1 , TextBox 2 & onClick textBoxs values Pass to aspx Page...

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State Management :: Get Null Session Object From An Aspx Page?

Jun 4, 2010

Ive created an object and placed it in the session, then in my .ashx handler I want to get that object from the session. The problem is that its always null !

heres how ive placed the object into the session from an aspx page


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State Management :: Retain All HttpContext.Current Data After Redirect/transfer To Another Aspx Page?

Jun 9, 2010

What is the easy/safe way to get all HttpContext.Current data (like querystring, etc) in the previous page, after response.redirect or server.transfer to another page?

I am using .net 3.5

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State Management :: Using Caching While Storing Variables?

Jun 1, 2010

I've begun building a bit of a framework that I wouldnt mind working with. The idea is to create a framework that makes it even easier to create CMS addons (So basically a CMS framework).

One of my goals with this project, was having all modules made within the framework automatically support version without any extra coding.

More to the point, the way that I started building this, many pieces (Lots had to do with the versioning system) became interlinked. A version Object in the code related directly to a Module Object and vice versa, therefore the class definitions for each relate to eac otherh. (So having only the Module object, i could access the versioning object and all of its properties). My issue with this is of course what happens if i have both the module and versioning objects in my code simoultaneously, resulting in having not just duplicates of the data within the code, but (perhaps) infinite amounts, killing the app.

So what im wondering is, what if my modules properties where stored within the cache? Ie if i had the Module object, and it had the property ID -- Then the data for ID would be stored in the cache within the module object. Referencing the value simply retrieves the value from the cache if it exists there, and the SQL database if it doesnt. This way, all instances of the module that may be running at the same time will have access to the same information, at the same time, and hopefully causing it to use less space in total.

I would then add a function, so that if a developer was loading a rarely used module, or dident want to occupy cache space with large amounts of data, then they could just call a Dispose function that would remove the data from the cache.

Does this method sound reasonable? I know this probably isnt what the cache is designed for -- but I cant think of any other way to do this without having an infinite loop of objects referring to each other, or causing huge discrepencies from having different instances of objects referencing values that should be the same, but arent because they are technically different instances.


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State Management :: Protect Variables On PostBack?

May 19, 2010

I have a slight delemma that I have not been able to work out.

My Scenario is:

Page_Loads > Calls Sub Random Data Retrieved from a Table - Displayed on screen & Sets Variables from Row(0) for an Insert Statement > Click Button to Insert those Variables.(essentially, the Insert Statement Parameters are Dynamic in that they change each time the page loads)

The Problem I am having, is that each time the page loads, I need a New DataSet, and the Page_Load is operating too quickly, changing my variables on postBack and ultimately, inserting the new values that are now loaded.

How can I:

Page_Loads > Get and Set the Variables I need > Protect Those Variables from changing on the Next Postback (so the insert statement gets the values Iwant to insert but also set and get the next ones)?

If Not Page.IsPostBack Doesnt Work for me in my Page_Load because each time the page.loads, I need those new Random Variables from a DataSet

Someone had Mentioned ViewState, but I am uncertain how to use it. I just want to protect the variables so that it inserts properly

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State Management :: Scalability When Session Variables Are Used?

Feb 6, 2011

I've been building ASP.Net applications for a few years now but most of my work is focused on business apps that'll be used by less than 50 people, running on an Intranet.

Today I had a conversation with a colleague who is thinking of using ASP.Net to build a commercial application that could potentially be used by 1 Million users. He wanted to know about the scalability of ASP.Net apps and how much (or how little) of stateful objects likes Session variables he could use and still keep his app scalable. To this I did not have an answer, which is why I'm turning to the community.

Striving to keep your bias to a minimum, if you were going to build an ASP.Net application for 1 Million users that provided a rich UI experience, what parts of Microsoft's technologies to keep track of state would you avoid or keep to a minimum?

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State Management :: Crossing Values Of Session Variables

Oct 18, 2010

We are working in a web application using Session variables to store the clients ID to operate with them in all app (making orders, reports, etc....) but randomly users get the client ID of another user in any moment using the application.

I have tried to solve it in a first step adding to system.web section in the web.config file this:


ASP.NET State Service is running in server normally, It began run just before this last change, but we have not solved the problem either with this solution.

The server is Windows Server 2003 Standard Edition SP2 32bits running IIS 6.0, and the application is made with Framework 2.0

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State Management :: Certain Users Losing Certain Session Variables?

Mar 14, 2011

There are a couple of user's experiences session variable loss after they've clicked a confirm button and their information is email via a relay hosting server. Below, I commented exactly where the session variables get lost.

What could be causing the session variable loss? So far, this only happens to a few users.

Part of the email that gets sent out:


Web config file:


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State Management :: How To Keep The Session Variables Even After Closing The Browser

Mar 30, 2010

How to keep the session variables even after closing the browser?

Everytime I close the browser, I lose all the session variables.

Is there any way to keep them?

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State Management :: Accessing Variables Across Pages Within The Same Session?

Jul 12, 2010

How can I retain the value of variables that I fill from CodeBehind throughout the session? (C#). For example, I do a LINQ query from the log in "on-Click" button event. The query produces a bunch of data about the user that I want to access throughout the session on additional ASP pages. I know that I can pass a large query string but I suspect that there is a better way. Here's a specific...

from the db function I product: COS=2 (class of service). Throughout the session, I test for COS and display appropriate pages. Assume that the LINQ query is accomplished in the CodeBehind attached to the "loginButton" within the "login.aspx" page.

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State Management :: Session Variables Value Lost Between Pages?

Nov 23, 2010

I am using Session ID Manager in all the pages of the website, but I am losing session variables in between the pages. what should I do to save the values of session variables.

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